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Meccan Suras
Medinan Suras
1'mn + ‘ml + ṣlḥ
believe and do good works/deeds
امن + عمل + صلح614120
2'lh + kll + shy'
Allah over all things (has power/knowledge etc.)
اله + كلل + شيا47938
3'lh + gfr + rḥm
Allah is forgiving and merciful
اله + غفر + رحم47542
4kll + shy' + qdr
every + thing + All-Powerful
كلل + شيا + قدر381226
5jry + tḥt + nhr
flow + underneath them + river/day
جري + تحت + نهر381127
6xlq + smw + 'rḍ
created - + the heavens + the earth
خلق + سمو + ارض36306
7jnn + jry + tḥt
(to) Gardens + flow + underneath them
جنن + جري + تحت31526
8'lh + ‘zz + ḥkm
Allah + (is) the All-Mighty + All-Wise
اله + عزز + حكم26719
9'lh + smw + 'rḍ
Allah + the heavens + the earth
اله + سمو + ارض261214
10kll + shy' + ‘lm
every + thing + All-Knower
كلل + شيا + علم25718
11'lh + ywm + 'xr
Allah + (on the) Day + the Hereafter
اله + يوم + اخر24024
12qwm + ṣlw + 'ty
(of) Resurrection + the prayer + have been given
قوم + صلو + اتي24420
13ṣlw + 'ty + zkw
the prayer + have been given + zakah
صلو + اتي + زكو24420
14kyf + kwn + ‘qb
how + is + (the) end
كيف + كون + عقب23212
15'mn + 'lh + ywm
believe[d] + Allah + (on the) Day
امن + اله + يوم22022
16mlk + smw + 'rḍ
the Angels + the heavens + the earth
ملك + سمو + ارض211011
17'lh + sm‘ + ‘lm
Allah + (is) All-Hearer + All-Knower
اله + سمع + علم21219
18fry + 'lh + kdhb
(to) invent + Allah + they have denied
فري + اله + كذب21174
19nẓr + kyf + kwn
they waiting + how + is
نظر + كيف + كون21192
20nzl + smw + mwh
has been revealed + the heavens + water
نزل + سمو + موه20173
21tḥt + nhr + xld
underneath them + river/day + abiding eternally
تحت + نهر + خلد20317
22'lh + ‘lm + ḥkm
Allah + All-Knower + All-Wise
اله + علم + حكم20020
23smw + 'rḍ + byn
the heavens + the earth + clear
سمو + ارض + بين20182
24ṣdd + sbl + 'lh
and turn away + (the) way + Allah
صدد + سبل + اله19613
25'lh + hdy + qwm
Allah + guide + (of) Resurrection
اله + هدي + قوم19415
26'mn + 'lh + rsl
believe[d] + Allah + and His Messenger
امن + اله + رسل19217
27‘bd + dwn + 'lh
you worship + excluding + Allah
عبد + دون + اله18144
28d‘w + dwn + 'lh
they invoke + excluding + Allah
دعو + دون + اله18162
29qtl + sbl + 'lh
fight + (the) way + Allah
قتل + سبل + اله17116
30smw + 'rḍ + 'lh
the heavens + the earth + Allah
سمو + ارض + اله16610
31'lh + rbb + ‘lm
Allah + your Lord + All-Knower
اله + ربب + علم15132
32byn + ydy + xlf
clear + their hands + differ
بين + يدي + خلف15123
33kwn + ṣdq + qwl
is + truthful + He said
كون + صدق + قول14131
34'mn + wqy + 'lh
believe[d] + And fear + Allah
امن + وقي + اله1459
35ṭw‘ + 'lh + rsl
and obey + Allah + and His Messenger
طوع + اله + رسل14014
36ḥyy + dnw + 'xr
the life + (of) the world + the Hereafter
حيي + دنو + اخر1394
37dwn + 'lh + wly
excluding + Allah + you turn away
دون + اله + ولي1376
38'xdh + dwn + 'lh
take + excluding + Allah
اخذ + دون + اله13112
39'rḍ + nẓr + kyf
the earth + they waiting + how
ارض + نظر + كيف13112
40w‘d + 'lh + ḥqq
(It is the) Promise + Allah + in [the] truth
وعد + اله + حقق13121
41‘lm + 'lh + ‘lm
All-Knower + Allah + All-Knower
علم + اله + علم1248
42ṣdq + byn + ydy
truthful + clear + their hands
صدق + بين + يدي1257
43'lh + ‘ml + bṣr
Allah + you do + All-Seer
اله + عمل + بصر12012
44wqy + 'lh + ṭw‘
And fear + Allah + and obey
وقي + اله + طوع1293
45syr + 'rḍ + nẓr
(is) the final return + the earth + they waiting
سير + ارض + نظر12102
46jzy + kwn + ‘ml
We reward + is + you do
جزي + كون + عمل12111
47rbb + smw + 'rḍ
your Lord + the heavens + the earth
ربب + سمو + ارض12120
48hdy + ṣrṭ + qwm
guide + a Path + (of) Resurrection
هدي + صرط + قوم1156
49ṣḥb + nwr + xld
(are) companions + (of) the Fire + abiding eternally
صحب + نور + خلد1138
50kfr + 'yy + 'lh
disbelieve[d] + (the) Signs + Allah
كفر + ايي + اله1129
51'lh + mlk + smw
Allah + the Angels + the heavens
اله + ملك + سمو1129
52ywm + qwm + kwn
(on the) Day + (of) Resurrection + is
يوم + قوم + كون1174
53hdy + 'lh + hdy
guide + Allah + guide
هدي + اله + هدي1192
54'lh + 'lh + wḥd
Allah + Allah + single
اله + اله + وحد1174
55'lh + 'lh + gfr
Allah + Allah + (is) Oft-Forgiving
اله + اله + غفر1129
56dxl + jnn + jry
Enter + (to) Gardens + flow
دخل + جنن + جري11011
57kwn + 'lh + gfr
is + Allah + (is) Oft-Forgiving
كون + اله + غفر11110
58smw + 'rḍ + kwn
the heavens + the earth + is
سمو + ارض + كون1156
59wqy + 'lh + 'lh
And fear + Allah + Allah
وقي + اله + اله11011
60jy' + rsl + byn
comes + and His Messenger + clear
جيا + رسل + بين1183
61qwl + ḥmd + 'lh
He said + (is) the praise + Allah
قول + حمد + اله11110
62qwm + ‘bd + 'lh
(of) Resurrection + you worship + Allah
قوم + عبد + اله11110
63kvr + nws + ‘lm
many + (of) the people + All-Knower
كثر + نوس + علم11110
64ḍrb + 'lh + mvl
Presents + Allah + an example
ضرب + اله + مثل1183
65‘bd + 'lh + 'lh
you worship + Allah + Allah
عبد + اله + اله1091
66byn + 'lh + 'yy
clear + Allah + (the) Signs
بين + اله + ايي10010
67'lh + shdd + ‘qb
Allah + severe + (the) end
اله + شدد + عقب10010
68kwn + 'mn + 'lh
is + believe[d] + Allah
كون + امن + اله1028
69hdy + qwm + ẓlm
guide + (of) Resurrection + the oppressors
هدي + قوم + ظلم1037
70'lh + gny + ḥmd
Allah + it avails + (is) the praise
اله + غني + حمد1046
71‘lm + smw + 'rḍ
All-Knower + the heavens + the earth
علم + سمو + ارض1046
72nb' + kwn + ‘ml
Prophet! + is + you do
نبا + كون + عمل1064
73'lh + 'lh + 'xr
Allah + Allah + the Hereafter
اله + اله + اخر10100
74‘lm + gyb + shhd
All-Knower + (of) the unseen + (as) a Witness
علم + غيب + شهد1055
75qwl + qwm + ‘bd
He said + (of) Resurrection + you worship
قول + قوم + عبد10100
76'lh + 'lh + gyr
Allah + Allah + without
اله + اله + غير10100
77sbḥ + ḥmd + rbb
glorify + (is) the praise + your Lord
سبح + حمد + ربب1091
78‘ml + ṣlḥ + jnn
you do + righteous deeds + (to) Gardens
عمل + صلح + جنن945
79qwl + 'lh + ‘lm
He said + Allah + All-Knower
قول + اله + علم954
80kfr + ‘dhb + 'lm
disbelieve[d] + a punishment + painful
كفر + عذب + الم918
81'lh + wly + nṣr
Allah + you turn away + any helper
اله + ولي + نصر936
82byn + ywm + qwm
clear + (on the) Day + (of) Resurrection
بين + يوم + قوم954
83qwl + kwn + kwn
He said + is + is
قول + كون + كون954
84'lh + rbb + rbb
Allah + your Lord + your Lord
اله + ربب + ربب954
85ḥyy + 'rḍ + b‘d
the life + the earth + after
حيي + ارض + بعد972
86'rḍ + b‘d + mwt
the earth + after + (to) the dead
ارض + بعد + موت972
87'lh + ‘ml + xbr
Allah + you do + (is) All-Aware
اله + عمل + خبر918
88dhkr + 'wl + lbb
And remember + the former (people) + (of) understanding!
