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Examining Root: جعل (jʿl)

He made a thing, he created/brought into being/existence. He made to be/become/constitute. He made to be in a altered state/condition. He pronounced a thing by a true judgement/decision/legal ordinance, his judgement. Described them as females, pronounced them to be females, He made known/plain, He exalted/ennobled/called/named (as in a nation) He inserted a thing into a thing (Ex: They put their fingers into their ears) He put into the heart/mind, He appointed/assigned/stipulated to give wages/pay/stipend. He set about/began/commenced/commenced/took to/betook himself to, doing such a thing; He persisted, a piece of rag with which a cooking pot is put down from the fire, short palm trees/shoots/offsets.

Total Qur’anic Occurrences: 346

Lemmata Based on This Root: 2

Breakdown of Appearances
Verb: 340
Noun: 6

Appears in 845 Root-Based Formulae
and lies behind 418 Lemma-Based Formulae
Root FormulaeRoot-Plus-Particle-Pronoun FormulaeLemma Formulae
Length 3: 129
Length 4: 67
Length 5: 31
Length 3: 336
Length 4: 189
Length 5: 93
Length 3: 232
Length 4: 117
Length 5: 69

Glosses for this Root
He made (x44)
and We made (x38)
We have made (x29)
and made (x29)
Make (x11)
But they attribute (x7)
(have) made it (x7)
and make (x7)
We made (x6)
Put (x5)
He made you (x5)
And appoint (x5)
and We made them (x5)
(that) will make (x4)
(has) made (x4)
and made me (x4)
will put (x4)
And then makes it (x3)
and made it (x3)
so We made (for) him (x3)
make us (x3)
We put you (x3)
and made you (x3)
should We treat (x3)
so We made them (x3)
He will make it (x3)
We have made them (x3)
And they assign (x3)
and We have made them (x3)
place me (x2)
set up (x2)
He make (x2)
We made them (x2)
(it was) made (x2)
We made you (x2)
and make us (x2)
and He made (x2)
and make them (x2)
Then He made them (x2)
but We made them (x2)
to make (x2)
they attribute (x2)
and you set up (x2)
So make (x2)
He (would have) made you (x2)
and We make it (x2)
Will bring about (x2)
Make me (x2)
He makes them (x2)
and has placed (x2)
and He makes (x2)
He could have made them (x1)
We will make them (x1)
and We will make (x1)
He has made you (x1)
You make it (x1)
(will) surely make (x1)
(am) the One to make you (x1)
and put them (x1)
and you have made (x1)
and so that We will make him (x1)
and we set up (x1)
surely He (could) have made (x1)
That He may make (x1)
(so) we may put them (x1)
did We make (x1)
you have made (x1)
And make me (x1)
it made it (x1)
We assign it (x1)
And I granted (x1)
I will make (x1)
going to place (x1)
And make him (x1)
they put him (x1)
and I will make (x1)
He (has) made (x1)
And he made it (x1)
was appointed (x1)
Then will We treat (x1)
certainly We (would) have made him (x1)
and We will make you (x1)
Do you make (x1)
surely He (could) have made it (x1)
surely We (could have) made (x1)
and makes you (x1)
We (would) surely, make it (x1)
He places him (x1)
and We made it (x1)
they make (x1)
and He makes them (x1)
Has he made (x1)
and [we] invoke (x1)
We (would have) made (x1)
I will surely make you (x1)
and (will) make him (x1)
That We might make it (x1)
they put (x1)
you make (x1)
Will You place (x1)
He (has) made me (x1)
(Who) makes (x1)
has made it (x1)

Verse List
2:19; 2:22; 2:30; 2:66; 2:124; 2:125; 2:126; 2:128; 2:143; 2:224; 2:259; 2:260; 3:41; 3:55; 3:61; 3:126; 3:156; 3:176; 4:5; 4:15; 4:19; 4:33; 4:75; 4:90; 4:91; 4:141; 4:144; 5:6; 5:13; 5:20; 5:48; 5:60; 5:97; 5:103; 6:1; 6:6; 6:9; 6:25; 6:39; 6:91; 6:96; 6:97; 6:100; 6:107; 6:112; 6:122; 6:123; 6:124; 6:125; 6:136; 6:165; 7:10; 7:27; 7:47; 7:69; 7:74; 7:138; 7:143; 7:150; 7:189; 7:190; 8:10; 8:29; 8:37; 9:19; 9:40; 10:5; 10:14; 10:24; 10:59; 10:67; 10:73; 10:85; 10:87; 10:100; 11:82; 11:118; 12:15; 12:55; 12:62; 12:70; 12:100; 13:3; 13:16; 13:33; 13:38; 14:30; 14:35; 14:37; 14:40; 15:16; 15:20; 15:74; 15:91; 15:96; 16:56; 16:57; 16:62; 16:72; 16:78; 16:80; 16:81; 16:91; 16:93; 16:124; 17:2; 17:6; 17:8; 17:12; 17:18; 17:22; 17:29; 17:33; 17:39; 17:45; 17:46; 17:60; 17:80; 17:99; 18:1; 18:7; 18:8; 18:32; 18:48; 18:52; 18:57; 18:59; 18:90; 18:94; 18:95; 18:96; 18:98; 19:6; 19:7; 19:10; 19:21; 19:24; 19:30; 19:31; 19:32; 19:49; 19:50; 19:96; 20:29; 20:53; 20:58; 21:8; 21:15; 21:30; 21:31; 21:32; 21:34; 21:58; 21:70; 21:72; 21:73; 21:91; 22:25; 22:34; 22:36; 22:53; 22:67; 22:78; 23:13; 23:41; 23:44; 23:50; 23:94; 24:40; 24:43; 24:63; 25:10; 25:20; 25:23; 25:31; 25:35; 25:37; 25:45; 25:47; 25:53; 25:54; 25:61; 25:62; 25:74; 26:21; 26:29; 26:84; 26:85; 27:34; 27:61; 27:62; 27:86; 28:4; 28:5; 28:7; 28:35; 28:38; 28:41; 28:71; 28:72; 28:73; 28:83; 29:10; 29:15; 29:27; 29:67; 30:21; 30:48; 30:54; 32:8; 32:9; 32:23; 32:24; 33:4; 34:18; 34:19; 34:33; 35:1; 35:11; 35:39; 36:8; 36:9; 36:27; 36:34; 36:80; 37:63; 37:77; 37:98; 37:158; 38:5; 38:26; 38:28; 39:6; 39:8; 39:21; 40:61; 40:64; 40:79; 41:9; 41:10; 41:29; 41:44; 42:8; 42:11; 42:50; 42:52; 43:3; 43:10; 43:12; 43:15; 43:19; 43:28; 43:33; 43:45; 43:56; 43:59; 43:60; 45:18; 45:21; 45:23; 46:26; 48:26; 48:27; 49:13; 50:26; 51:42; 51:51; 56:36; 56:65; 56:70; 56:73; 56:82; 57:7; 57:26; 57:27; 57:28; 59:10; 60:5; 60:7; 65:2; 65:3; 65:4; 65:7; 67:5; 67:15; 67:23; 68:35; 68:50; 69:12; 71:7; 71:12; 71:16; 71:19; 72:25; 73:17; 74:12; 74:31; 75:39; 76:2; 77:21; 77:25; 77:27; 78:6; 78:9; 78:10; 78:11; 78:13; 87:5; 90:8; 105:2; 105:5

(Examine All Occurrences)