ابب | 'bb | Fresh or dry herbage/vegetation of earth/pasture, fruits/vegetables. | | 1 | |
ابد | 'bd | He remained/stayed, abode, dwelt constantly/permanently, to render perpetual, time (in an absolute sense), long time, endless/eternal/forever, unlimited/indivisible, lasting/everlasting, unsocial/unfamiliar, never (when used in negative construction). | | 28 | |
ابق | 'bq | To run away, fled, went away, he confined/concealed/restricted himself, runaway/fugitive. | | 1 | |
ابل | 'bl | Devote oneself to religious exercises, became a devotee, he overcame/resisted/withstood, camels, acquire camels, camels became numerous, skilled in the good management of camels, herd of camels, flocks, a bundle (e.g. of firewood), a company in a state of dispersion. | | 3 | |
ابو | 'bw | Father/grandfather/ancestor, fathership/paternity, to nourish/feed/rear, bring up. | | 117 | |
ابي | 'by | Refuse/refrain/abstain voluntarily, held back, disagree/reject/dislike/disapprove/hate, incompliant/unyielding/resistant. | | 13 | |
اتي | 'ty | To come, come to; To bring; to pass, come to pass, come upon; To do, commit; Part.Act = one who comes to; Part.Pass = that which is come to pass; To cause to come, bring, produce, give; The bestowing of gifts; One who gives. | | 549 | |
اثث | 'thth | To be luxuriated, close, become much in quantity, abundant, numerous, great, thick or large. athaathan - goods, utensils, household furniture, moveable goods, all property consisting of camels/sheep/goats and abandoned property. | | 2 | |
اثر | 'thr | To relate, narrate, recite, choose, propose, transmit, raise, prefer, effect, excite.
To stir up, to trump up.
Determined/resolved/decided upon a thing.
Origin, time/period of life.
Dearth, scarcity, drought or sterility.
An iron instrument with which the bottom of a camel's foot is marked, or a camel with such a mark.
A generous quality/action (e.g. passed down from generation to generation). | | 21 | |
اثل | 'thl | To take root, be firmly rooted, walk at a quick pace. | | 1 | |
اثم | 'thm | To commit a crime/sin or lie. ithm - sin, crime, guilt, iniquity, lie, anything that hinders from good deeds, harmful, anything which renders a person deserving of punishment, anything that pricks the mind as something evil, unlawful. athaam - punishment of wickedness, the requital. Aathim - evil doer, one who sins. Athiim - wicked person. Taa'thiim - accusation of crime. | | 48 | |
اجج | 'jj | Burning to the mouth, bitter/hot/salty, undrinkable. | | 3 | |
اجر | 'jr | Recompense/compensation/reward, hire/pay/wage for service, profit. | | 108 | |
اجل | 'jl | Assigned/appointed/specified/decreed term, period, day of resurrection, period between creation and death, period between death and resurrection, period remaining in the world, delay/postponed/deferral of time. | | 56 | |
احد | 'ḥd | Make/call it one, unity, anyone/anything. | | 85 | |
اخذ | 'khdh | To take in one's hand, received/acquired, derived/deduced/admitted, accepted, accept a covenant, affected/influenced, overpowering influence, take captive, gain mastery/slew/destroy, captivate/fascinate. | | 273 | |
اخر | 'khr | Go backwards, retreat/recede/retire, hold back/delay/postpone/defer, last/back part of a thing; Another, other, 2nd. | | 250 | |
اخو | 'khw | Male person having the same parents as another or a male only having one parent in common; person of the same descent/land/creed/faith with others; brother; friend; companion; match; fellow of a pair; kinsman; intimately acquainted. Signifying the relation of a brother - brotherhood/fraternity. Act in a brotherly manner. An associate/fellow. Sister, female friend. When it does not relate to birth, it means conformity/similarity and combination/agreement or unison in action. | | 96 | |
ادد | 'dd | An event befell him, distressed/afflicted/oppressed him, strength/power/force, terrible/evil/horrible thing, gross blasphemy, calamity. | | 1 | |
ادي | 'dy | He made or caused it to arrive/come/reach, he brought/conveyed/delivered it, fulfilment/payment, paid/discharged/acquitted. | | 6 | |
اذن | 'dhn | He gave ear or listened to it, being pleased, grant leave, to allow, permit/ordered, be informed, advised, notification/announcement/proclamation, ear, appetite/longing/yearning. | | 102 | |
اذي | 'dhy | He was or became annoyed/molested/hurt, experience/suffer what is disagreeable, state of annoyance. | | 24 | |
ارب | 'rb | He was, or became, cunning, characterized by intelligence with craft and forecast, or simply intelligent, excellent in judgment, sagacious, and knowing in affairs; He became excellent, or skilful, in the thing, or he became accustomed to, practised or exercised in, the thing, and became knowing, or skilful (therein); He devoted, or addicted himself, or cleaved or kept to a thing; he was, or became, niggardly, avaricious, or tenacious, of a thing. His member or limb (generally meaning the arm or hand) was cut off or dropped off; his members or limbs (generally relating to the members or fingers) of the arm or hand dropped off one after the other in consequence of a certain disease (usually termed jeem-dhal-alif-meem); A member, a distinct part of the animal body, a limb; expert skillful. | | 2 | |
ارض | 'rḍ | To rotate, bring forth herbs abundantly. Land abundant, fruitful, productive, luxuriant with herbage. Place for alighting or abiding. To tarry, await, expect, be patient. "Earth, as opposed to heaven: and the ground, as meaning the surface of the earth, on which we tread, and sit, and lie". Good land. Remain, fixed, tarry in expectation [on the ground]. Heavy, slow, sluggish, inclining, or propending to the ground. Submissive. A carpet, anything that is spread. A tremor, vertigo arising from a relaxed state. Wood-fretter, termite. | | 461 | |
ارك | 'rk | Camels feeding/eating on a certain tree termed (Alif-Ra-Alif-Kaf) or camels remained, or continued, among trees of that kind; to persist or preserver; He compelled him or constrained him, to do the thing, or affair; or made him to keep, or cleave, to it; herbage in which the camels remain or continue, couch. | | 5 | |
ازر | 'zr | To strengthen/aid/assist/help/sympathise, Azar (name of an idol) derived from the Chaldean name of the planet Mars. | | 2 | |
ازز | 'zz | To incite, make a loud crash, produce a noise. | | 2 | |
ازف | 'zf | To get night, arrive suddenly, approach, draw near. | | 3 | |
اسر | 'sr | To make captive, prisoner, joint/ligament/frame/vigour/energy. | | 6 | |
اسس | 'ss | To lay a foundation. | | 3 | |
اسف | 'sf | To be sad, grieved about, afflicted with. | | 5 | |
اسن | 'sn | To be corrupted, be putrid and stinking. | | 1 | |
اسو | 'sw | To imitate any one. Uswah - model, imitation, relief, consolation, pattern, example worthy of imitation. | | 7 | |
اشر | 'shr | To cut/sharpen/saw. self-conceited, impudent, insolent, rash. | | 2 | |
اصر | 'ṣr | To burden, commit a sin, crime, have responsibility, break a thing, confine or debar, banishment, detain, hold in custody. | | 3 | |
اصل | 'ṣl | To be rooted; Asiilan - evening, time before sunset. | | 10 | |
افف | 'ff | Expression of anxiety/distress/disgust, anything people deem troublesome/displeasing/hateful. | | 3 | |
افق | 'fq | Sky/heavens/horizon, land or part of it, their border/extremity.