ذكر + اول + لبب972
89shy' + 'lh + kll
thing + Allah + every
شيا + اله + كلل936
90kwn + 'lh + ‘lm
is + Allah + All-Knower
كون + اله + علم918
91dhkr + smw + 'lh
And remember + the heavens + Allah
ذكر + سمو + اله945
92hlk + qbl + qrn
We destroyed + before + the generations
هلك + قبل + قرن990
93ẓlm + fry + 'lh
the oppressors + (to) invent + Allah
ظلم + فري + اله981
94w‘d + kwn + ṣdq
(It is the) Promise + is + truthful
وعد + كون + صدق990
95qwl + 'lh + qwl
He said + Allah + He said
قول + اله + قول990
96bsṭ + rzq + shy'
He extends + the provision + thing
بسط + رزق + شيا990
97fḍl + 'lh + rḥm
His Bounty + Allah + Most Merciful
فضل + اله + رحم817
98xyr + kwn + ‘lm
(is) better + is + All-Knower
خير + كون + علم826
99'lh + ḥkm + byn
Allah + All-Wise + clear
اله + حكم + بين826
100'lh + kwn + 'lh
Allah + is + Allah
اله + كون + اله817
101wqy + 'lh + ‘lm
And fear + Allah + All-Knower
وقي + اله + علم808
102'lh + ‘lm + 'lh
Allah + All-Knower + Allah
اله + علم + اله817
103dhkr + n‘m + 'lh
And remember + Favor + Allah
ذكر + نعم + اله826
104kll + nfs + ksb
every + themselves + it earned
كلل + نفس + كسب853
105gfr + rḥm + qwl
(is) Oft-Forgiving + Most Merciful + He said
غفر + رحم + قول862
106'mr + ‘rf + nhy
a matter + in a fair manner + they cease
امر + عرف + نهي826
107‘rf + nhy + nkr
in a fair manner + they cease + the wrong
عرف + نهي + نكر826
108'lh + wkl + 'mn
Allah + so let put (their) trust + believe[d]
اله + وكل + امن817
109'ty + ktb + qbl
have been given + the Book + before
اتي + كتب + قبل835
110kll + shy' + shhd
every + thing + (as) a Witness
كلل + شيا + شهد835
111kwn + 'lh + kll
is + Allah + every
كون + اله + كلل817
112'lh + sm‘ + bṣr
Allah + (is) All-Hearer + All-Seer
اله + سمع + بصر844
113'lh + xlṣ + dyn
Allah + (being) sincere + [the] religion
اله + خلص + دين862
114'lh + xlq + smw
Allah + created - + the heavens
اله + خلق + سمو880
115‘dhb + ywm + ‘ẓm
a punishment + (on the) Day + Great
عذب + يوم + عظم880
116rbb + ‘lm + qwl
your Lord + All-Knower + He said
ربب + علم + قول880
117smw + 'rḍ + ḥqq
the heavens + the earth + in [the] truth
سمو + ارض + حقق871
118fṣl + 'yy + qwm
(of) the Judgment? + (the) Signs + (of) Resurrection
فصل + ايي + قوم871
119s'l + 'jr + 'jr
I ask (of) you + (is) a good reward + (is) a good reward
سال + اجر + اجر880
120qwl + rbb + ‘lm
He said + your Lord + All-Knower
قول + ربب + علم880
121qwl + 'mn + 'lh
He said + believe[d] + Allah
قول + امن + اله734
122‘dhb + 'lm + kwn
a punishment + painful + is
عذب + الم + كون743
123dwn + 'lh + kwn
excluding + Allah + is
دون + اله + كون752
124gyb + smw + 'rḍ
(of) the unseen + the heavens + the earth
غيب + سمو + ارض752
125smw + 'rḍ + ‘lm
the heavens + the earth + All-Knower
سمو + ارض + علم743
126kfr + kdhb + 'yy
disbelieve[d] + they have denied + (the) Signs
كفر + كذب + ايي716
127kwn + nfs + ẓlm
is + themselves + the oppressors
كون + نفس + ظلم752
128'lh + gfl + ‘ml
Allah + (is) unaware + you do
اله + غفل + عمل716
129qrb + ytm + skn
the relatives + and the orphans + and the needy
قرب + يتم + سكن707
130‘nd + 'lh + xyr
near + Allah + (is) better
عند + اله + خير743
131'lh + fḍl + ‘ẓm
Allah + His Bounty + Great
اله + فضل + عظم707
132‘nd + 'lh + 'lh
near + Allah + Allah
عند + اله + اله707
133qwm + kwn + xlf
(of) Resurrection + is + differ
قوم + كون + خلف752
134'lh + ws‘ + ‘lm
Allah + (is) All-Encompassing + All-Knower
اله + وسع + علم707
135b‘d + jy' + ‘lm
after + comes + All-Knower
بعد + جيا + علم734
136'yy + qwm + ‘ql
(the) Signs + (of) Resurrection + who reason
ايي + قوم + عقل761
137nzl + ktb + ḥqq
has been revealed + the Book + in [the] truth
نزل + كتب + حقق725
138gfr + rḥm + 'mn
(is) Oft-Forgiving + Most Merciful + believe[d]
غفر + رحم + امن707
139gfr + 'lh + 'lh
(is) Oft-Forgiving + Allah + Allah
غفر + اله + اله716
140'lh + sr‘ + ḥsb
Allah + (is) swift + think
اله + سرع + حسب725
141ywm + qwm + 'lh
(on the) Day + (of) Resurrection + Allah
يوم + قوم + اله734
142jhd + sbl + 'lh
strive/fight + (the) way + Allah
جهد + سبل + اله707
143mt‘ + ḥyy + dnw
(is) a provision + the life + (of) the world
متع + حيي + دنو752
144'lh + 'lh + ‘zz
Allah + Allah + (is) the All-Mighty
اله + اله + عزز716
145'lh + xbr + ‘ml
Allah + (is) All-Aware + you do
اله + خبر + عمل707
146'lh + kwn + ‘lm
Allah + is + All-Knower
اله + كون + علم725
147nhr + xld + 'bd
river/day + abiding eternally + forever
نهر + خلد + ابد707
148jhd + mwl + nfs
strive/fight + their wealth + themselves
جهد + مول + نفس707
149b‘ḍ + wly + b‘ḍ
some/others + you turn away + some/others
بعض + ولي + بعض716
150ḥqq + qwl + rbb
in [the] truth + He said + your Lord
حقق + قول + ربب752
151kwn + ‘ml + 'mn
is + you do + believe[d]
كون + عمل + امن734
152dwn + 'lh + qwl
excluding + Allah + He said
دون + اله + قول761
153fṭr + smw + 'rḍ
Originator + the heavens + the earth
فطر + سمو + ارض770
154rj‘ + nb' + kwn
return + Prophet! + is
رجع + نبا + كون770
155rbb + kll + shy'
your Lord + every + thing
ربب + كلل + شيا770
156'lh + 'ny + 'fk
Allah + How + are they deluded?
اله + اني + افك752
157ḍll + byn + qwl
an error + clear + He said
ضلل + بين + قول761
158qwl + rsl + rbb
He said + and His Messenger + your Lord
قول + رسل + ربب770
159j‘l + 'lh + 'lh
made/put + Allah + Allah
جعل + اله + اله770
160'rḍ + gyr + ḥqq
the earth + without + in [the] truth
ارض + غير + حقق770
161rbb + qḍy + byn
your Lord + surely, would have been decreed + clear
ربب + قضي + بين770
162'yy + qwm + fkr
(the) Signs + (of) Resurrection + who ponder
ايي + قوم + فكر770
163‘bd + ‘bd + ‘bd
you worship + you worship + you worship
عبد + عبد + عبد770
164qwl + 'ty + ‘lm
He said + have been given + All-Knower
قول + اتي + علم761
165sm‘ + bṣr + f'd
(is) All-Hearer + All-Seer + and feelings
سمع + بصر + فاد770
166j‘l + byn + byn
made/put + clear + clear
جعل + بين + بين761
167ḥmd + 'lh + rbb
(is) the praise + Allah + your Lord
حمد + اله + ربب660
168'lh + kwn + ṣdq
Allah + is + truthful
اله + كون + صدق633
169ṣlḥ + jnn + jry
righteous deeds + (to) Gardens + flow
صلح + جنن + جري624
170kwn + kfr + qwl
is + disbelieve[d] + He said
كون + كفر + قول642
171ẓlm + kwn + nfs
the oppressors + is + themselves
ظلم + كون + نفس642
172‘ml + ṣlḥ + 'jr
you do + righteous deeds + (is) a good reward
عمل + صلح + اجر651
173'jr + ‘nd + rbb
(is) a good reward + near + your Lord
اجر + عند + ربب606
174‘lm + srr + ‘ln
All-Knower + secretly + they reveal
علم + سرر + علن642
175ḥyy + dnw + ywm
the life + (of) the world + (on the) Day
حيي + دنو + يوم651
176'lh + ‘lm + ẓlm
Allah + All-Knower + the oppressors
اله + علم + ظلم615
177nzl + 'yy + byn
has been revealed + (the) Signs + clear
نزل + ايي + بين606
178rsl + tlw + 'yy
and His Messenger + are recited + (the) Signs
رسل + تلو + ايي624
179‘lm + ktb + ḥkm
All-Knower + the Book + All-Wise
علم + كتب + حكم606
180ḥnf + kwn + shrk
upright + is + the polytheists
حنف + كون + شرك642
181'mn + 'lh + nzl
believe[d] + Allah + has been revealed
امن + اله + نزل615
182shṭn + ‘dw + byn
the Shaitaan + an enemy + clear
شطن + عدو + بين642
183skn + bny + sbl
and the needy + (the) Children + (the) way
