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1 Samuel
6th-8th Centuries BC
217:1-50 12:250-251
8:4-9:17 12:246-247
2 Enoch
Late 1st Century AD
119:4-5 182:10-12
2 Maccabees
111:4; 13:2, 15; 14:12; 15:1:1-5, 20-21 1105:1-5
3 Maccabees
16:18-21 1105:1-5
4 Baruch
2nd Century AD
15:1-19 12:259
The Alexander Legend
7(p146, 156) 118:83
(p147-148) 118:93-97
(p148) 118:86
(p150) 118:94
lxxxii 318:94; 18:97; 21:96 (View All)
The Apocalypse of Abraham
Late 1st or Early 2nd Century AD
421:7-22:5 256:4-11; 90:18-20 (View All)
26:1-4 16:74-83
7:10-12 19:114
The Arabic Infancy Gospel
6th Century AD
3Chapter 1:1-5 23:46; 19:29-30 (View All)
Chapter 36:1-7 15:110
Babylonian Talmud
5th/6th Century AD
13Sukkah: 29a 121:98
Tractate Avodah Zarah: Folio 11b 171:23
Tractate Bava Batra [Baba Batra] 16a 138:41-44
Tractate Berakoth: Folio 9b 12:187
Tractate Gittin 68b 138:34-35
Tractate Gittin: 68a-b 134:13
Tractate Kiddushin: 72a 17:163
Tractate Sanhedrin: 109a 17:166
Tractate Sanhedrin: 110a 128:76
Tractate Sanhedrin: 4:5 15:32
Tractate Sanhedrin: Folio 38b 12:30
Tractate Shabbat: Folio 88a 22:63; 7:171 (View All)
The Book of the Cave of Treasures
6th Century AD (Some Parts 4th Century)
8The First Thousand Years: Satan's Attack on Adam and Eve 17:20-22
The First Thousand Years: The Revolt of Satan 72:34; 7:11-18; 15:29-43; 17:61-64; 18:50; 20:116-117; 38:71-83 (View All)
Circa 650BC
219:16-21 15:45
5:4-21 117:22-38
Early 3rd Century
2Chapter 26, Section 6.16 24:155; 4:160 (View All)
Circa 650BC
1314:1-31 17:136
14:15-31 110:90-92
17:5-6; 15:27 12:60
19:16-25 14:153-155
1:15-16 27:127; 40:25 (View All)
20:1-17 117:22-38
21:22-25 15:45
2:15-22 128:21-28
4:1-7 17:103-108
7:10-14 110:75-86
7:8-13 17:109-118
8:15, 32; 9:12, 34; 10:1, 20, 27; 11:10; 14:8 110:88-89
Circa 6th Century BC
338:2 318:94; 18:97; 21:96 (View All)
Circa 1000-650BC
1411:1-9 128:38
15:6-19 12:260
18:1-15 111:69-73
18:1-21 115:51-60
18:16-19:22 111:74-83
19:1-29 215:61-77; 37:133-138 (View All)
24:11-12 128:24
2:15-17; 3:1-7, 23-24 12:35-36
2:19-20 12:31-33
37; 39-50 112:3-111
7:1-29 17:80-83
7:1-8:19 137:73-82
9:29 129:14
Genesis Rabbah
Circa 500AD (Possibly Earlier)
338:13  12:258
91:6 112:67
Chapter 38 16:74
The Gospel of Bartholomew
Third Century AD
7Chapter 4:51-55 72:34; 7:11-18; 15:29-43; 17:61-64; 18:50; 20:116-117; 38:71-83 (View All)
Gospel of Luke
circa 60AD
316:19-31 17:44-50
1:5-25 23:38-41; 19:2-11 (View All)
Gospel of Matthew
circa 60AD
125:31-46 190:7-20
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
Early Seventh Century AD
420:1-2 23:46; 19:22-26 (View All)
Chapter 27:1-7 23:49; 5:110 (View All)
The History of Al-Ṭabarī: Volume II: Prophets and Kings
Early 10th Century
4II. 245, 249 47:73-79; 11:62-68; 26:141-159; 54:23-31 (View All)
The Infancy Gospel of James
Mid 2nd Century AD
417:2-18:1 119:22
9:1 13:44
Chapter 7: Mary Goes to the Temple 13:35-36
Chapter 8: Mary Turns Twelve 13:37
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Mid to Late 2nd Century AD
2Chapter 2:1-7 23:49; 5:110 (View All)
Isaac of Antioch: 'Homily on Cain and Abel'
Fifth Century AD
1177b 15:28
Jacob of Serugh: On Abraham and His Types
Early 6th Century AD
14:90, lines 4-9 12:125-127
Jacob of Serugh’s Mēmrā on the Sleepers of Ephesus
Early 6th Century AD
1Lines 1-186 118:9-26
4th/5th Century BC
1Chapters 1-4 137:139-148
Josephus (Jewish Antiquities)
Late First Century AD
1II. 10:2 134:15-19
c. 600BC
17:5-7 12:249
Circa 600BC
124:19-20 15:45
The Life of Adam and Eve
Originally Circa 100BC
712:1-16:3 72:34; 7:11-18; 15:29-43; 17:61-64; 18:50; 20:116-117; 38:71-83 (View All)
The Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael
Late 4th Century AD
1Beshallah 7 110:92
6th century BC (or earlier)
316:1-33 128:76-81
26:59 23:33; 66:12 (View All)
Pseudo-Narsai, 'Homilies on Joseph'
Fifth Century AD
1590 112:75
Late First Century AD
320:7-8  318:94; 18:97; 21:96 (View All)
Romanos the Melodist, 'De Joseph'
Sixth Century AD
11:228 112:65
St. Ephrem the Syrian's Hymns on Paradise
4th century AD
23:15 17:22
9:1 19:72
The Story of Ahikar
5th Century BC
2Pages 16-19 228:38; 40:36-37 (View All)
The Syriac Chronicle
Mid 6th Century AD
1Book 2 Chapter 1 118:9-26
Targum Sheni
5th-7th Century AD
21:3 22:102; 34:12-13 (View All)
The Testament of Solomon
First to Third Century AD
1113-114 137:6-10
41 sources134 134