| | 3 | |
افك | 'fk | Change its manner/state, turn it away/back, change/pervert opinion/judgement, deceive, lie/falsehood/untruth, overturn. | | 30 | |
افل | 'fl | Absent/hidden/concealed/set. | | 4 | |
اكل | 'kl | Swallowing food after chewing, means of subsistence, devoured/consumed, fed/supplied, things to be eaten, eatables. | | 109 | |
الت | 'lt | Decrease, diminish, lessen. | | 1 | |
ٱلَّذِى | alladhī | He (the man) who; (him) whom; (the thing) which. | | 1,463 | |
الف | 'lf | He kept or clave to it, he frequented it, resorted to it habitually, he became familiar with it or accustomed/habituated, became sociable/companionable/friendly with him, liked/approved/amicable, protect/safeguard, covenant/obligation involving responsibility for safety. to unite or bring together, state of union/alliance/agreement, to cause union or companionship, to collect/connect/join/conjoin. Become a thousand. A certain rounded number that is well known. | | 22 | |
الل | 'll | Pact, covenant; blood relationship, consanguinity; Anything which has a quality requiring it to be regarded as sacred, or inviolable; which has some right pertaining to it, nearness with respect to kindred, good origin, promise or an assurance of safety or security, neighbour, bond. | | 2 | |
الم | 'lm | In pain, suffered pain, express pain/grief/sorrow, lament. | | 75 | |
اله | 'lh | To serve, worship or adore; to protect, grant refuge, preserve save, rescue, liberate; object of worship ie God; (Alif-Lam-Lam-ha) God, the one true God applied as a proper name denoting the true god, comprising all the excellent divine names; a unity comprising all the essences of existing things. | | 2,851 | |
الو | 'lw | Fall short of doing the requisite/flag/remiss, slow/tardy/languid/weak, did not leave/quit/cease from/omit/neglect, swear, possessor, one who is superintended an affair, as far as/until, in addition to/joined to any other thing, to me, decreed against/revealed/on the. | | 37 | |
امت | 'mt | To determine or compute a thing's measure, quantity, or the like; A measure of distance; doubt; feebleness or weakness; ruggedness, uneven ground, a hollow, or depressed place, between any two elevated portions of ground; inequality of surface: one part being higher, or more prominent, than another; small mounds or what is elevated, of ground, small hills; some say, water-courses of valleys, such as are low, or depressed; crookedness, curvature; A fault, a defect, an imperfection, a blemish, or the like, in the mouth, and in a garment, or piece of cloth, and in a stone. | | 1 | |
امد | 'md | Time considered in regard to its end, utmost/extreme/extent /term, limits, limited, remainder. | | 4 | |
امر | 'mr | Command/order/enjoin, authority/power/dominion, counselled/advised/consulted, hold/appoint command, preside as a commander/governor/prince/king, experienced, become many/abundant. | | 248 | |
امل | 'ml | Hoped for it, expect, distant or remote expectation, clinging of the heart to the coming to pass of a future desired event, affection of the heart for some good to be attained, in respect of hope. | | 2 | |
امم | 'mm | ammina: to propose, direct one's steps towards a place, repair to, go towards.
ummun/umm: mother, source, principle, prototype, origin, prototype;
ummi: belonging to mother, unlettered, Arab, who have no revealed scripture of their own;
ummatun: a man's kinsfolk, tribe, party, community, nation, group of living things having certain characteristics or circumstances in common, any grouping of human or animal, creation, generation, creatures of God;
ummah: way/course/manner/mode of acting, faith, religion, nation, , time or period of time, righteous person, a person who is an object of imitation and who is known for goodness/virtues;
imam: leader, president, any object that is followed (e.g. human/book/highway), model, example, pattern;
amama: before, in front of. | | 117 | |
امن | 'mn | Become/feel safe/secure, state of security/safety, trust, become quiet/tranquil in heart/mind, become free of expectation of evil or free of an object of dislike/hatred, promise/assurance of security/safety, become trustful/faithful/confident, to believe/acknowledge it, manifestation of humility/submission. | | 879 | |
امو | 'mw | Female/woman made/became a slave, handmaid, utter a cry, follow/imitate. | | 2 | |
إِن | 'in | If | | 697 | |
إِنّ | 'inn | Verily, indeed. | | 1,682 | |
انث | 'nth | It was or became female, feminine, or of the feminine gender; It was or became soft. | | 30 | |
انس | 'ns | Mankind, human beings, man. To be or become sociable, companionable, conversable, inclined to company or conversation, friendly, amicable, or familiar. To be or become cheered, or gladdened or cheerful, gay, or gladsome. To be or become at ease, or tranquil; without shrinking or aversion. | | 97 | |
انف | 'nf | Strike/hit/hurt one's nose, reach one's nose, trod or pasture herbage (camels), turn up one's nose at something, disdain or scorn something, abstain from or refuse to do something (by reason of disdain and pride), loath/dislike/regard something with disgust, sharpen the extremity of something (such as a spear-head or an arrow-head), induce someone to feel scorn/disdain/anger/indignation, haste something (namely an affair), begin or commence, to anticipate something, take the first of something (also to be the first in a thing or affair), most vehement, be head of (Lord or Chief) a people, (with damma, K) having a large nose (applied to a man), make even or evenly. | | 3 | |
انم | 'nm | Mankind and the jinn and others: or what are on the face of the earth of all that are termed al-khalaq or created or everything having a soul or spirit. | | 1 | |
اني | 'ny | Its time came; or it was, or became, or drew, near; It (a thing) was, or became, behind, or after, its time; it, or he, (a man) was, or became, behind, backward, or late; it, or he, delayed, or held back. He postponed it, put it off, deferred it, delayed it, retarded it, withheld it, impeded it; An hour, or a short portion, or a time, or an indefinite time; any period of time; the utmost point, reach or degree; A thing of which the time has come, or drawn near: and which has come, or attained, to its time; to its full, or final, time or state; to maturity, or ripeness; signifies Whence? (being an interrogative respecting the direction, or quarter, from which a thing is) and whence (used to denote a condition); Where? and where (used to denote a condition and as one of the adverbial nouns used to denote a condition), whence-so-ever; wherever (from whatever direction or quarter): when; how; however. | | 36 | |
اهل | 'hl | Possessor/people of, one who recites, superintended/owner, inhabitants/family/people of house or dwelling. | | 127 | |
اوب | 'wb | To come back from, repent, set (stars), repeat, return (from disobedience to obedience), echo, alight at night. | | 17 | |
اود | 'wd | To make tired, decline, incline towards its end. | | 1 | |
اول | 'wl | To return, be before, come back to. To interpret [by consideration], explain. To contract, withdraw, become. To preside over, hold command or authority. To come to be. To put in a proper state/condition, or to compose [an affair]. To resort to; namely [a thing of any kind; the thing or place whence he or it originated, or came. His or its origin or source; his or its original state, condition, quantity, weight; any place. A former action, saying, or the like]. To return or restore to [a thing, place, or disposition]. To explain, expound, interpret [collecting the meanings of dubious expressions by such expression as is clear, or plain, without dubiousness]. To explain the meaning of that which is equivocal or ambiguous. To be seen from a distance. | | 170 | |
اوه | 'wh | Compassionate person, one who shows pity by frequently sighing, one who sighs and cries. | | 2 | |
اوي | 'wy | To betake oneself for shelter, refuge or rest, have recourse to retire, alight at, give hospitality to. | | 36 | |
ايد | 'yd | To support/strengthen/confirm. | | 11 | |
ايم | 'ym | To be unmarried, single/widowed/divorced, one who lives in celibacy. | | 1 | |
ايي | 'yy | Sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself. | | 382 | |
بار | b'r | Sunk/dug, hollow/hole, hid/conceal it, stored it for time of need, well. | | 1 | |
باس | b's | Mighty/strong, distress/misfortune/calamity, state of poverty, evil/bad, very evil, feigned lowliness/submissiveness, punishment, state of trial/affliction, courage/valour/prowess. | | 73 | |
بتر | btr | Cut or cut off a thing before it was complete, without offspring/progeny, defective/deficient/incomplete/imperfect, in want, poor, suffering or in loss, short, cut off from prosperity or good. | | 1 | |
بتك | btk | To sever/cut (off), plucked it out, part/portion/piece severed, very sharp, cutting much/keenly. | | 1 | |
بتل | btl | Cut it off, severed it, separate, was/became alone, detach oneself and devote, devote exclusively, apply, striving, laboring or exerting, becoming wide between the shoulders, obligatory or something made so. | | 2 | |
بثث | bthth | Spread/dispersed/scattered, published/revealed. | | 9 | |
بجس | bjs | Gush/burst forth, open a way/passage/vent, gave vent to it, made it flow. | | 1 | |
بحث | bḥth | Digging, scraping, searching in the earth or dust.
Searching, inquiring, investigating, scrutinizing, examining. | | 1 | |
بحر | bḥr | Slit, cut, divide lengthwise, split, enlarge or make wide.
Embarking upon the sea or a great river (vast expanse of water).
Growing in anything (wealth, possessions, knowledge etc).
A vast expanse of water (Ocean, sea, huge river).
A fleet swift horse called because of its speed like the rolling of the waves in the sea.
A generous man who is ample in his generosity.
Wide tract of land, land belonging to or inhabited by people.
Any town, village or city that has a running river or a body of water
Low or depressed land.
A large meadow or garden.
A place where water stagnates.
Of, relating to, or belonging to the ocean, sea or any vast body of water
Seaman, sailor.
Vehemence of heat (corresponding to the month of July, Syrian).
The moon.