سكن + بني + سبل624
184b‘d + jy' + byn
after + comes + clear
بعد + جيا + بين606
185'lh + rj‘ + 'mr
Allah + return + a matter
اله + رجع + امر615
186'lh + hdy + shy'
Allah + guide + thing
اله + هدي + شيا633
187qrḍ + 'lh + qrḍ
a loan + Allah + a loan
قرض + اله + قرض615
188'lh + qrḍ + ḥsn
Allah + a loan + the good-doers
اله + قرض + حسن615
189'lh + ‘lm + smw
Allah + All-Knower + the heavens
اله + علم + سمو615
190qwl + 'hl + ktb
He said + people + the Book
قول + اهل + كتب606
191shy' + 'lh + ‘lm
thing + Allah + All-Knower
شيا + اله + علم633
192'lh + ‘lm + ṣdr
Allah + All-Knower + of what is in the breasts
اله + علم + صدر624
193qwl + qwl + rbb
He said + He said + your Lord
قول + قول + ربب651
194‘dhb + hwn + kwn
a punishment + humiliating + is
عذب + هون + كون651
195rsl + 'mn + wqy
and His Messenger + believe[d] + And fear
رسل + امن + وقي651
196‘dhb + ‘dhb + 'lm
a punishment + a punishment + painful
عذب + عذب + الم615
197kfr + sw' + dxl
disbelieve[d] + evil deeds + Enter
كفر + سوا + دخل606
198'lh + 'lh + ‘lm
Allah + Allah + All-Knower
اله + اله + علم615
199‘dhb + 'lm + 'mn
a punishment + painful + believe[d]
عذب + الم + امن624
200kwn + kll + shy'
is + every + thing
كون + كلل + شيا615
201ḍll + sbl + 'lh
an error + (the) way + Allah
ضلل + سبل + اله642
202‘ml + ṣlḥ + dxl
you do + righteous deeds + Enter
عمل + صلح + دخل633
203ṭw‘ + 'lh + ṭw‘
and obey + Allah + and obey
طوع + اله + طوع606
204'lh + ṭw‘ + rsl
Allah + and obey + and His Messenger
اله + طوع + رسل606
205kfy + 'lh + shhd
And Allah is sufficient + Allah + (as) a Witness
كفي + اله + شهد633
206kfr + ṣdd + sbl
disbelieve[d] + and turn away + (the) way
كفر + صدد + سبل615
207‘ml + ṣlḥ + gfr
you do + righteous deeds + (is) Oft-Forgiving
عمل + صلح + غفر633
208'lh + 'lh + wkl
Allah + Allah + so let put (their) trust
اله + اله + وكل624
209rsl + blg + byn
and His Messenger + (is) the conveyance + clear
رسل + بلغ + بين633
210smw + 'rḍ + qwl
the heavens + the earth + He said
سمو + ارض + قول660
211ḍll + kwn + fry
an error + is + (to) invent
ضلل + كون + فري660
212'lh + ‘lm + gyb
Allah + All-Knower + (of) the unseen
اله + علم + غيب633
213grr + ḥyy + dnw
deceive you + the life + (of) the world
غرر + حيي + دنو660
214'yy + qwm + 'mn
(the) Signs + (of) Resurrection + believe[d]
ايي + قوم + امن660
215xlq + kll + shy'
created - + every + thing
خلق + كلل + شيا660
216qwm + ẓlm + qwl
(of) Resurrection + the oppressors + He said
قوم + ظلم + قول651
217rbb + gfr + rḥm
your Lord + (is) Oft-Forgiving + Most Merciful
ربب + غفر + رحم660
218jy' + byn + rbb
comes + clear + your Lord
جيا + بين + ربب660
219xwf + ‘dhb + ywm
fear + a punishment + (on the) Day
خوف + عذب + يوم660
220qwl + ‘lm + ‘nd
He said + All-Knower + near
قول + علم + عند651
221bd' + xlq + ‘wd
originates + created - + and Aad
بدا + خلق + عود660
222tlw + 'yy + byn
are recited + (the) Signs + clear
تلو + ايي + بين651
223qwl + w‘d + kwn
He said + (It is the) Promise + is
قول + وعد + كون660
224ḥyq + kwn + hz'
and will surround + is + (to) mock
حيق + كون + هزا660
225smw + 'rḍ + shy'
the heavens + the earth + thing
سمو + ارض + شيا660
226kwn + ‘qb + qbl
is + (the) end + before
كون + عقب + قبل651
227sxr + shms + qmr
and subjected + the sun + and the moon
سخر + شمس + قمر660
228rzq + shy' + qdr
the provision + thing + All-Powerful
رزق + شيا + قدر660
229rsl + qbl + rsl
and His Messenger + before + and His Messenger
رسل + قبل + رسل651
230qwl + 'mn + 'mn
He said + believe[d] + believe[d]
قول + امن + امن532
231smw + mwh + xrj
the heavens + water + then We bring forth
سمو + موه + خرج541
232qwl + mlk + sjd
He said + the Angels + prostrating
قول + ملك + سجد541
233mlk + sjd + sjd
the Angels + prostrating + prostrating
ملك + سجد + سجد541
234kdhb + 'yy + ṣḥb
they have denied + (the) Signs + (are) companions
كذب + ايي + صحب505
235bny + ḥyy + nsw
(the) Children + the life + the women
بني + حيي + نسو541
236‘vw + 'rḍ + fsd
commit evil + the earth + the corrupters
عثو + ارض + فسد541
237qtl + nb' + gyr
fight + Prophet! + without
قتل + نبا + غير505
238nb' + gyr + ḥqq
Prophet! + without + in [the] truth
نبا + غير + حقق505
239‘nd + rbb + xwf
near + your Lord + fear
عند + ربب + خوف505
240rbb + xwf + ḥzn
your Lord + fear + will grieve
ربب + خوف + حزن505
241qwl + d‘w + rbb
He said + they invoke + your Lord
قول + دعو + ربب523
242'lh + ‘lm + srr
Allah + All-Knower + secretly
اله + علم + سرر523
243qwl + ‘nd + 'lh
He said + near + Allah
قول + عند + اله505
244ṣḥb + jnn + xld
(are) companions + (to) Gardens + abiding eternally
صحب + جنن + خلد541
245kfr + ‘dhb + hwn
disbelieve[d] + a punishment + humiliating
كفر + عذب + هون505
246qwl + 'mn + nzl
He said + believe[d] + has been revealed
قول + امن + نزل523
247kwn + 'mn + qwl
is + believe[d] + He said
كون + امن + قول523
248qdm + ydy + 'lh
(have) sent forth + their hands + Allah
قدم + يدي + اله505
249kfr + 'hl + ktb
disbelieve[d] + people + the Book
كفر + اهل + كتب505
250shy' + 'lh + fḍl
thing + Allah + His Bounty
شيا + اله + فضل505
251ḍll + swy + sbl
an error + He established + (the) way
ضلل + سوي + سبل505
252'xr + ‘dhb + ‘ẓm
the Hereafter + a punishment + Great
اخر + عذب + عظم505
253qwl + rbb + j‘l
He said + your Lord + made/put
قول + ربب + جعل532
254wly + wjh + shṭr
you turn away + their faces + (in) its direction
ولي + وجه + شطر505
255xlf + lyl + nhr
differ + the night + river/day
خلف + ليل + نهر532
256tb‘ + xṭw + shṭn
follow + footsteps + the Shaitaan
تبع + خطو + شطن514
257'lh + ḥbb + ḥsn
Allah + loves + the good-doers
اله + حبب + حسن505
258qwl + rbb + 'ty
He said + your Lord + have been given
قول + ربب + اتي532
259nṣr + 'lh + nṣr
any helper + Allah + any helper
نصر + اله + نصر514
260'lh + ‘lm + ‘lm
Allah + All-Knower + All-Knower
اله + علم + علم514
261rḥm + 'lh + 'lh
Most Merciful + Allah + Allah
رحم + اله + اله523
262wfy + kll + nfs
And give full + every + themselves
وفي + كلل + نفس523
263nfs + ksb + ẓlm
themselves + it earned + the oppressors
نفس + كسب + ظلم523
264'lh + ‘dhb + shdd
Allah + a punishment + severe
اله + عذب + شدد523
265bshr + ‘dhb + 'lm
a human being + a punishment + painful
بشر + عذب + الم532
266wlj + lyl + nhr
He merges + the night + river/day
ولج + ليل + نهر523
267lyl + nhr + wlj
the night + river/day + He merges
ليل + نهر + ولج523
268nhr + wlj + nhr
river/day + He merges + river/day
نهر + ولج + نهر523
269wlj + nhr + lyl
He merges + river/day + the night
ولج + نهر + ليل523
270xrj + ḥyy + mwt
then We bring forth + the life + (to) the dead
خرج + حيي + موت541
271ḥyy + mwt + xrj
the life + (to) the dead + then We bring forth
حيي + موت + خرج541
272'rḍ + 'lh + kll
the earth + Allah + every
ارض + اله + كلل514
273'hl + ktb + 'mn
people + the Book + believe[d]
اهل + كتب + امن505
274'lh + 'ty + shy'
Allah + have been given + thing
اله + اتي + شيا505
275'ty + shy' + 'lh
have been given + thing + Allah
اتي + شيا + اله505
276dhwq + ‘dhb + kwn
So taste + a punishment + is
ذوق + عذب + كون532
277qwl + rbb + gfr
He said + your Lord + (is) Oft-Forgiving
قول + ربب + غفر532
278'ty + 'lh + fḍl
have been given + Allah + His Bounty
