ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
Showing the 25 dictionary definitions for roots beginning with ض. (Show All Definitions)
Root (or Lemma) | Dictionary Definition | Other Lexica | Occurrences | ||
Arabic | English | ||||
ضان | ḍ'n | To have numerous sheep, set apart, detach, separate, set apart the sheep from the goat. | 1 | ||
ضبح | ḍbḥ | To pant, breathe in running (horses), snore, yelp, snorting, the act of panting and soaring, cried out, raising the voice in reading. | 1 | ||
ضجع | ḍjʿ | To incline to setting, incline. Slumber, way of reclining, bed-fellow, sleeping room/bed, resting place, couch. | 3 | ||
ضحك | ḍḥk | To wonder, menstruate, rejoice, inspire with awe, ridicule, laugh at, laugh, become clear. | 10 | ||
ضحو | ḍḥw | To be smitten by sunbeams, suffer from the heat of the sun, become uncovered, be revealed, appear conspicuously.
Can also means those hours of the morning which follow shortly after sunrise, full brightness of the sun, sunshine, part of the forenoon when the sun is already high, bright part pf the day when the sun shines fully, early afternoon, high noon, daytime/daylight. | 7 | ||
ضدد | ḍdd | To overcome anyone, contradict, oppose. Hostile, adversary, contrary, one pitted against, against, repugnant. | 1 | ||
ضرب | ḍrb | To hit, strike, propound as an example, put forth a parable, go, make a journey, travel, mix, avoid, take away, put a cover, shut, mention, state, propound, set forth, compare, liken, seek a way, march own, set, impose, prevent, fight, traffic with anyone's property for a share in the profit, leave for sake, take away thing (with 'an).
Depressed ground, hard ground in a plain, sandy valley, commissioner as he has to travel much. Kind manner, lean, thin, similar, alike, the act of striking, a blow, going from place to place, vicissitude of life, affliction especially that which relates to one's person, as disease, death, degradation is common and general suffering. beat, struck, smote, hit, the making a thing fall upon another thing, discipline/train, to cast forth, threw or flung it, seal/stamp, veil/curtain/cover/barrier, to point or make a sign, prohibit/hinder/prevent/withheld/restrain, collision, corrupted/disordered/disturbance/unsettled/confused, turn away, avoid, shun, fashion/mould/adapt, mention or set forth (e.g. a parable/example), explain, make a way, multiplying, go/travel, went away, it was or became long, excite/incite/urge/instigate, contend, dispose/accommodate, retract/digression/transition, to silence, tremble/shiver, share/portion. Location where something is struck, wool or goat's hair separated or plucked or beaten with a mallet, sword, tent-peg, mallet. | 58 | ||
ضرر | ḍrr | To harm/hurt/injure/afflict, make inconvenient, annoy, evil adversity, famine, vicissitude of time, disease/death, loss/tribulation/hardship, to compel, drive forcibly, driven by necessity. | 74 | ||
ضرع | ḍrʿ | To humiliate, abase, object, humble, lower one's self, humility/submissiveness. Dry, bitter, thorny herbage. | 8 | ||
ضعف | ḍʿf | To be weak/feeble/infirm. To think repute, esteem, treat or hold a person weak. To exceed, twofold, manyfold, double, triple, multiple words. Like, an equal portion or as much again. | 52 | ||
ضغث | ḍghth | Collected, confused or confounded. Washed without cleansing. Felt (for a certain purpose). Complications.
A handful of herbs mixed together, fresh and dry. A handful of twigs of trees or shrubs or of the fruit-stalks of the raceme of a palm-tree. Whatever that is collected or bundled together and grasped with the hand. A deed that is of mixed kind, not pure or not sincere. Something which is no good. To be said of a she-camel, of which one doubts whether she be fat, and which one therefore feels with his hand (the hump), to know whether she be fat or not. One who hides himself in a thicket or the like, and frightens boys by a sound reiterated in his fauces. Rain that moistens the earth and the herbage. | 3 | ||
ضغن | ḍghn | He (or one’s bosom) became affected with rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite. It became crooked. He became affected with desire or with yearning or with longing for the soul. The lion (because he is very rancorous, malevolent, malicious, or spiteful). | 2 | ||
ضفدع | ḍfdʿ | Frogs (if said to water), shrank or became contracted (if said to a man), a certain reptile of the rivers. | 1 | ||
ضلل | ḍll | Erred, strayed, or went astray. Deviated from the right way or course. Missed or lost the right way. Lost something but does not know its place. Confounded or perplexed and unable to see the right course.