"Bahira" (a camel dedicated to idols). | | 42 | |
بخس | bkhs | Diminish/lessen it, made it deficient/defective/faulty, deprive/defraud, act wrongfully/unjustly. | | 7 | |
بخع | bkhʿ | Kill oneself with grief/wrath/rage, exceed the ordinary bounds in subduing and abasing themselves by obedience, doing anything to a great extent, in great degree, egregiously or with much energy and effectiveness, consume/torment oneself. | | 2 | |
بخل | bkhl | Becoming or being stingy, miserly, niggardly or avaricious, withholding. | | 12 | |
بدا | bd' | Be first, have precedence;
Began, made beginnings of (something/thought/opinion/idea/military expedition);
Made/produced/created for the first time/originally
Commence/started/originated/brought into existence;
Going forth from a land to another/sick person (afflicted with disease);
A new thing/unknown before, invent, Strange and wonderful/unexpected/surprising;
Doing it again from the beginning/returning from where you came;
Chief/Lord (occupying first place in leadership/chieftainship/lordship;
An intelligent youth whose opinion/judgment is good
Share/portion of an animal, or the best share thereof
Man continuing to war/plunder, experienced in affairs. | | 15 | |
بدر | bdr | Become full/grown/round, attained maturity, hastened/strove to be first, thing/event came/happened to him speedily, a place in which wheat/grain is trodden out. | | 1 | |
بدع | bdʿ | Creator, innovation, new, invent. | | 4 | |
بدل | bdl | Changing/altering -> with or without substitution, replacing/exchanging. | | 44 | |
بدن | bdn | Become big/bulky/big-bodied, corpulent, become aged/weak/heavy, coat of mail, body without head/arms/legs, body without soul, cow/camel/bull/goat, animals of sacrifice/slaughter. | | 2 | |
بدو | bdw | Appearing/being apparent/open/manifest/plain/evident/shown.
Desert/dwelling or abode in the desert, belonging/relating to the desert.
Going to encounter in battle or war/showing open enmity, hostility.
Imitating people of the desert.
In the first place, first of a thing.
Truffles or dust on earth.
Either side of a valley.
Various opinions arising in the mind. | | 31 | |
بذر | bdhr | Scatter/disperse, (e.g. sowed seed, cast grain), diffused/disseminated, divulge/reveal, extravagant in expenditure, babbling, dissipated/squandered, destroyed/consumed/wasted/ruined, frivolous, false/vain/ineffectual, many/much/abundant/plenty/increase. | | 3 | |
برا | br' | Became/was clear/free of a thing, to quit it, become irresponsible for it, guiltless of it, remove oneself from a thing, kept far or aloof (e.g. from unclean things), state of freedom/immunity/security/safety.
Convalescent/sound/healthy, cure/heal, recover/restore.
Create/produce, former/fashioner.
He compounded or made a compromise with him for their mutual separation.
Mankind/creation/beings/things that are created. | | 31 | |
برج | brj | Anything being, becoming apparent, manifest, conspicuous and/or high or elevated
A structure, tower, fortress or walls of a city, a structure or construction that has the characteristics of conspicuousness, height and strength.
A woman showing or displaying finery, ornaments, form or countenance to men or strangers conspicuously.
A sign of the Zodiac, mansions/stations of the moon, or the stars/constellations, gates of heaven metaphorically.
Constitution of the eye which is such that the white entirely surrounds the black part and no part of the black being concealed or the clearness of the parts, or the width and largeness of the eyeball.
A large and liberal disposition.
A vessel or receptacle in which milk is churned or in which the butter of the milk is extracted by agitation.
A garment having figures of towers/walls of a city etc. | | 7 | |
برح | brḥ | Go away, depart, withdraw, to give up or leave/cease/quit, angry, annoy/distress/difficulty/adversity, hurt/fatigue. | | 3 | |
برد | brd | Make cold/chilly/cool, died, cessation of motion, become still/quiet/motionless, amazed/stupefied, became permanent/fixed/settled, became lean/emaciated/weak, slept, hail/snow, beverage that cools the heat of thirst. | | 5 | |
برر | brr | Being pious, kind, good, gentle, affectionate, beneficent, just, righteous, virtuous, honest, true, veracious, sweet of speech, merciful
Sinlessly performing something.
Recompensing, rewarding for obedience, accepting and/or approving.
Driving or calling sheep/goats.
Verifying or proving an oath true.
One who overcomes, overcoming someone with good actions or speech
Overcoming an adversary or overcoming by evil.
Talking too much, confused clamor, noise, crying out, talking in anger or confusion, talking unprofitably.
Ampleness, largeness or extensiveness.
Land or elevated ground open to view, out of doors or exposed to view
Wheat, grain/s of wheat or coarsely ground flour.
Certain kind of fruit.
Good, sweet or pleasant word expression or saying.
Of, belonging to or relating to the land and or the desert/waste
External, outward, apparent or public.
A proper name of a certain people from El Maghrib (north of Africa and west of Egypt).
A truly and honestly executed sale. | | 32 | |
برز | brz | Went/came/passed out/forth, issued, appeared, became apparent/manifest/evident, became prominent/projecting, put forth, produce/publish, uncovered, outstrip/surpass, go beyond a thing, a man characterized by pleasing/goodly aspect and by intelligence, a field or wide expanse of land without trees. | | 9 | |
برزخ | brzkh | A barrier | | 3 | |
برص | brṣ | Become affected with leprosy, shaved head, turning white. | | 2 | |
برق | brq | Shining, gleaming or glistening (e.g. the dawn, a sword).
Threatening or menacing.
A female beautifying and adorning herself or showing and presenting herself and/or exhibiting her beauty.
A star rising or a constellation (e.g. Pleiades).
Eyes/sight glistening, fixedly open (e.g. by reason of fright), sights confused, astonished, stupefied or dazzled, sight becoming weak, opening eyes and looking hard, intently or sharply.
Decorating or adorning (e.g. a place).
Journeying far.
Rugged ground in which stones, sand and earth are mixed together (the stones being of mixed/varied colors on whitish earth).
A mountain mixed with sand.
Locusts with variegated colors.
A certain type of beast the apostle rode on the ascension to heaven called so because of the hue, brightness and quickness of motion it had akin to lightning.
A certain kind of plant camels feed on in times of necessity.
Anything having blackness and whiteness together.
An ewer having a long slender spout and a handle.
A bow with different colors.
Silk brocade closely woven with gold or closely woven cloth of thick silk.
Thickness. | | 6 | |
برك | brk | Lying down, kneeling or with legs folded making the chest touch the ground, falling upon the chest.
To be or to become firm, steady, steadfast, fixed, continue, remain or stay in place.
Praying for someone or something, or blessings, felicitations, prospering and abounding in good (e.g. on food, or the saying God bless you).
Keeping or applying constantly or persevering in something (e.g. affairs, commerce etc).
Extolling God and His attributes, exalting God and/or magnifying God
Striving, laboring and/or exerting oneself.
An ancient name of the months.
A blessing, any good bestowed by God, increase, abundance and/or plenty. | | 32 | |
برم | brm | Became affected with disgust/loathing/aversion, to contrive/fix/determine, make it firm/solid/strong/sound, established/settled/arranged it firmly/strongly/thoroughly, he thought/meditated/considered it. | | 2 | |
برهن | brhn | Evidence/proof. | | 8 | |
بزغ | bzgh | Rise or come forth (normally applied to the sun/moon), flow/spread. | | 2 | |
بسر | bsr | Frown, contract one's face, grinned, looking morosely/sternly, look with intense dislike/hatred, scowl. | | 2 | |
بسس | bss | Breaking, breaking in pieces, mixed it, broke/crumble/bruise/bray it, become dust, leveled, stirred about, moistened. | | 2 | |
بسط | bsṭ | Spreading, spreading out or forth, expanding, making wide or ample, stretching forth, extending and/or dilating
Conversing or acting without shyness, boldly, in a free and easy manner and/or cheerfully.
Going forth or journeying.
Rejoicing, joyous and/or cheerful.
Emboldened, presumptuous, forward and/or arrogant.
Carpets, seller of.
Simple or uncompounded.
God who amplifies, enlarges or makes plentiful the means of subsistence, one who diffuses (e.g. souls in the bodies). | | 25 | |
بسق | bsq | Tall, full grown, overcame/surpassed, excelled, became superior / exalted above. | | 1 | |
بسل | bsl | Act of preventing / hindering / withholding / debarring / forbidding / prohibiting, become odious / hideous / unseemly in aspect, altered / corrupted, consign to destruction / punishment / disgrace, gave him up, being beaten, dislike, frowning. | | 2 | |
بسم | bsm | Smile, laugh a little but without sound, part lips to show teeth. | | 1 | |
بشر | bshr | Skin/Pare/Strip/Skin Contact/Epidermis (or insides).