اتي + اله + فضل505
279'lh + shy' + rwd
Allah + thing + intends
اله + شيا + رود514
280'lh + rsl + 'mn
Allah + and His Messenger + believe[d]
اله + رسل + امن514
281ḥyy + dnw + mt‘
the life + (of) the world + (is) a provision
حيي + دنو + متع532
282sw' + dxl + jnn
evil deeds + Enter + (to) Gardens
سوا + دخل + جنن505
283kwn + wld + kwn
is + a son + is
كون + ولد + كون514
284'lh + 'lh + kwn
Allah + Allah + is
اله + اله + كون523
285'xw + bny + 'xw
their brother + (the) Children + their brother
اخو + بني + اخو505
286kwn + gfr + rḥm
is + (is) Oft-Forgiving + Most Merciful
كون + غفر + رحم514
287'lh + kwn + kll
Allah + is + every
اله + كون + كلل505
288gfr + 'lh + gfr
(is) Oft-Forgiving + Allah + (is) Oft-Forgiving
غفر + اله + غفر505
289'lh + kfy + 'lh
Allah + And Allah is sufficient + Allah
اله + كفي + اله505
290kfy + 'lh + wkl
And Allah is sufficient + Allah + so let put (their) trust
كفي + اله + وكل505
291kwn + 'lh + ‘ml
is + Allah + you do
كون + اله + عمل505
292'rḍ + kwn + 'lh
the earth + is + Allah
ارض + كون + اله505
293wqy + 'lh + kwn
And fear + Allah + is
وقي + اله + كون505
294'mn + 'mn + 'lh
believe[d] + believe[d] + Allah
امن + امن + اله505
295'lh + rsl + qwl
Allah + and His Messenger + He said
اله + رسل + قول505
296'ty + slṭ + byn
have been given + an authority + clear
اتي + سلط + بين541
297rsl + bshr + ndhr
and His Messenger + a human being + a warner
رسل + بشر + نذر541
298mlk + 'lh + shy'
the Angels + Allah + thing
ملك + اله + شيا514
299qsm + 'lh + jhd
And they swear + Allah + strive/fight
قسم + اله + جهد532
300'lh + jhd + ymn
Allah + strive/fight + the right
اله + جهد + يمن532
301hdy + qwm + fsq
guide + (of) Resurrection + defiantly disobedient
هدي + قوم + فسق505
302‘lm + gyb + qwl
All-Knower + (of) the unseen + He said
علم + غيب + قول532
303qwl + kfr + sḥr
He said + disbelieve[d] + Magic
قول + كفر + سحر541
304'mr + ‘bd + 'lh
a matter + you worship + Allah
امر + عبد + اله523
305rḍw + 'lh + rḍw
and are pleased + Allah + and are pleased
رضو + اله + رضو505
306'rḍ + qwl + 'lh
the earth + He said + Allah
ارض + قول + اله550
307shhd + byn + byn
(as) a Witness + clear + clear
شهد + بين + بين550
308nzl + 'yy + rbb
has been revealed + (the) Signs + your Lord
نزل + ايي + ربب550
309qwl + s'l + 'jr
He said + I ask (of) you + (is) a good reward
قول + سال + اجر550
310'yy + qwm + ‘lm
(the) Signs + (of) Resurrection + All-Knower
ايي + قوم + علم541
311rbb + ‘lm + ḍll
your Lord + All-Knower + an error
ربب + علم + ضلل550
312wzr + wzr + wzr
bearer of burdens + bearer of burdens + bearer of burdens
وزر + وزر + وزر550
313wzr + wzr + 'xr
bearer of burdens + bearer of burdens + the Hereafter
وزر + وزر + اخر550
314j‘l + xlf + 'rḍ
made/put + differ + the earth
جعل + خلف + ارض550
315hdy + rḥm + qwm
guide + Most Merciful + (of) Resurrection
هدي + رحم + قوم550
316stt + ywm + swy
six + (on the) Day + He established
ستت + يوم + سوي541
317ywm + swy + ‘rsh
(on the) Day + He established + the Throne
يوم + سوي + عرش541
318ywm + ‘ẓm + qwl
(on the) Day + Great + He said
يوم + عظم + قول550
319rsl + rbb + ‘lm
and His Messenger + your Lord + All-Knower
رسل + ربب + علم550
320blg + rsl + rbb
(is) the conveyance + and His Messenger + your Lord
بلغ + رسل + ربب550
321kdhb + 'yy + kwn
they have denied + (the) Signs + is
كذب + ايي + كون550
322ṣbḥ + dwr + jvm
Glorified is He + their homes + fallen prone
صبح + دور + جثم550
323ṭb‘ + 'lh + qlb
set a seal + Allah + their hearts
طبع + اله + قلب532
324'lh + kvr + ‘lm
Allah + many + All-Knower
اله + كثر + علم550
325shy' + hdy + shy'
thing + guide + thing
شيا + هدي + شيا550
326qwm + kdhb + 'yy
(of) Resurrection + they have denied + (the) Signs
قوم + كذب + ايي541
327'lh + hdy + ḍll
Allah + guide + an error
اله + هدي + ضلل550
328ḍll + 'lh + hdy
an error + Allah + guide
ضلل + اله + هدي550
329gfr + rzq + krm
(is) Oft-Forgiving + the provision + noble
غفر + رزق + كرم514
330dhkr + 'lh + kvr
And remember + Allah + many
ذكر + اله + كثر514
331sw' + kwn + ‘ml
evil deeds + is + you do
سوا + كون + عمل523
332kwn + qwm + fsq
is + (of) Resurrection + defiantly disobedient
كون + قوم + فسق541
333ḍy‘ + 'jr + ḥsn
let go waste + (is) a good reward + the good-doers
ضيع + اجر + حسن541
334ḥsn + kwn + ‘ml
the good-doers + is + you do
حسن + كون + عمل541
335'yy + byn + qwl
(the) Signs + clear + He said
ايي + بين + قول550
336klm + sbq + rbb
(for) a word + (that) preceded + your Lord
كلم + سبق + ربب550
337qwl + shrk + kwn
He said + the polytheists + is
قول + شرك + كون550
338rzq + smw + 'rḍ
the provision + the heavens + the earth
رزق + سمو + ارض550
339‘dhb + 'lm + qwl
a punishment + painful + He said
عذب + الم + قول550
340kwn + byn + rbb
is + clear + your Lord
كون + بين + ربب541
341'lh + wḥd + qhr
Allah + single + the Irresistible
اله + وحد + قهر550
342ṣdq + qwl + ‘lm
truthful + He said + All-Knower
صدق + قول + علم541
343shms + qmr + kll
the sun + and the moon + every
شمس + قمر + كلل550
344'xdh + dwn + wly
take + excluding + you turn away
اخذ + دون + ولي550
345'lh + bsṭ + rzq
Allah + He extends + the provision
اله + بسط + رزق550
346qwl + rbb + 'lh
He said + your Lord + Allah
قول + ربب + اله541
347kfr + ‘dhb + shdd
disbelieve[d] + a punishment + severe
كفر + عذب + شدد550
348'xr + 'jl + smw
the Hereafter + a term + the heavens
اخر + اجل + سمو550
349bgy + fḍl + shkr
seeking + His Bounty + (be) grateful
بغي + فضل + شكر550
350qwl + sṭr + 'wl
He said + Tales + the former (people)
قول + سطر + اول550
351j‘l + sm‘ + bṣr
made/put + (is) All-Hearer + All-Seer
جعل + سمع + بصر550
352'yy + 'lh + ‘lm
(the) Signs + Allah + All-Knower
ايي + اله + علم514
353‘bd + xbr + bṣr
you worship + (is) All-Aware + All-Seer
عبد + خبر + بصر550
354qwl + kfr + 'mn
He said + disbelieve[d] + believe[d]
قول + كفر + امن550
355'lh + rḥm + rḥm
Allah + Most Gracious + Most Merciful
اله + رحم + رحم431
356'mn + nzl + nzl
believe[d] + has been revealed + has been revealed
امن + نزل + نزل413
357nzl + nzl + qbl
has been revealed + has been revealed + before
نزل + نزل + قبل404
358kwn + kdhb + qwl
is + they have denied + He said
كون + كذب + قول431
359'mn + qwl + 'mn
believe[d] + He said + believe[d]
امن + قول + امن413
360‘lm + ḥqq + rbb
All-Knower + in [the] truth + your Lord
علم + حقق + ربب404
361‘lm + qwl + rbb
All-Knower + He said + your Lord
علم + قول + ربب431
362qwl + rbb + mlk
He said + your Lord + the Angels
قول + ربب + ملك422
363b‘ḍ + b‘ḍ + ‘dw
some/others + some/others + an enemy
بعض + بعض + عدو431
364twb + twb + rḥm
they repent + they repent + Most Merciful
توب + توب + رحم404
365bny + dhkr + n‘m
(the) Children + And remember + Favor
بني + ذكر + نعم404
366swm + sw' + ‘dhb
then a fast + evil deeds + a punishment
سوم + سوا + عذب431
367qwl + qwm + qwm
He said + (of) Resurrection + (of) Resurrection
قول + قوم + قوم413
368qwm + ẓlm + nfs
(of) Resurrection + the oppressors + themselves
قوم + ظلم + نفس413
369'kl + ṭyb + rzq
eat + the good things + the provision
اكل + طيب + رزق422
370'yy + 'lh + qtl
(the) Signs + Allah + fight
ايي + اله + قتل404
371'lh + qtl + nb'
Allah + fight + Prophet!