Become hidden, unperceived, concealed, absent, or escaped. Went away. A lost state. A state of perishing, coming to naught, or passing away. Confusion, perplexity, and inability to see the right course. Skill in guiding, or directing aright, in journeying. One with whom is no good. Water running beneath a rock, or among trees, which the sun does not reach. Ragged land or ground, a hard and stony place. | 191 | ||
ضمر | ḍmr | Became lean or light of flesh, or slender, and lank in the belly by reason of leanness. Became lean and weak. Became withered, contracted and small.
To feed with food barely sufficient to sustain, after becoming fat. Fed with a fodder so that it became fat, and then reduced it to food barely sufficient to sustain it, which is done during forty days. A training-place in which horses are prepared for racing by being fed with food barely sufficient to sustain them, after they have become fat. Determined or resolved upon something in the heart and mind. Concealed or suppressed in the heart and mind. A place or a valley that is depressed concealing one who is journeying in it. Property of which one hopes not for the return. A debt of which payment is not hoped for, or for the payment of which no period is fixed for. A gift that is not hoped for. Contracted pearls or pearls having somewhat of contraction in the middle. | 1 | ||
ضمم | ḍmm | Drew, put, brought, gathered together. Collected or contracted a thing to a thing. Be gentle, courteous, easy to deal with or compliant.
Grasped, took. Drew near or close. Became conjoined, accompanied, comprised. Severe calamity or misfortune. A thing or thread, string, cord, or the like, by means of which one thing is drawn, and joined, or adjoined, to another thing. A lion that grasps everything. Angry, daring, bold (applied to a man). Any valley [flowing with water] along which one goes between two long hills of the kind termed akamat. Niggardly in the utmost degree. One who takes, or gets, everything within his grasp, drawing it to himself. One who eats much, has an inordinate appetite for food, who appropriates to himself exclusively of others. A company or collection of men not of one stock, but of different tribes mixed together. A place of assembling (of military forces). Lean or slander in the belly (as though one part thereof were drawn and adjoined to another). | 2 | ||
ضنك | ḍnk | Became narrow or strait (indicate hardship). Became weak in judgment, in body, in soul, in intellect.
Hard, firm, and compact in the flesh (applied to a man). Affected with a constant or chronic, pervading disease. Became redundant, increased, or augmented. Children or offspring. | 1 | ||
ضنن | ḍnn | Became niggardly, tenacious, stingy, or avaricious. A thing highly esteemed, of which one is tenacious. Courageous, brave, or strong-hearted. | 1 | ||
ضها | ḍh' | Resembled, conformed, imitated. Became gentle, tender, courteous, behaved gently. | 1 | ||
ضوا | ḍw' | Brought to light, made visible, discovered, or revealed. One who stood in the dark to see people by the light of their fire, without their seeing him. | 6 | ||
ضير | ḍyr | Harmed, injured, hurt, mischiefed, or damaged. | 1 | ||
ضيز | ḍyz | Deviated from the right course. Acted unjustly, wrongfully, injuriously, or tyrannically. One who deprived or defrauded, of a part or whole, of another’s right or due. Unjust or defective. | 1 | ||
ضيع | ḍyʿ | Perished, came to nought, passed away, became lost, left alone, neglected, unmindful, destroyed, wasted. | 10 | ||
ضيف | ḍyf | Inclined, approached, drew near to setting (said of the sun). Menstruation (said of a woman). Become a guest, refuge of someone. Become correlative to something. Correlation, or reciprocal correlation, so that one cannot be conceived in the mind without the other. Beign collected, joined, added together.
Ran, hastened, fled, sped, turned away. Beset by distress of mind. Hardship, difficulty, or distress. Asking, or calling, for an aid. | 6 | ||
ضيق | ḍyq | Became narrow or strait. Became choked, surcharged, or overfilled with something.
Treated or behave towards someone with hardness or harshness. Means of living became straitened, property went away, poor. An evil state of condition. | 13 |