Complexion/Hue->Delicacy, fineness of Beauty/Elegance of form/Bright cheerful countenance.
Rejoiced/Rejoicing/Good, good tidings, glad tidings/Announcements (bearer of), proclaiming, commencement, beginnings of anything/Indications/Streaks (daylight breaking, wind over land).
Conducting, managing affairs personally.
Lie with, to go in unto.
Mankind, Human beings, Lowest/basest/meanest sort of people, Perfect man (combining gentleness with strength). | | 123 | |
بصر | bṣr | Becoming perceptive, mental perception, having belief or knowledge, understanding, intelligence or skill, knowing, giving light, shining, illuminated, making manifest, evident and/or apparent.
To behold/perceive/see/observe/watch.
Opening the eyes and/or seeing (seldom used unless mental perception is conjoined).
Clear sight.
Thickness of anything.
Sense of sight, making or causing to see and/or have sight, eye-sight, eyes.
Soft stones having some whiteness.
Intent or a hard glance.
A watcher or guard, a lion. | | 148 | |
بصل | bṣl | Stripping/divesting (e.g. when one strips an onion), it was or became several fold or many fold (e.g. layers of an onion), consisting of many coats, onion. | | 1 | |
بضع | bḍʿ | Flesh/meat: cutting of ->slitting, lengthwise, several pieces, cut off in a lump;
Article of merchandise, giving or receiving merchandise occurring in trade, person carrying merchandise;
Number from 1-10 or from 11-20 mutually exclusive, from 3 - 9 (Kur) or an undefined number;
Sound of cutting swords/whips, sword cutting off a piece of what it strikes;
Lancet/bow. | | 7 | |
بطا | bṭ' | Become slow/tardy/dilatory/late/backward, sluggish, delayed. | | 1 | |
بطر | bṭr | Behave insolently, reckless, arrogant, boastful, ungrateful/unthankful, stupefied, deprived of reason, proud, self-conceited. | | 2 | |
بطش | bṭsh | An assault, violent seizure.
Seizing violently, assaulting vehemently or in anger.
Taking hold of something, clinging to something.
Working laboring or wrought (with hands).
Laboring, striving, and struggling to overcome.
Might or strength in war or fight, courage/valor, valiantness or prowess.
Place of assault. | | 10 | |
بطل | bṭl | Becoming false, untrue, wrong, incorrect, fictitious, spurious, unfounded, unsound, vain, unreal, worthless, futile, unprofitable, ineffectual, devoid of virtue, null, void or of no account.
A thing perishing or becoming lost.
Becoming idle, unoccupied or without work.
Diverted from profitable enterprises (in this life or the next).
Jesting, joking or not serious in conversation.
Becoming or being courageous, brave, strong hearted (in war or fight).
Pursuit of vain, frivolous diversion or sport, ignorant conduct.
Iblees, Satan, devils or enchanters.
One who says a thing in which there is no truth or reality, embellishing speech with lies. | | 36 | |
بطن | bṭn | Becoming fat.
Midriff, stomach, belly, girth, abdomen.
Becoming replete, sated.
A belly ache or being disordered digestively.
Exulting greatly and/or excessively, behaving insolently and ungratefully.
Striking or beating the belly.
Disease entering (as though it penetrated through the belly).
Entering into something (e.g. a valley, affair).
Penetrating mentally or knowing something (state, news, circumstances, affair, case).
Something becoming hidden or unapparent, esoteric, concealed or covert.
A lining or inner covering, inside or interior of anything, inner story
Particular or special intimate, friend or associate.
Going in the middle or midst of something (e.g. meadow, garden, news).
A far extending place of whose parts are remote from the other.
Bringing forth of young.
Excrement or ejection of.
Lower or lowest part of the foundation, low depressed land, soft parts of the land where water stagnates.
Palm of the hand, sole of the foot/hoof.
Armpit hollow of the arm, hollow of the throat.
Apparent, visible part of the sky.
Having an inordinate desire or appetite for food.
One of the mansions/stations of the moon, the 2nd. Three small stars in the form of an equilateral triangle forming the belly of the Ram/Aries.
Certain vessel made of glass or earthenware (an amphora, jar, vase, and pitcher).
Inward. | | 25 | |
بعث | bʿth | Removal of that which restrains one from free action.
Anything that is sent.
Rousing, exciting, putting in motion or motion.
Incited, urged, instigated or awoke.
Raising/rousing (e.g. of the dead to life)
Sleepless or wakeful.
Hastening, quick, swift in going, impelled or propelled. | | 67 | |
بعثر | bʿthr | Scatter abroad, turn upside down, to overthrow. | | 2 | |
بعد | bʿd | Becoming distant, remote, far off, aloof or far away.
Removed, retired, withdrew to a distance.
Alienated, estranged, wide separation, great distance.
Possessing judgment and prudence, penetrating, effective judgment, depth or far reaching judgment.
Go or going a great length or far in hostility. | | 235 | |
بعر | bʿr | Camel. | | 2 | |
بعض | bʿḍ | Gnats, mosquitoes, bitten, annoyed or molested by gnats or mosquitoes.
Dividing into parts or portions, which are distinct or separate from each other.
Part or portion.
Something or someone.
An impossible or difficult thing imposed on someone. | | 158 | |
بعل | bʿl | Husband, took a husband or became a wife.
People intermarrying with a people.
Playful toying between man and wife.
Obedience to the husband.
Lord, master, owner or possessor.
Head, chief, ruler or person in authority.
Someone whom it is a necessary duty to obey.
Lacking strength, power or ability.
Elevated land.
Palm trees or trees watered only by rain, trees imbibing with roots without irrigation or rain, a male palm tree
Confounded or perplexed.
Baal (pre-Islamic deity). | | 7 | |
بغت | bght | Suddenly, unexpectedly, unawares, surprisingly or with previous cause.
A festival, namely Easter.
Confounded, perplexed or unable to see straight. | | 13 | |
بغض | bghḍ | Becoming hateful, odious or an object of hatred.
Fortune or good fortune, also befalling someone.
Showing hatred, hating or hated. | | 5 | |
بغل | bghl | Affecting or showing stupidity, dullness or want of intelligence.
Being submissive, humble.
Big, thick, rude, hard, strong, sturdy in body or physically.
Animals going in a gentle manner.
Mule(s). | | 1 | |
بغي | bghy | Sought for or after, desired, endeavored to find and take and get (good or evil).
Loving or affecting a thing.
Acting wrongfully, injuriously or tyrannically.
Seeking or endeavoring to act corruptingly, wrongly and/or unjustly, insolent/disobedient.
Exceeding due bounds or just limits in any way.
Not right, proper or fit.
Prostitute or adulteress, unchaste.
Not seeking what one should not seek.
Seeking game or prey.
Place where a thing is sought, way or manner in which a thing is sought. | | 96 | |
بقر | bqr | Slit, ripped, split cut or divided lengthwise.
Opening, laying open, widening.
Revealing (e.g. story, or an animal's insides).
Inquiring to the utmost after sciences or knowledge.
Being astonished, amazed, stupefied at seeing something or confounded, confused, perplexed, tired or fatigued, weary or jaded.
Ox, bull and cow (bovine genus) both domesticated and wild
A species of grape that is large, black and round and a species of plum in Palestine.
Owner or possessor of oxen/bulls/cows.
A strong staff/stick (e.g. for driving herds).
A sedition, discord or dissension that severs society, corrupts religion and separates men, or something wide spreading/reaching and great.
Abundance of wealth/commodities. | | 9 | |
بقع | bqʿ | Black & white, sprinkling water/liquid so that some parts are made wet, calamity/misfortune, assailed with foul/bad speech/language/slander, going away quickly or running/ran, color changing due to sorrow or grief, discoloration or mixture of colors, anything bad, evil, mischievous, ill omened.
A place in which water remains or stagnates, a piece/part/portion/plot of land differing in colour/appearance / external state/condition from that which enjoins or next to it, a patch of herbage, a small portion of any surface different from what surrounds it, a wide/spacious place in which there are trees, land containing small pebbles.
A bird that is cautious, wary, cunning, and wily who only drinks from a place where the water stagnates and not a watering place used by the animals and/or humans, anyone that is cautious, wary or cunning, willy and skilful, mirage. | | 1 | |
بقل | bql | Herbs/plants/herbage, vegetables, trees/shrubs. | | 1 | |
بقي | bqy | Something or someone that remains, continues, lasts and/or endures
Perpetual or permanent.