اله + قتل + نبا404
372byn + qwl + qwl
clear + He said + He said
بين + قول + قول431
373qwl + jy' + ḥqq
He said + comes + in [the] truth
قول + جيا + حقق431
374xzy + ḥyy + dnw
(is) disgrace + the life + (of) the world
خزي + حيي + دنو431
375dnw + ywm + qwm
(of) the world + (on the) Day + (of) Resurrection
دنو + يوم + قوم431
376'lh + bṣr + ‘ml
Allah + All-Seer + you do
اله + بصر + عمل404
377'lh + xyr + kwn
Allah + (is) better + is
اله + خير + كون422
378‘lm + 'lh + kll
All-Knower + Allah + every
علم + اله + كلل404
379‘lm + 'lh + mlk
All-Knower + Allah + the Angels
علم + اله + ملك413
380qwl + h't + brhn
He said + Bring + your proof
قول + هات + برهن431
381slm + wjh + 'lh
Peace + their faces + Allah
سلم + وجه + اله413
382ḥkm + byn + ywm
All-Wise + clear + (on the) Day
حكم + بين + يوم413
383qwl + 'xdh + 'lh
He said + take + Allah
قول + اخذ + اله431
384'xdh + 'lh + wld
take + Allah + a son
اخذ + اله + ولد431
385smw + 'rḍ + kll
the heavens + the earth + every
سمو + ارض + كلل422
386qḍy + 'mr + qwl
surely, would have been decreed + a matter + He said
قضي + امر + قول422
387'mr + qwl + kwn
a matter + He said + is
امر + قول + كون422
388‘lm + 'lh + wly
All-Knower + Allah + you turn away
علم + اله + ولي413
389'lh + wḥd + slm
Allah + single + Peace
اله + وحد + سلم422
390kwn + ‘ml + qwl
is + you do + He said
كون + عمل + قول422
391mll + ḥnf + kwn
(the) religion + upright + is
ملل + حنف + كون422
392'lh + nzl + nzl
Allah + has been revealed + has been revealed
اله + نزل + نزل404
393frq + byn + 'ḥd
A party + clear + anyone
فرق + بين + احد404
394rbb + ‘ml + ‘ml
your Lord + you do + you do
ربب + عمل + عمل431
395qwl + ‘lm + 'lh
He said + All-Knower + Allah
قول + علم + اله413
396kwn + qwl + 'lh
is + He said + Allah
كون + قول + اله431
397hdy + shy' + ṣrṭ
guide + thing + a Path
هدي + شيا + صرط413
398shy' + ṣrṭ + qwm
thing + a Path + (of) Resurrection
شيا + صرط + قوم413
399ḥqq + rbb + kwn
in [the] truth + your Lord + is
حقق + ربب + كون422
400sbl + 'lh + mwt
(the) way + Allah + (to) the dead
سبل + اله + موت404
401flk + jry + bḥr
the ships + flow + the sea
فلك + جري + بحر422
402smw + mwh + ḥyy
the heavens + water + the life
سمو + موه + حيي431
403mwh + ḥyy + 'rḍ
water + the life + the earth
موه + حيي + ارض431
404'lh + ‘lm + qwl
Allah + All-Knower + He said
اله + علم + قول431
405'lh + qwl + tb‘
Allah + He said + follow
اله + قول + تبع422
406hll + gyr + 'lh
dedicated to + without + Allah
هلل + غير + اله422
407'lh + nzl + ktb
Allah + has been revealed + the Book
اله + نزل + كتب422
408ytm + skn + bny
and the orphans + and the needy + (the) Children
يتم + سكن + بني404
409kwn + mrḍ + sfr
is + disease + a journey
كون + مرض + سفر404
410sbl + 'lh + qtl
(the) way + Allah + fight
سبل + اله + قتل404
411nfq + sbl + 'lh
they spend + (the) way + Allah
نفق + سبل + اله404
412dhkr + 'lh + dhkr
And remember + Allah + And remember
ذكر + اله + ذكر422
413bgy + rḍw + 'lh
seeking + and are pleased + Allah
بغي + رضو + اله404
414‘lm + 'lh + ‘zz
All-Knower + Allah + (is) the All-Mighty
علم + اله + عزز422
415rzq + shy' + gyr
the provision + thing + without
رزق + شيا + غير404
416shy' + gyr + ḥsb
thing + without + think
شيا + غير + حسب404
417nws + 'mm + wḥd
(of) the people + nation + single
نوس + امم + وحد431
418ḥkm + byn + nws
All-Wise + clear + (of) the people
حكم + بين + نوس413
419'mn + nṣr + 'lh
believe[d] + any helper + Allah
امن + نصر + اله413
420'mn + hjr + jhd
believe[d] + emigrate + strive/fight
امن + هجر + جهد404
421'lh + gfr + ḥlm
Allah + (is) Oft-Forgiving + All-Forbearing
اله + غفر + حلم404
422klf + nfs + ws‘
We burden + themselves + (is) All-Encompassing
كلف + نفس + وسع431
423qwl + qwl + ‘rf
He said + He said + in a fair manner
قول + قول + عرف404
424fḍl + nws + kvr
His Bounty + (of) the people + many
فضل + نوس + كثر431
425nws + kvr + nws
(of) the people + many + (of) the people
نوس + كثر + نوس431
426qrḍ + ḥsn + ḍ‘f
a loan + the good-doers + were oppressed
قرض + حسن + ضعف404
427shy' + 'lh + ws‘
thing + Allah + (is) All-Encompassing
شيا + اله + وسع404
428'yy + kwn + 'mn
(the) Signs + is + believe[d]
ايي + كون + امن422
429'dhn + 'lh + 'lh
permit/ears + Allah + Allah
اذن + اله + اله413
430'yy + 'lh + tlw
(the) Signs + Allah + are recited
ايي + اله + تلو422
431fḍl + b‘ḍ + b‘ḍ
His Bounty + some/others + some/others
فضل + بعض + بعض431
432qbl + 'ty + ywm
before + have been given + (on the) Day
قبل + اتي + يوم431
433‘lm + byn + ydy
All-Knower + clear + their hands
علم + بين + يدي422
434xrj + ẓlm + nwr
then We bring forth + the oppressors + (of) the Fire
خرج + ظلم + نور404
435hdy + qwm + kfr
guide + (of) Resurrection + disbelieve[d]
هدي + قوم + كفر413
436jnn + nxl + ‘nb
(to) Gardens + of date-palms + and grapevines
جنن + نخل + عنب431
437'lh + ḥbb + kll
Allah + loves + every
اله + حبب + كلل413
438wqy + 'lh + rbb
And fear + Allah + your Lord
وقي + اله + ربب413
439‘lm + 'lh + smw
All-Knower + Allah + the heavens
علم + اله + سمو422
440gfr + shy' + ‘dhb
(is) Oft-Forgiving + thing + a punishment
غفر + شيا + عذب404
441shy' + ‘dhb + shy'
thing + a punishment + thing
شيا + عذب + شيا404
442qwl + sm‘ + ṭw‘
He said + (is) All-Hearer + and obey
قول + سمع + طوع404
443'lh + ‘zz + nqm
Allah + (is) the All-Mighty + (of) retribution
اله + عزز + نقم422
444ḥkm + nzl + ktb
All-Wise + has been revealed + the Book
حكم + نزل + كتب422
445rbb + jnn + jry
your Lord + (to) Gardens + flow
ربب + جنن + جري404
446'yy + 'lh + 'lh
(the) Signs + Allah + Allah
ايي + اله + اله413
447mwt + xrj + mwt
(to) the dead + then We bring forth + (to) the dead
موت + خرج + موت431
448xrj + mwt + ḥyy
then We bring forth + (to) the dead + the life
خرج + موت + حيي431
449'lh + gfr + dhnb
Allah + (is) Oft-Forgiving + your sins
اله + غفر + ذنب413
450sm‘ + ‘lm + qwl
(is) All-Hearer + All-Knower + He said
سمع + علم + قول422
451rbb + qwl + rbb
your Lord + He said + your Lord
ربب + قول + ربب431
452qwl + mlk + 'lh
He said + the Angels + Allah
قول + ملك + اله404
453‘bd + ṣrṭ + qwm
you worship + a Path + (of) Resurrection
عبد + صرط + قوم431
454‘dhb + ‘dhb + shdd
a punishment + a punishment + severe
عذب + عذب + شدد431
455‘nd + 'lh + ‘nd
near + Allah + near
عند + اله + عند413
456kwn + ‘bd + dwn
is + you worship + excluding
كون + عبد + دون431
457kfr + b‘d + 'mn
disbelieve[d] + after + believe[d]
كفر + بعد + امن404
458twb + b‘d + ṣlḥ
they repent + after + righteous deeds
توب + بعد + صلح422
459‘dhb + kwn + kfr
a punishment + is + disbelieve[d]
عذب + كون + كفر422
460kwn + ‘qb + kdhb
is + (the) end + they have denied
كون + عقب + كذب431
461ḍrr + 'lh + shy'
any harm + Allah + thing
ضرر + اله + شيا404
462'lh + nzl + slṭ
Allah + has been revealed + an authority
اله + نزل + سلط422
463'lh + ḥyy + mwt
Allah + the life + (to) the dead
اله + حيي + موت431
464'wy + b's + ṣyr
And their abode + and wretched is + the final return
اوي + باس + صير404
465'lh + ‘lm + 'mn
Allah + All-Knower + believe[d]
اله + علم + امن404
466'lh + ḍy‘ + 'jr
Allah + let go waste + (is) a good reward
اله + ضيع + اجر422
467qwl + ḥsb + 'lh
He said + think + Allah
قول + حسب + اله413
468'lh + qwl + qwl
Allah + He said + He said
اله + قول + قول404
469gyr + ḥqq + qwl
without + in [the] truth + He said
غير + حقق + قول413
470qwl + dhwq + ‘dhb
He said + So taste + a punishment
قول + ذوق + عذب431
471b‘d + wṣy + wṣy
after + any will + any will
بعد + وصي + وصي404
472wṣy + wṣy + dyn
any will + any will + [the] religion
وصي + وصي + دين404
473kwn + ‘lm + ḥkm
is + All-Knower + All-Wise
كون + علم + حكم413
474bny + 'xw + bny
(the) Children + their brother + (the) Children
بني + اخو + بني404
475'lh + kwn + gfr
Allah + is + (is) Oft-Forgiving
اله + كون + غفر404
476kwn + 'lh + ysr
is + Allah + (is) easy
كون + اله + يسر404
477kll + 'mm + shhd
every + nation + (as) a Witness
كلل + امم + شهد431
478'lh + kfr + 'mn
Allah + disbelieve[d] + believe[d]
اله + كفر + امن404
479ṣlḥ + dxl + jnn
righteous deeds + Enter + (to) Gardens
صلح + دخل + جنن413
480'lh + rsl + kwn
Allah + and His Messenger + is
اله + رسل + كون404
481ḍll + ḍll + b‘d
an error + an error + after
ضلل + ضلل + بعد404
482'lh + twb + rḥm
Allah + they repent + Most Merciful
اله + توب + رحم404
483'ty + 'jr + ‘ẓm
have been given + (is) a good reward + Great
اتي + اجر + عظم404
484'xr + xyr + wqy
the Hereafter + (is) better + And fear
اخر + خير + وقي431
485hjr + sbl + 'lh
emigrate + (the) way + Allah
هجر + سبل + اله404
486byn + kwn + 'mn
clear + is + believe[d]
بين + كون + امن431
487'lh + kwn + ‘ml
Allah + is + you do
اله + كون + عمل404
488kwn + ‘ml + xbr
is + you do + (is) All-Aware
كون + عمل + خبر404
489gfr + rḥm + kwn
(is) Oft-Forgiving + Most Merciful + is
غفر + رحم + كون431
490wjd + dwn + 'lh
you will find + excluding + Allah
وجد + دون + اله413
491‘ml + ṣlḥ + dhkr
you do + righteous deeds + And remember
عمل + صلح + ذكر431
492kfr + 'lh + rsl
disbelieve[d] + Allah + and His Messenger
كفر + اله + رسل404
493kwn + 'lh + ‘zz
is + Allah + (is) the All-Mighty
كون + اله + عزز404
494sbl + 'lh + ḍll
(the) way + Allah + an error
سبل + اله + ضلل413
495'lh + 'lh + shdd
Allah + Allah + severe
اله + اله + شدد404
496‘lm + ‘lm + 'lh
All-Knower + All-Knower + Allah
علم + علم + اله413
497'mn + qwm + ṣlw
believe[d] + (of) Resurrection + the prayer
امن + قوم + صلو422
498w‘d + 'lh + 'mn
(It is the) Promise + Allah + believe[d]
وعد + اله + امن404
499ṣlḥ + gfr + 'jr
righteous deeds + (is) Oft-Forgiving + (is) a good reward
صلح + غفر + اجر422
500gfr + 'jr + ‘ẓm
(is) Oft-Forgiving + (is) a good reward + Great
غفر + اجر + عظم404
501'lh + qwm + ṣlw
Allah + (of) Resurrection + the prayer
اله + قوم + صلو413
502byn + ‘dw + bgḍ
clear + an enemy + and [the] hatred
بين + عدو + بغض404
503qwl + 'lh + bny
He said + Allah + (the) Children
قول + اله + بني404
504qwm + fsq + qwl
(of) Resurrection + defiantly disobedient + He said
قوم + فسق + قول413
505qṭ‘ + ydy + rjl
and sever + their hands + a man
قطع + يدي + رجل431
506ydy + rjl + xlf
their hands + a man + differ
يدي + رجل + خلف431
507‘dhb + ywm + qwm
a punishment + (on the) Day + (of) Resurrection
عذب + يوم + قوم431
508'ny + 'fk + qwl
How + are they deluded? + He said
اني + افك + قول422
509dwn + 'lh + mlk
excluding + Allah + the Angels
دون + اله + ملك431
510dhwq + wbl + 'mr
So taste + (the bad) consequence + a matter
ذوق + وبل + امر404
511kfr + sḥr + byn
disbelieve[d] + Magic + clear
كفر + سحر + بين431
512kwn + hz' + r'y
is + (to) mock + you seen
كون + هزا + راي440
513kwn + hz' + qwl
is + (to) mock + He said
كون + هزا + قول440
514qwl + syr + 'rḍ
He said + (is) the final return + the earth
قول + سير + ارض440
515qwl + gyr + 'lh
He said + without + Allah
قول + غير + اله440
516'lh + shhd + byn
Allah + (as) a Witness + clear
اله + شهد + بين440
517'lh + kdhb + kdhb
Allah + they have denied + they have denied
اله + كذب + كذب440
518ywm + ḥshr + jm‘
(on the) Day + will be gathered + all
يوم + حشر + جمع440
519qwl + rbb + qwl
He said + your Lord + He said
قول + ربب + قول440
520dwr + 'xr + xyr
their homes + the Hereafter + (is) better
دور + اخر + خير440
521'yy + rbb + qwl
(the) Signs + your Lord + He said
ايي + ربب + قول440
522'lh + gyr + 'lh
Allah + without + Allah
اله + غير + اله440
523swy + ‘my + bṣr
He established + the blind man + All-Seer
سوي + عمي + بصر440
524dwn + 'lh + nf‘
excluding + Allah + benefits
دون + اله + نفع440
525ywm + nfx + ṣwr
(on the) Day + And will be blown + trumpet
يوم + نفخ + صور440
526j‘l + lyl + skn
made/put + the night + and the needy
جعل + ليل + سكن440
527'lh + xlq + kll
Allah + created - + every
اله + خلق + كلل431
528‘lm + nzl + rbb
All-Knower + has been revealed + your Lord
علم + نزل + ربب440
529nzl + rbb + ḥqq
has been revealed + your Lord + in [the] truth
نزل + ربب + حقق440
530‘lm + ḍll + sbl
All-Knower + an error + (the) way
علم + ضلل + سبل440
531ḍll + sbl + ‘lm
an error + (the) way + All-Knower
ضلل + سبل + علم440
532sbl + ‘lm + hdy
(the) way + All-Knower + guide
سبل + علم + هدي440
533‘ml + kwn + ‘ml
you do + is + you do
عمل + كون + عمل440
534kwn + ‘ml + ‘lm
is + you do + All-Knower
كون + عمل + علم440
535wfy + kyl + wzn
And give full + [the] measure + his scales
وفي + كيل + وزن440
536kdhb + 'yy + 'lh
they have denied + (the) Signs + Allah
كذب + ايي + اله431
537qwl + wjd + 'bw
He said + you will find + our forefathers
قول + وجد + ابو440
538'xr + sw‘ + qdm
the Hereafter + the Hour + (have) sent forth
اخر + سوع + قدم440
539'mm + xlw + qbl
nation + has occurred + before
امم + خلو + قبل440
540rḥm + qwm + 'mn
Most Merciful + (of) Resurrection + believe[d]
رحم + قوم + امن440
541smw + 'rḍ + stt
the heavens + the earth + six
سمو + ارض + ستت431
542'rḍ + stt + ywm
the earth + six + (on the) Day
ارض + ستت + يوم431
543rsl + rwḥ + bshr
and His Messenger + the winds + a human being
رسل + روح + بشر440
544qwl + ml' + qwm
He said + the chiefs + (of) Resurrection
قول + ملا + قوم440
545rsl + rbb + nṣḥ
and His Messenger + your Lord + the sincere advisors
رسل + ربب + نصح440
546qwl + ml' + kfr
He said + the chiefs + disbelieve[d]
قول + ملا + كفر440
547ml' + kfr + qwm
the chiefs + disbelieve[d] + (of) Resurrection
ملا + كفر + قوم440
548kwn + ‘bd + 'bw
is + you worship + our forefathers
كون + عبد + ابو440
549'ty + w‘d + kwn
have been given + (It is the) Promise + is
اتي + وعد + كون440
550kwn + jwb + qwm
is + they respond + (of) Resurrection
كون + جوب + قوم440
551jwb + qwm + qwl
they respond + (of) Resurrection + He said
جوب + قوم + قول440
552njw + 'hl + mr'
and We saved him + people + person
نجو + اهل + مرا440
553rsl + byn + kwn
and His Messenger + clear + is
رسل + بين + كون431
554qwl + lqy + lqy
He said + (for the) meeting + (for the) meeting
قول + لقي + لقي440
555kbr + kwn + qwm
great + is + (of) Resurrection
كبر + كون + قوم440
556ḍll + shy' + hdy
an error + thing + guide
ضلل + شيا + هدي440
557‘dhb + shdd + qwl
a punishment + severe + He said
عذب + شدد + قول440
558smw + 'rḍ + 'ty
the heavens + the earth + have been given
سمو + ارض + اتي440
559‘lm + ‘nd + 'lh
All-Knower + near + Allah
علم + عند + اله431
560'lh + rsl + 'lh
Allah + and His Messenger + Allah
اله + رسل + اله404