Existing, incessantly, always, endlessly or forever.
Watching, observing, guarding or preserving.
Pardoning, leaving, showing mercy or sparing.
Remaining portion, remainder, remnant, relic, residue, remains, recompense | | 21 | |
بكر | bkr | Beginning of the day, first part of the day, early morning, between daybreak and sunrise.
Possessing the quality of applying oneself early, or in hastening
Performing something at the commencement of it, or doing something early.
Before it's time, preceding or took precedence.
Youthful male camel, young one of a camel.
A virgin male or female, or anything untouched, new, fresh.
Virginity or maidenhead.
A woman or female animal having delivered only once.
First flush of anything (plant, tree, fruit, honey, rain, flowers)
First born or young children.
First of anything, unique action.
A want or need seeking to be fulfilled.
A cutting blow or stroke that kills at once.
A pulley (e.g. of a well).
Small ring or bead.
An assembly, company, congregated body.
All coming together without exception. | | 12 | |
بكم | bkm | Pounding or crushing (al-&unuqa: (on) the neck) (daqqul-&unuqa), distinguishing/ranking above others (farraqahu, kharaqahu), jostling, pressing or crowding(crowds:zahm), any crowding(or crowds), competition. (izdihaam) heaping/piling together/amassing (taraakib), super-imposition of things on top of other things (taraakim), a man/male having or the trying to have sex with a female, denial or rejection a thing or person's dignity, to humiliate, cancellation/dissolution/breaking, being in need or being stout, muscular or rough, from activity. | | 6 | |
بكي | bky | Wept, lamented/grieved, shed tears, crying, cause to weep, rain, unable to speak. | | 7 | |
بلد | bld | A country, land, region, province, district, territory, city, town, village or any portion of earth or land within certain limits.
Tract of land without vegetation, pasture.
Waterless desert, desolate place.
Earth or ground.
Remaining, staying, abiding, dwelling in the country/place/land/town/city/village etc.
Keeping to something, having something remain (e.g. like marks on the skin).
Becoming stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence/vigor, inert, soft, weak, feeble, not effective in performance, lagging behind, becoming languid, lazy, impotent in work.
Cast, or lay down on the ground maybe due to fatigue or weakness
Regions appearing short in extent due to darkness, or low visibility.
Keeping, falling to the ground in submissiveness, keeping in place, being submissive and humble.
Obtaining, exercising dominion over land belonging to others. | | 19 | |
بلس | bls | Despair, give up hope, become broken (in spirit), mournful, become silent/confounded/perplexed unable to see right way or course, repent/grieve. | | 5 | |
بلع | blʿ | Swallow (without chewing), gulp, voracious or great eater.
Hole of perforation in the midst of a house, into which rainwater or just water descends.
A well cased with stones or baked bricks.
One of the mansions/stations of the moon, namely the 23rd which apparently rose aurorally consisting of two stars near together, one dim and the other bright. So called because one appears to swallow the other. According to Lane's calculations it rose in Arabia in the start of the Hijri on the 29th January and set on the 30th of July. | | 1 | |
بلغ | blgh | Reaching, attaining, arriving, coming to the utmost point to which one directs one's course or one who seeks, pursues, desires, intends or tries to reach. Or the reaching, attaining or coming to a point.
An event/time that is premeditated, intended, determined or appointed
Having an effect.
Bringing, conveying or delivering communications, announcements, news or tidings.
Exceeding usual, proper, ordinary just bounds/degrees, acting egregiously, immoderately or extravagantly.
Striving, laboring, exerting power/efforts.
Endeavors or ability.
Employing oneself vigorously, strenuously, laboriously, earnestly with energy and effectiveness, taking pains or extraordinary pains, not flagging, to the utmost degree.
Accomplishing, attaining to the utmost of one's power/ability or efforts/endeavors (e.g. in any affair).
Sufficiency (e.g. means of subsistence), a thing that suffices, contents, enables one to attain what is sought, enough.
A slanderer, one who conveys gossip or other peoples discourse to others
Calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress or affliction.
Sharp, penetrating, eloquent and/or effective in speech.
Firm covenants, in the utmost degree.
Attaining or having attained puberty, virility, ripeness or maturity. Applied to either sexes.
Good, excellent thing.
Praise, eulogy or commendation.
Place and/or time someone or something reaches, arrives, attains or comes to
The sum/amount/product resulting from subtraction, addition or multiplication
A sum of money | | 77 | |
بلو | blw | Try, prove or test by good or evil.
To become old and worn out, wear and tear, withered, decayed.
Not caring, minding, heeding, regarding or paying attention.
Conferring favors, benefits or blessings.
Swearing oaths, covenants.
Informing, acquainting, revealing, manifesting, making apparent, evident, clear or plain.
Competing, striving or hastening. | | 38 | |
بنن | bnn | The extremities or ends (fingers/toes), limbs, members of the body (arms, hands, legs etc). | | 2 | |
بني | bny | Building, framing or constructing
Kind of plank used in the construction (e.g. of ships)
Becoming large, fattened or fat (like food enlarges a man)
Rearing, bringing up, educating
Form or mode of constructing a word
Natural constitution
Of or relating to a son or daughter
Branches of a road/tree
A builder/architect
A building.
Bending over a bowstring while shooting.
Ribs, bones of the breast or shoulder blades and the four legs.
A thief/robber.
A wayfarer/traveler.
A warrior.
A rich man.
A certain beast of prey.
A skin for water or milk made of hide.
Raised high (applied to a palace/pavilion). | | 184 | |
بهت | bht | Confound/confuse/dumbfound, unable to see their right course, become affected with wonder, cut short, overcome, took by surprise, caught unaware suddenly, calumny, slander, false accusation. | | 8 | |
بهج | bhj | Beautiful/bright/splendid, joyful/glad/happy, goodly, loveliness. | | 3 | |
بهل | bhl | Left to his own will/wish/opinion/judgment, humbled/abased himself, addressed himself with earnest/energetic supplication, strive, sincere without hypocrisy, act of cursing. | | 1 | |
بهم | bhm | Animals that pasture/graze, lamb/goat/sheep, animals of the bovine kind, stay/remain in a place, not to quit, continue to look at a thing without being relieved by doing so, silent/confounded/perplexed to a thing, not to fight or engage in conflict, a thing dubious/vague/confused, closed/locked door, courageous man, beasts/brutes. | | 3 | |
بوا | bw' | Returned, went/came back, he bore or took upon himself, became ladened/burdened, became the abiding-place thereof, became answerable/accountable/responsible, equal/alike, a match, rested/remained, lodged him in an abode, mubawwa: a dwelling, place of lodging, settlement, tabawwa: to take or make as one's dwelling. | | 17 | |
بوب | bwb | Door/gate, place of entrance, mode/manner. | | 27 | |
بور | bwr | Perished, become extinct, destroyed, become bad/corrupted, destructive, in a state of perdition/detriment/deficiency, ineffectual, stagnant/dull, not sought/desired. | | 5 | |
بول | bwl | Mind/heart, to move/occur to my mind/heart, state/condition/case for one which cares, easy/pleasant condition, attention, origin. | | 4 | |
بيت | byt | By/in/at night (excluding sleep), entered upon or passed the night;
Tent, house, home;
Thinking about something and its end result;
Concealed or conceived something in the mind;
A structure of clay or any structure signifying a habitation, an abode or dwelling;
Buildings, uninhabited houses, shops, ruins, bazaars, places where the entering is allowed by the owners;
Ark of Noah, Mosques, places of worship, Kaabeh or Jerusalem;
A grave;
Household or family;
Sudden attack in the night or a surprise attack in the night;
Remaining through the night (e.g. bread or water that stays out and becomes stale). | | 73 | |
بيد | byd | Perish, went away, passed away, became cut off, extinct, destroyed. | | 1 | |
بيض | byḍ | White, becoming white;
Surpassing in whiteness, superiority in whiteness (e.g. whiteness of day/daylight);
An egg of any bird or like an egg (also used metaphorically);
Whitening something, bleaching or whitewashing;
Territory, place, quarter, tract, region, district, portions that belong to some people;
Bulb of the saffron plant;
Container or receptacle;
Principle place of abode, seat of power, heart of the kingdom;
White smooth land. | | 12 | |
بيع | byʿ | Selling or buying;
Exchanging or exchange of property;
Gaining mastery over someone, superceding or occupying their place also by superior power or force;
Making a covenant, an engagement, a contract (e.g. promising allegiance, swearing, oaths);
Hire or hiring of land;
Sealing the deal, also striking together hand of two contracting parties in token of the ratification of sale
Manner of selling/buying;
An article of merchandise. | | 15 | |
بين | byn | Becoming separated, severed, disunited, cut off or distinct;
Apparent, manifest, plain, clear, known, distinguished from another;
Disunion and union;
Coming forth;
Separation or division between two things (e.g. land);
An evidence, an indication, demonstration, proof, argument that is clear, manifest (intellectual or perceptive/perceived by sense), testimony of a witness. | | 523 | |
تبب | tbb | Suffer loss, diminution, become beaten/trodden/lost, become old, perished, perdition, death, weakened/impaired, to cut-off, curtail, be doomed, destruction/loss/ruin. | | 4 | |
تبر | tbr | To break/destroy/ruin/perish/lose/smash/crumble, perdition/destruction. | | 6 | |
تبع | tbʿ | Follow/went or walked behind/after, overtook, pursue/investigate/examine/hunt, sought/reach/obtain it, prosecute/sue (for right/due or blood-revenge), succession of one to another, consecutive/successive, follower, imitator, continue the same course, aid/assist/help, come with, obey, desire/demand.
An appelation of each of the Kings of El-Yemen who posessed Himyer and Hadramowt, so called because they followed one another when one died, another took his place, followed him in his course of acting. It is said in a tradition to mean a particular King who was a believer, whose people were unbelievers. | | 172 | |
تجر | tjr | To traffic/trade, be in business, commerce, merchandise, dealt, sold & bought, employed property for the purpose of gain. | | 9 | |
تحت | tḥt | Particle: that which is below; the lower part; beneath; inferior, slop; declivity of a mountain; under. It is the opposite of fawq/above. | | 51 | |
ترب | trb | To have much earth, have dust in the hands, dusty, be destitute, poverty, neediness, misery, suffering loss. Poor man intimately acquainted with his mother earth. He sank from the wealth.
Cemetery, burial-place, grave.
Contemporary friend, companion, match/fellow/equal, suiting the age and matching in all other aspects, peer, one having similar tastes/habits/views.
Breast, breast bones, chest, ribs. | | 22 | |
ترف | trf | Soft, ease, to lead a delicate life, enjoy good things of life, to bestow the good things of life.
Corrupted, well to do, ungrateful, proud, one whom a life of softness and ease has caused to behave insolently, one whom the exclusive pursuit of pleasures of life has corrupted. | | 8 | |
ترق | trq | The collar bone. | | 1 | |
ترك | trk | To leave off, leave alone, abandon/desert/relinquish/quit, forsake, give up anything, neglect, omit, bequeath anything to anyone.
A certain nation, Turks, Turkish. | | 43 | |
تسع | tsʿ | To be the ninth, nine. | | 7 | |
تعس | tʿs | He fell having stumbled, he fell upon his face, become lowered/degraded, perish, become far removed, render unhappy, destroy | | 1 | |
تفث | tfth | To leave off the care of one's body and comforts, self-neglect, unkemptness, uncleanness, altered, perform and complete the acts of worship in combat and imposed.
The state of self-denial, acts of worship, needful rituals regarding the cleansing and care of one's body and comfort. | | 1 | |
تقن | tqn | To fatten (a land by watering it with muddy water).
Nature, in born disposition, mud.
To improve a thing, set a thing in good order, do a thing skillfully and thoroughly, fasten a thing, bring to perfection, make a thing in perfect consonance with the purpose to which it has been created. | | 1 | |
تلل | tll | To lay down, let down, threw down, drop, lay prostrate, lay one down upon one's kin, neck, cheek, or breast.
Shake, move, agitate, put in state of motion or commotion, rough/severe/vehement.
Sluggish, laziness.
Charge, upbraid, deliver. | | 1 | |
تلو | tlw | To follow, walk behind, imitate, pursue, consecutive. To read, recite, peruse, rehearse, declare, meditate.
Sought repeatedly, collect.
Bond or obligation.
One who relieves or aids another in singing. | | 63 | |
تمم | tmm | To be entire/full/whole, blossom, full-grown, complete, perfect, fulfilled, accomplish.
Strong, firm, hard. | | 22 | |
توب | twb | To return; repent; turn one's self in a repentant manner (with ila or without it), turn with mercy (with ala), adapt. | | 87 | |
تور | twr | To go round, flow, ran, repeat (an action).
According to Azhari the word is actually Ta'ara, where Hamza is omitted meaning space of time, a time, one time. Return/repeat time after time.
Messenger between people or that goes about between lovers.
Apply constantly. | | 2 | |
تين | tyn | Fig, fig tree; name of a hillock. | | 1 | |
تيه | tyh | To wander about distractingly, wander bewildered, deviate, go astray, be perplexed, miss the right way, lost, neglect, become confounded/disordered and confused intellect or mind, magnify oneself, behave proudly or insolently. | | 1 | |
ثبت | thbt | To be firm/steadfast/constant/established, remain in (a place), preserve in doing. Thabbata - to strengthen/fasten/consolidate. Thubuut - steadfastness, stability, firmly planted. Thaabit - remaining firmly fixed, firm, steadfast. Thabbata - to confirm/establish, steadfast. Tathbiit - confirmation, establishment. Athbataa - to confirm, keep in bonds, confine, restrain (from doing a deed). | | 18 | |
ثبر | thbr | To keep back, lose, perish, disappoint, expel, curse, destroy. | | 5 | |
ثبط | thbṭ | To lag behind. | | 1 | |
ثبي | thby | To collect/congregate/gather, put together, complete. thubaat (acc. pl. of thubatun, which is the f. of thuban/thubayun) - in separate companies, groups, detachments, parties. | | 1 | |
ثجج | thjj | To flow. | | 1 | |
ثخن | thkhn | To be thick, become coarse, stiff, subdue thoroughly, have a regular fighting, cause much slaughter, have a triumphant war. athkhana - to do something great, make much slaughter, overcome, battle strenuously. | | 2 | |
ثرب | thrb | Reproach, blame, find fault with. | | 1 | |
ثري | thry | To be moist (as the earth after rain), moisten, wet (the earth). thraa - earth, moist earth. al-tharaa & tharan (for tharayun) - the earth, moist sub-soil, soil, sod, ground. | | 1 | |
ثعب | thʿb | To cause to flow, give bent to. | | 2 | |
ثقب | thqb | A hole, to pass through (a hole), bore/perforate/pierce/puncture, intense (surge), burn/blaze/flame brightly (e.g. as if to pierce through the night), ascend/reach, penetrate, struck/kindle fire, fuel for fire, a man very red, brilliant (can be applied to knowledge), a drill (instrument which perforates). | | 2 | |
ثقف | thqf | To get the better, come upon, find, catch, take, gain the mastery over, be intelligent, skilled, meet, overtake/overcome. | | 6 | |
ثقل | thql | To be heavy/weighty, slow/dull/sluggish, difficult/hard/grievous. thaqalaan (dual of thaqalan) - two big and weighty things, two armies. athqaal (pl. of thiql) - burden. thaqiil (pl. thiqaal) - heavy. mithqaal - weight, weight of a balance. tathaaqal - to be dull/sluggish. thaqala - to grow heavy, oppress, weigh down. mathqalatun - burdened, heavily laden, any cause of depriving a mother of her child. iththaqala (for tathaaqala) - to be born down heavily, incline heavily downwards. | | 28 | |
ثلث | thlth | To make a third part of a thing, one third, by threes. | | 32 | |
ثلل | thll | To scatter people, rush upon, have plenty of wool. | | 3 | |
ثمر | thmr | To bear fruit, fructify, get rich, increase. thamar - fruit, wealth, possession, profit, income. | | 24 | |
ثمن | thmn | To take the eighth part of any ones goods, eight, eighteen, eighty. | | 19 | |
ثني | thny | To bend/fold, double, turn one part of a thing upon the other, draw one of its two extremities to the other, join or adjoin one of the things to the other, turn anyone away or back from his course or from the object of his want, conceal emnity. mathna - by twos, in pairs, two, two and two. mathaan / al-mathaanii (pl. of mathnan/mathnaatun) - oft-repeated. thanaya/athnaa - he praised, spoke well of anyone. thinan - repetition of a thing. | | 29 | |
ثوب | thwb | To return, turn back to, to restore/recover, to repent, to collect/gather.
To call/summon (repeatedly), rise (dust), to flow, become abundant.
Something returned (recompence, reward, compensation), to repay.
A thing which veils/covers/protects, a distinct body or company of people.
Mathabatan - place of return, place to which a visit entitles one to thawab/reward, assembly/congregation for people who were dispersed/separated previously, place of alighting, abode, house, tent.