561'lh + 'mn + 'mn
Allah + believe[d] + believe[d]
اله + امن + امن404
562tlw + 'yy + qwl
are recited + (the) Signs + He said
تلو + ايي + قول422
563zyn + shṭn + ‘ml
Beautified + the Shaitaan + you do
زين + شطن + عمل431
564mwl + nfs + sbl
their wealth + themselves + (the) way
مول + نفس + سبل404
565nfs + sbl + 'lh
themselves + (the) way + Allah
نفس + سبل + اله404
566'lh + 'lh + hdy
Allah + Allah + guide
اله + اله + هدي413
567zyn + sw' + ‘ml
Beautified + evil deeds + you do
زين + سوا + عمل422
568'lh + ‘dhb + 'lm
Allah + a punishment + painful
اله + عذب + الم413
569ḥdd + 'lh + rsl
limits + Allah + and His Messenger
حدد + اله + رسل404
570s'l + qwl + kwn
I ask (of) you + He said + is
سال + قول + كون431
571qbl + kwn + shdd
before + is + severe
قبل + كون + شدد431
572kwn + shdd + qwy
is + severe + (in) strength
كون + شدد + قوي431
573qbl + qwm + ‘wd
before + (of) Resurrection + and Aad
قبل + قوم + عود422
574'ty + rsl + byn
have been given + and His Messenger + clear
اتي + رسل + بين422
575'ty + zkw + ṭw‘
have been given + zakah + and obey
اتي + زكو + طوع404
576xlf + 'lh + w‘d
differ + Allah + (It is the) Promise
خلف + اله + وعد422
577'lh + rḥm + 'lh
Allah + Most Merciful + Allah
اله + رحم + اله413
578wfy + ‘hd + 'lh
And give full + the covenant + Allah
وفي + عهد + اله422
579xlq + 'lh + smw
created - + Allah + the heavens
خلق + اله + سمو440
580sbḥ + ‘lw + shrk
glorify + and Exalted (is) He + the polytheists
سبح + علو + شرك440
581d‘w + 'lh + xlṣ
they invoke + Allah + (being) sincere
دعو + اله + خلص440
582qwl + fry + qwl
He said + (to) invent + He said
قول + فري + قول440
583ẓlm + dhwq + ‘dhb
the oppressors + So taste + a punishment
ظلم + ذوق + عذب431
584'mn + kwn + wqy
believe[d] + is + And fear
امن + كون + وقي440
585qwl + sḥr + byn
He said + Magic + clear
قول + سحر + بين431
586'mn + qwl + rbb
believe[d] + He said + your Lord
امن + قول + ربب440
587hdy + nfs + ḍll
guide + themselves + an error
هدي + نفس + ضلل440
588rwd + ḥyy + dnw
intends + the life + (of) the world
رود + حيي + دنو431
589'jr + ḥsn + kwn
(is) a good reward + the good-doers + is
اجر + حسن + كون440
590'ty + ḥkm + ‘lm
have been given + All-Wise + All-Knower
اتي + حكم + علم440
591kwn + xṭ' + qwl
is + sinners + He said
كون + خطا + قول440
592qwm + 'mn + 'lh
(of) Resurrection + believe[d] + Allah
قوم + امن + اله431
593gny + 'lh + shy'
it avails + Allah + thing
غني + اله + شيا431
594qmr + kll + jry
and the moon + every + flow
قمر + كلل + جري440
595kll + jry + 'jl
every + flow + a term
كلل + جري + اجل440
596jry + 'jl + smw
flow + a term + the heavens
جري + اجل + سمو440
597ḥqq + d‘w + dwn
in [the] truth + they invoke + excluding
حقق + دعو + دون431
598qlb + dhkr + 'lh
their hearts + And remember + Allah
قلب + ذكر + اله431
599'yy + kll + ṣbr
(the) Signs + every + be patient
ايي + كلل + صبر440
600kll + ṣbr + shkr
every + be patient + (be) grateful
كلل + صبر + شكر440
601qwl + bshr + mvl
He said + a human being + an example
قول + بشر + مثل440
602r'y + 'lh + xlq
you seen + Allah + created -
راي + اله + خلق440
603qwl + ḍ‘f + kbr
He said + were oppressed + great
قول + ضعف + كبر440
604dxl + 'mn + ‘ml
Enter + believe[d] + you do
دخل + امن + عمل413
605'lh + nzl + smw
Allah + has been revealed + the heavens
اله + نزل + سمو431
606ḥmd + 'lh + kvr
(is) the praise + Allah + many
حمد + اله + كثر440
607xlq + trb + nṭf
created - + dust + a semen-drop
خلق + ترب + نطف431
608wḥy + 'lh + 'lh
We revealed + Allah + Allah
وحي + اله + اله440
609dhkr + ktb + kwn
And remember + the Book + is
ذكر + كتب + كون440
610ktb + kwn + ṣdq
the Book + is + truthful
كتب + كون + صدق440
611twb + 'mn + ‘ml
they repent + believe[d] + you do
توب + امن + عمل440
612qwm + ṣlw + rzq
(of) Resurrection + the prayer + the provision
قوم + صلو + رزق303
613ṣlw + rzq + nfq
the prayer + the provision + they spend
صلو + رزق + نفق303
614nws + qwl + 'mn
(of) the people + He said + believe[d]
نوس + قول + امن312
615qwl + 'mn + xlw
He said + believe[d] + has occurred
قول + امن + خلو303
616mwh + xrj + vmr
water + then We bring forth + (of) the fruits
موه + خرج + ثمر321
617j‘l + 'lh + ndd
make + Allah + rivals
جعل + اله + ندد321
618bshr + 'mn + ‘ml
a human being + believe[d] + you do
بشر + امن + عمل321
619rzq + qbl + 'ty
the provision + before + have been given
رزق + قبل + اتي303
620'mr + 'lh + wṣl
a matter + Allah + be joined
امر + اله + وصل321
621qwl + ‘lm + ‘lm
He said + All-Knower + All-Knower
قول + علم + علم303
622‘lm + ‘lm + ‘lm
All-Knower + All-Knower + All-Knower
علم + علم + علم312
623qwl + qwl + ‘lm
He said + He said + All-Knower
قول + قول + علم321
624‘lm + gyb + smw
All-Knower + (of) the unseen + the heavens
علم + غيب + سمو312
625kbr + kwn + kfr
great + is + disbelieve[d]
كبر + كون + كفر321
626twb + rḥm + qwl
they repent + Most Merciful + He said
توب + رحم + قول303
627dhkr + n‘m + n‘m
And remember + Favor + Favor
ذكر + نعم + نعم303
628ktm + ḥqq + ‘lm
you conceal + in [the] truth + All-Knower
كتم + حقق + علم303
629‘lm + wqy + ywm
All-Knower + And fear + (on the) Day
علم + وقي + يوم303
630nfs + nfs + shy'
themselves + themselves + thing
نفس + نفس + شيا312
631njw + 'wl + swm
and We saved him + the former (people) + then a fast
نجو + اول + سوم321
632'wl + swm + sw'
the former (people) + then a fast + evil deeds
اول + سوم + سوا321
633dhbḥ + bny + ḥyy
slaughtering + (the) Children + the life
ذبح + بني + حيي321
634ḥyy + nsw + blw
the life + the women + (was) a trial
حيي + نسو + بلو321
635nsw + blw + rbb
the women + (was) a trial + your Lord
نسو + بلو + ربب321
636blw + rbb + ‘ẓm
(was) a trial + your Lord + Great
بلو + ربب + عظم321
637'xdh + ‘jl + b‘d
take + seeking to hasten + after
اخذ + عجل + بعد303
638nzl + mnn + slw
has been revealed + (whom has been) favored + quails
نزل + منن + سلو321
639mnn + slw + 'kl
(whom has been) favored + quails + eat
منن + سلو + اكل321
640slw + 'kl + ṭyb
quails + eat + the good things
سلو + اكل + طيب321
641nfs + ẓlm + qwl
themselves + the oppressors + He said
نفس + ظلم + قول321
642'kl + ḥyv + shy'
eat + wherever + thing
اكل + حيث + شيا321
643dxl + bwb + sjd
Enter + (the) gates + prostrating
دخل + بوب + سجد312
644rjz + smw + kwn
a punishment + the heavens + is
رجز + سمو + كون321
645'rḍ + fsd + qwl
the earth + the corrupters + He said
ارض + فسد + قول321
646bw' + gḍb + 'lh
And they incurred + wrath + Allah
بوا + غضب + اله303
647‘ṣy + kwn + ‘dw
perhaps + is + an enemy
عصي + كون + عدو303
648rf‘ + fwq + ṭwr
And We raised high + above + the mountain
رفع + فوق + طور303
649'xdh + 'ty + qwy
take + have been given + (in) strength
اخذ + اتي + قوي312
650rḥm + kwn + xsr
Most Merciful + is + the losers
رحم + كون + خسر321
651qwl + ‘wdh + 'lh
He said + I seek refuge + Allah
قول + عوذ + اله321
652d‘w + rbb + byn
they invoke + your Lord + clear
دعو + ربب + بين303
653qwl + qwl + bqr
He said + He said + cows
قول + قول + بقر303
654b‘ḍ + b‘ḍ + qwl
some/others + some/others + He said
بعض + بعض + قول321
655shry + vmn + qll
sell + (for) a little price + a little
شري + ثمن + قلل303