Raiments, garments, morals, behaviour, heart, dependents, followers, robes, clothes, pure/good hearted, of good character. | | 28 | |
ثور | thwr | To rise and spread in the air (dust), be stirred (quarrel), be kindled (war), rush on, assault anyone, till (the ground). athaara - to plough, break up (the earth). atharana - raising up (clouds of dust). | | 5 | |
ثوي | thwy | To abide in a place, halt, settle in a place, detain anyone (in a place), lodge. mathwa - dwelling, abode, lodging, resort, resting place, stay. thaawin (for thaawiyun) - dweller. | | 14 | |
ثيب | thyb | To have no connection as a husband and wife (no first form). thayyib - separated wives from their husbands through divorce or death, non-virgins. | | 1 | |
ثُمّ | thumma | Coordinating conjunction: then. | | 338 | |
جار | j'r | Raised his voice in prayer/supplication , he humbled/abased himself with earnest supplication to God, Cried out/called for aid/succour. | | 3 | |
جبب | jbb | A well, a well containing much water, a deep/wide well, he shrank/withdrew/was averse/went away, the act of fleeing. A cavity in a mountain in which the water of the rain collects. | | 2 | |
جبت | jbt | The idol/idols. The name of a certain idol. That which is worshipped instead of God whatever it may be. He/that wherein is no good. The diviner/enchanter/devil/satan. From the devil. | | 1 | |
جبر | jbr | To reduce from a fractured state, or restore from a state of poverty to sufficiency. Set or reduced from a fractured state. "A poor man being likened to one who has a broken bone and his restoration to wealth being likened to the setting of the bone." Compell, constrain, incite, urge, or induce another [against his will]. Addition of something for the purpose of reparation [in computation]. Self-magnification, pride, haughtiness, insolence, bold, audacious, inordinate, tyrannical, overbearing, extravagent. A king. "There has been no prophetic office but a kingly office has succeeded in its place through someone's self-magnification, pride, haughtiness, or insolence." Slave, servant. No retaliation or expiatory mulct exacted [for a thing/person]. Tall, above the reach of the hand, ascend [the palm tree that grows tall for the cutting of its fruit], and retaining excellence. | | 10 | |
جبل | jbl | He (God) created him with an adaptation/disposition by nature. He compelled him against his will. He (or they) came/went/betook himself to the mountain. He (a digger) reached a hard place or stone in his digging. Big/thick/coarse/rough (human or a thing). Much/numerous. The lord/chief of a company of men. Any of the mountains of the earth that is big and long (also applied to a rocky tract. Any rocky evelation however little) A man who doesn't remove from his place/niggard. The serpent. The echo. A vice/fault/defect/blemish. Hardness of the earth/ground. A camel's hump. The origin of any created thing. A garment/piece of cloth good in respect of the thread and the weaving. Company of men/nation. Nature/natural/native/innate/original. Relating to mountain/mountains. Having a bad/ugly face. Applied to a man: Great/large/big in make like a mountain. | | 41 | |
جبن | jbn | Cowardly, weak hearted, He held back/refrained through cowardice. The temple/side of the forehead, brow. | | 1 | |
جبه | jbh | He slapped/struck/hit him. He said to him something disliked/hated and he accused him thereof to his face. The forehead. Largeness/width and beauty of the forehead. The protuberance/prominence of the forehead. The upper part of the disc of the moon. The chief of people/company of men. Abjectness/ignominy. A state of annoyance/molestation. | | 1 | |
جبي | jby | He collected (e.g. water/tax). A mode/manner of collecting. He chose it/selected it for himself. He returned/receded/retreated/went back. Collecting in a way of choice/selection (i.e. God blessing Solomon more than others etc.) He forged/produced/invented it. Water collected. A watering trough in which water is collected. The place where a well is dug. What is around a well/watering trough. Dug wells in which shoots of grape-vines are set. A collector of water for camels. Locust (it collects everything by eating it), A company of men. | | 12 | |
جثث | jthth | To pull up or pull out, cut or cut off, to uproot, to eradicate. | | 1 | |
جثم | jthm | To cleave to the ground, to fall upon one's breast, lay prostrate upon the ground, to be motionless, to be dead or extinct. | | 5 | |
جثو | jthw | To sit upon the knees, to kneel, to fall on one's knees, stand upon the extremities of one's toes, to sit knee-to-knee with someone. | | 3 | |
جحد | jḥd | To deny or disacknowledge a thing, to be niggardly or avaricious, poor or possess little good, dissipated or dispersed, little in quantity, scanty. | | 12 | |
جحم | jḥm | To kindle a fire, make to burn, burn up, burn brightly or fiercly, open the eye, to abstain/refrain/desist/forbear, advance or go forward, recede or draw back [This verb bears contradictory significations], near to destroying or killing, burn with vehemence of desire/covetousness and niggardliness, straitened in disposition, tenacious or stingy, blazing or flaming, vehemently hot. | | 26 | |
جدث | jdth | Make for oneself a grave or sepulchre; a grave or sepulchre. | | 3 | |
جدد | jdd | To cut off a thing, to be new, to become fortunate or possessed of good fortune, to be great or of great dignity or estimation, to be serious or in earnest, to strive/labour/toil/exert oneself, to feel distressed or afflicted, to drip or let fall drops (a house or tent, Bayt), make [or weave] stripes of different colors in a garment, to contend with another respecting a thing, relinquish or forsake, to originate or innovate a thing, to do a thing for the first time, to renew a thing, to be easy or practical, hard or level (like a ground free of soft spaces and clear to one's view), ascend upon the surface of the ground, to be lost or devoid of something, one's lot in life or means of subsistence, state of being in no need or having no wants or having few wants, to be great/exalted/majestic, to be or have much (abounding with a thing), to be of a great or extraordinary degree, to differ from the rest of something [and, thus, serve as a sign or mark] such as a beaten path marked with lines [cut by the feet of men and beast who travelled along it], to perform an affair by a certain way or manner, to form an opinion respecting a thing, to be renewed or replaced by new, to be cut off by the roots or eradicated, to be quick in pace. | | 10 | |
جدر | jdr | To enclose, build a wall of enclosure, come forth or breakout, to become suitable or fit or competent or worthy, raise a thing high, construct a thing firmly or strongly and raise it high, renew or redo a thing after it had gone or become obliterated. | | 4 | |
جدل | jdl | To twist something firmly, make something firm or strong or compact, become hard and strong, contend or litigate in an altercation/dispute vehemently or violently, throw someone down, according to later usage (of the lawyers) to compare evidences [in a discussion with another person or other persons] in order that it might appear which of those evidences was preponderant, compete in disputation or contention and in striving to overcome [thereby], build or construct, rule a thing with lines [such as a book is ruled round a page]. | | 29 | |
جذذ | jdhdh | To cut or cut off, to cut utterly and quickly, cut into many pieces, exterminate, to break into pieces or fragments, to seperate, to hasten to a thing. | | 2 | |
جذع | jdhʿ | To keep without food, amputate.
The trunk of a palm tree. | | 3 | |
جذو | jdhw | Stand firmly, remain firm upon a thing, stick or cling to a thing, stand on the extremeties of one's toes, to be erect or straight, raised and extended, to lift a thing. | | 1 | |
جرح | jrḥ | To wound someone, cut someone, revile or vilify someone, impute to someone a vice or fault, speak against someone, to censor and reject someone's testimony, to gain/acquire/earn, to get or obtain, to commit. | | 4 | |
جرد | jrd | Strip/divest/denude a thing or person, pull off or remove a thing, to peel a thing off, prune or bare a thing, unsheath or draw forth (a sword), detach a thing, perform a rite or ceremony, take from someone against his will, devote or apply oneself diligently and exclusively. | | 2 | |
جرر | jrr | To drag/draw/pull/tug/stretch, extend, to continue a thing (meaning the act of "dragging"), gently drive [He drove camels and sheep or goats gently, letting them pasture as they went along], delay or defer, to put off, to re-iterate. | | 1 | |
جرز | jrz | To cut or cut off, destroy or exterminate, to slay, to eat quickly or eat much, to be or become barren, to be lean or emaciated, to be dried up and without herbage. | | 2 | |
جرع | jrʿ | To swallow, swallow it (water) at once, drink or sip little by little, repress or restrain wrath or rage. | | 1 | |
جرف | jrf | To take away/carry away/remove the whole or greater part of a thing or much of it, sweep or sweep away, clear something away, shovel or scoop a thing up or out, to be greedy, have an inordinate desire or appetite for food. | | 1 | |
جرم | jrm | To cut or cut off a thing, gain/acquire/earn a thing, to drive or incite one to do crime, to commit a crime/sin/offence/fault, commit an act of disobedience, to be clear, to complete a thing, to end a thing or bring a thing to it's end [upon completion]. | | 66 | |
جري | jry | To flow, run quickly, pursue a course, to happen or occur, to betake or aim for a thing, to be continuous or permanent, to send a deputy or commissioned agent. | | 64 | |
جزا | jz' | To take a part of anything.
A part, portion, individuality.
At 43:15, the word جُزْءًا is taken by some to mean "Daughters". | | 3 | |
جزع | jzʿ | To cut or cut off, to be impatient, manifest/show/display grief or agitation, display violent grief, break off or in half or in portions. | | 2 | |
جزي | jzy | Pay/give/render a satisfaction, make sufficient, pay a debt, to contend, repay/requit/compensate, to recompense. | | 118 | |
جسد | jsd | To stick or coagulate to the body, It (blood) stuck, or adhered, It (blood) became dry, [4] It (a garment) was made to stick, or adhere, to the body. | | 4 | |
جسس | jss | To test or judge or scrutinize a thing, to spy or investigate or examine in order to form a judgement, inquire about or spy into a thing. | | 1 | |
جسم | jsm | To be great or large, big/bulky/large in body, corpulent or corporeal, big-bodied. | | 2 | |
جعل | jʿl | He made a thing, he created/brought into being/existence. He made to be/become/constitute. He made to be in a altered state/condition. He pronounced a thing by a true judgement/decision/legal ordinance, his judgement. Described them as females, pronounced them to be females, He made known/plain, He exalted/ennobled/called/named (as in a nation) He inserted a thing into a thing (Ex: They put their fingers into their ears) He put into the heart/mind, He appointed/assigned/stipulated to give wages/pay/stipend. He set about/began/commenced/commenced/took to/betook himself to, doing such a thing; He persisted, a piece of rag with which a cooking pot is put down from the fire, short palm trees/shoots/offsets. | | 346 | |
جفا | jf' | To cast forth foam or scum, to throw or heave, cast froth, to be worthless or useless. | | 1 | |
جفن | jfn | To prepare a bowl of food, eyelid [both upper and lower], case or receptacle [such as scabbard or sheath of a sword], a kind of bowl [a receptacle for food], a wine. | | 1 | |
جفو | jfw | To be restless or uneasy, to not cleave or keep to a place or thing, become withdrawn or removed from a place or thing, recoil or shrink or be averse from something, to be thick or coarse or rough, thick/gross/rude of make/nature/disposition, to be or become burdensome/heavy/onerous/oppressive, avoid or turn away from someone, shun or drive someone away, withdraw or move to a far distance from someone, do evil to someone, do a thing to someone that which he hates or displeases or vexes him, to fatigue someone driving him vehemently without food or rest, turn from side to side, treat or behave towards someone harshly or uncivilly. | | 1 | |
جلب | jlb | To drive/bring/convey/transport, to draw/attract/procure a thing, gain or earn, seek after or seek to gain, to raise cries/shouts/noises, chide or urge on, to threaten, bring together/assemble/gather/collect, commit a crime or offence, to heal, to help/aid or assist, take or borrow, to seek or demand, to cover or clad oneself. | | 2 | |
جلد | jld | To hit/hurt/beat the skin, to strike, flog with a whip, fall down, to compel, to be hardy/strong/sturdy, to be enduring or patient, to contend with someone, constrain/compel/necessitate. | | 13 | |
جلس | jls | To sit, to sit cross-legged, sit in company with someone or others. | | 1 | |
جلل | jll | To be thick/gross/coarse/rough, rugged/rude/big/bulky, to be great (in size or estimation or rank or dignity), independent, glorious, majestic, to be old or advanced in age, also to be young or not of fit age [thus the verb bears two contradictory significations], firm or sound in judgement, to be eminent, noble or dignified, honourable, mighty, take the main part or portion of a thing, mount/ascend upon/cover a thing, to be exalted or magnificent, give much or many, to move about or shuffle a thing, sink or become depressed, sever/distressing/momentous/formidable.
| | 2 | |
جلو | jlw | To be clear/unobscured/exposed to view/displayed/laid open/disclosed/uncovered, to be plainly apparent/obvious/evident/manifest/notorious, to go forth or emigrate, disperse, leave a place, to flee a place, declare or explain, remove/clear off/polish/furbish, to expel/exile/banish, drive one away, to hasten, be distant or remote, to raise or place in a high position, to be well known/notable/celebrated, bald in the fore part of the head or half of the head. | | 5 | |
جمح | jmḥ | Overcome or gain mastery over someone, break loose, run away, go at random without any certain aim so as not to be turned by anything, to be refractory, to be quick or swift, to be brisk/lively/sprightly, to go heedlessly without consideration or certain aim and not obeying a guide to the right course, to hasten or go quickly, run like horses that overcame their riders and run away so as not to be governed by them, go forth from a place with out permission, follow one's own natural desire without consideration and not obeying a guide to the right course or conduct. | | 1 | |
جمد | jmd | To congeal/freeze/become solid, to become dry, to be fixed or stationary, incapable of growth, lifeless or dead, to be stagnant, to be niggardly, possess little good, to be stupid or inert. | | 1 | |
جمع | jmʿ | To collect or gather, bring together, to contract, assemble or congregate, unite or connect or form a connection, bring into a state of union, reconcile or conciliate, put on a thing [such as clothing article], to compose/arrange/settle, to pray in congregation, determine/resolve/decide upon a thing, agree or unite in opinion, prepare or make a thing ready, dry up a thing, conspire or league with another, coexist with one, to be compact/compressed/contracted, exert one's energy, to compromise or comprehend or contain, enter or go into, to meet or be in company with another. | | 129 | |
جمل | jml | To collect a thing or things, to be beautiful, comely in person, good in action/behaviour/moral character, to be moderate, to be pleasing/kind, handsome, decorous/honourable/gracious, to be elegant, to aggregate or make something complete, [Jaml] male camel; ship; palm tree; large sea fish or whale; twisted rope. | | 11 | |
جمم | jmm | To be much or abundant, to be many, full or filled, let collect, draw near, come to pass, to recover [such as from fatigue], to relieve or rest, to be indinstinctive, conceal or not reveal a thing, hold back or not dare to do a thing, run again after any run, to go much, to be satiated or satisfied [such as with food or drink], greater or greatest in quantity and in number. | | 1 | |
جنب | jnb | To break or hit or hurt one's side, to lead one by his side, place or put a thing aside, to remove or send a thing far away or far off, estrange or alienate someone, descend and abode/settle as a stranger among people, to be remote/distant/far off/aloof from someone, shun or avoid someone, alienate or estrange oneself from someone, to be under the obligation of performing a total bath or ablution (by reason of sexual intercourse and semenal discharge), to be lateral or adjacent to someone or to a thing, walk by the side of another, to be gentle/compliant/easy to deal with, to be much of. | | 33 | |
جنح | jnḥ | To lean/incline, to bend/stoop, side.
Ribs of the breast, upper/anterior ribs next to the breast/heart (so-called because they incline over the heart), something one uses to lean on/to one side (upper-arm, shoulder, elbow, hand).
Wing/power, "lower your wing" is an idiomatic metaphor for love/tenderness/humility, evocative of a bird that lovingly spreads its wings over its offspring in the nest, shadow/shelter/protection, armpit.
Going quickly/swiftly (said of an animal due to them leaning forward as they run).
A sin or crime, act of disobedience/blame. | | 34 | |
جند | jnd | Collect or assemble [armies, military forces], prepare an army, Jundun [collected body of men prepared for war; auxiliaries]. | | 29 | |
جنف | jnf | To incline or decline (in speech and all affairs), decline or deviate from the right course, act wrongfully/unjustly/tyrannically, deviate from that which is right, act unjustly or wrongfully in judgement, incline to a wrong course or decline from the right course, carry oneself in a proud and self-conceited manner. | | 2 | |
جنن | jnn | Veiled/concealed/covered/hid/protected (e.g. cloth, armour, grave, shield), invisible, become dark/posessed, darkness of night, bereft of reason, mad/insane/unsound in mind/intellect, confusedness.
Become thick/full-grown/blossom, herbage, garden.
Spiritual beings that conceal themselves from the senses (including angels), become weak and abject, greater part of mankind, devil/demon, people who are peerless having no match or equal, a being who is highly potent, sometimes refers to Kings because they are concealed from the common folk. | | 201 | |