656'yd + rwḥ + qds
and We supported him + the winds + the Holy Spirit
ايد + روح + قدس303
657l‘n + 'lh + kfr
(The) curse of Allah + Allah + disbelieve[d]
لعن + اله + كفر303
658'mn + nzl + 'lh
believe[d] + has been revealed + Allah
امن + نزل + اله312
659nzl + 'lh + qwl
has been revealed + Allah + He said
نزل + اله + قول312
660mwt + kwn + ṣdq
(to) the dead + is + truthful
موت + كون + صدق303
661'lh + ṣdq + byn
Allah + truthful + clear
اله + صدق + بين312
662byn + ydy + hdy
clear + their hands + guide
بين + يدي + هدي312
663kfr + nzl + 'yy
disbelieve[d] + has been revealed + (the) Signs
كفر + نزل + ايي321
664frq + 'ty + ktb
A party + have been given + the Book
فرق + اتي + كتب303
665kwn + ‘lm + 'mn
is + All-Knower + believe[d]
كون + علم + امن312
666vwb + ‘nd + 'lh
reward + near + Allah
ثوب + عند + اله303
667'hl + ktb + shrk
people + the Book + the polytheists
اهل + كتب + شرك303
668b‘d + 'mn + kfr
after + believe[d] + disbelieve[d]
بعد + امن + كفر303
669kwn + hwd + nṣr
is + were Jews + any helper
كون + هود + نصر303
670wjh + 'lh + ḥsn
their faces + Allah + the good-doers
وجه + اله + حسن312
671sbḥ + smw + 'rḍ
glorify + the heavens + the earth
سبح + سمو + ارض303
672qwl + hdy + 'lh
He said + guide + Allah
قول + هدي + اله321
673tb‘ + hwy + b‘d
follow + their desires + after
تبع + هوي + بعد312
674hwy + b‘d + jy'
their desires + after + comes
هوي + بعد + جيا312
675ṣlḥ + qwl + rbb
righteous deeds + He said + your Lord
صلح + قول + ربب303
676slm + qwl + slm
Peace + He said + Peace
سلم + قول + سلم321
677slm + rbb + ‘lm
Peace + your Lord + All-Knower
سلم + ربب + علم321
678s'l + kwn + ‘ml
I ask (of) you + is + you do
سال + كون + عمل312
679kwn + shrk + qwl
is + the polytheists + He said
كون + شرك + قول321
680r'f + rḥm + r'y
surely is Most Kind + Most Merciful + you seen
راف + رحم + راي312
681wjh + shṭr + sjd
their faces + (in) its direction + prostrating
وجه + شطر + سجد303
682shṭr + sjd + ḥrm
(in) its direction + prostrating + he has made unlawful
شطر + سجد + حرم303
683rbb + kwn + mry
your Lord + is + doubt
ربب + كون + مري312
684tlw + 'yy + zkw
are recited + (the) Signs + zakah
تلو + ايي + زكو303
685'yy + zkw + ‘lm
(the) Signs + zakah + All-Knower
ايي + زكو + علم303
686zkw + ‘lm + ktb
zakah + All-Knower + the Book
زكو + علم + كتب303
687‘lm + kwn + ‘lm
All-Knower + is + All-Knower
علم + كون + علم303
688'lh + mwt + ḥyy
Allah + (to) the dead + the life
اله + موت + حيي303
689ṣwb + ṣwb + qwl
befalls you + befalls you + He said
صوب + صوب + قول303
690smw + 'rḍ + xlf
the heavens + the earth + differ
سمو + ارض + خلف312
691smw + 'rḍ + 'yy
the heavens + the earth + (the) Signs
سمو + ارض + ايي321
692r'y + 'lh + ‘ml
you seen + Allah + you do
راي + اله + عمل303
693xṭw + shṭn + ‘dw
footsteps + the Shaitaan + an enemy
خطو + شطن + عدو312
694'lh + kwn + ‘bd
Allah + is + you worship
اله + كون + عبد321
695ḥrm + mwt + dmw
he has made unlawful + (to) the dead + and the blood
حرم + موت + دمو312
696mwt + dmw + lḥm
(to) the dead + and the blood + and the flesh
موت + دمو + لحم312
697dmw + lḥm + xnzr
and the blood + and the flesh + (of) the swine
دمو + لحم + خنزر312
698lḥm + xnzr + hll
and the flesh + (of) the swine + dedicated to
لحم + خنزر + هلل312
699xnzr + hll + gyr
(of) the swine + dedicated to + without
خنزر + هلل + غير312
700gyr + 'lh + ḍrr
without + Allah + any harm
غير + اله + ضرر321
701'lh + ḍrr + gyr
Allah + any harm + without
اله + ضرر + غير321
702ḍrr + gyr + bgy
any harm + without + seeking
ضرر + غير + بغي321
703gyr + bgy + ‘dw
without + seeking + an enemy
غير + بغي + عدو321
704'vm + 'lh + gfr
sin + Allah + (is) Oft-Forgiving
اثم + اله + غفر303
705nzl + 'lh + ktb
has been revealed + Allah + the Book
نزل + اله + كتب312
706ḥḍr + 'ḥd + mwt
(will be) brought forth + anyone + (to) the dead
حضر + احد + موت303
707kbr + 'lh + hdy
great + Allah + guide
كبر + اله + هدي312
708wqy + 'lh + flḥ
And fear + Allah + will succeed
وقي + اله + فلح303
709‘lm + 'lh + wqy
All-Knower + Allah + And fear
علم + اله + وقي303
710‘lm + 'lh + shdd
All-Knower + Allah + severe
علم + اله + شدد303
711bgy + fḍl + rbb
seeking + His Bounty + your Lord
بغي + فضل + ربب312
712kwn + qbl + ḍll
is + before + an error
كون + قبل + ضلل303
713dnw + ḥsn + 'xr
(of) the world + the good-doers + the Hereafter
دنو + حسن + اخر321
714wqy + ‘dhb + nwr
And fear + a punishment + (of) the Fire
وقي + عذب + نور303
715wqy + wqy + 'lh
And fear + And fear + Allah
وقي + وقي + اله303
716qwl + ḥyy + dnw
He said + the life + (of) the world
قول + حيي + دنو321
717s‘y + 'rḍ + fsd
strive + the earth + the corrupters
سعي + ارض + فسد303
718'lh + ḥbb + fsd
Allah + loves + the corrupters
اله + حبب + فسد312
719qwl + wqy + 'lh
He said + And fear + Allah
قول + وقي + اله312
720rḍw + 'lh + 'lh
and are pleased + Allah + Allah
رضو + اله + اله303
721'lh + rzq + shy'
Allah + the provision + thing
اله + رزق + شيا303
722kwn + nws + 'mm
is + (of) the people + nation
كون + نوس + امم321
723xyr + 'lh + ‘lm
(is) better + Allah + All-Knower
خير + اله + علم312
724qtl + qwl + qtl
fight + He said + fight
قتل + قول + قتل312
725ḥbṭ + ‘ml + dnw
worthless + you do + (of) the world
حبط + عمل + دنو303
726‘ml + dnw + 'xr
you do + (of) the world + the Hereafter
عمل + دنو + اخر303
727hjr + jhd + sbl
emigrate + strive/fight + (the) way
هجر + جهد + سبل303
728gfr + rḥm + s'l
(is) Oft-Forgiving + Most Merciful + I ask (of) you
غفر + رحم + سال303
729'mr + 'lh + 'lh
a matter + Allah + Allah
امر + اله + اله321
730qwm + ḥdd + 'lh
(of) Resurrection + limits + Allah
قوم + حدد + اله303
731wld + wld + wld
a son + a son + a son
ولد + ولد + ولد312
732'mn + dhkr + 'lh
believe[d] + And remember + Allah
امن + ذكر + اله303
733'lh + ‘lm + kwn
Allah + All-Knower + is
اله + علم + كون312
734mwt + qwl + 'lh
(to) the dead + He said + Allah
موت + قول + اله312
735'lh + fḍl + nws
Allah + His Bounty + (of) the people
اله + فضل + نوس321
736kvr + nws + shkr
many + (of) the people + (be) grateful
كثر + نوس + شكر321
737nṣr + qwm + kfr
any helper + (of) Resurrection + disbelieve[d]
نصر + قوم + كفر303
738'ty + 'lh + mlk
have been given + Allah + the Angels
اتي + اله + ملك312
739'lh + tlw + ḥqq
Allah + are recited + in [the] truth
اله + تلو + حقق312
740sm‘ + ‘lm + 'lh
(is) All-Hearer + All-Knower + Allah
سمع + علم + اله312
741'lh + wly + 'mn
Allah + you turn away + believe[d]
اله + ولي + امن303
742ḥyy + mwt + qwl
the life + (to) the dead + He said
حيي + موت + قول303
743qwl + lbv + ywm
He said + you have remained + (on the) Day
قول + لبث + يوم321
744lbv + ywm + b‘ḍ
you have remained + (on the) Day + some/others
لبث + يوم + بعض321
745ywm + b‘ḍ + ywm
(on the) Day + some/others + (on the) Day
يوم + بعض + يوم321
746shy' + qdr + qwl
thing + All-Powerful + He said
شيا + قدر + قول303
747qwl + rbb + r'y
He said + your Lord + you seen
قول + ربب + راي321
748qwl + 'mn + qwl
He said + believe[d] + He said
قول + امن + قول312
749nws + 'mn + 'lh
(of) the people + believe[d] + Allah
نوس + امن + اله312
750ḥrb + 'lh + rsl
of a war + Allah + and His Messenger
حرب + اله + رسل303