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Examining Root: اتي ('ty)

To come, come to; To bring; to pass, come to pass, come upon; To do, commit; Part.Act = one who comes to; Part.Pass = that which is come to pass; To cause to come, bring, produce, give; The bestowing of gifts; One who gives.

Total Qur’anic Occurrences: 549

Lemmata Based on This Root: 6

Breakdown of Appearances
Verb: 535
Noun: 14

Appears in 2,475 Root-Based Formulae
and lies behind 1,312 Lemma-Based Formulae
Root FormulaeRoot-Plus-Particle-Pronoun FormulaeLemma Formulae
Length 3: 370
Length 4: 247
Length 5: 152
Length 3: 802
Length 4: 590
Length 5: 314
Length 3: 596
Length 4: 418
Length 5: 298

Glosses for this Root
have been given (x31)
And give (x25)
We gave (x19)
comes to them (x17)
comes (x15)
is given (x15)
Then bring (x13)
he will bring it forth (x10)
comes to you (x9)
And We gave him (x9)
come to you (x8)
We have given them (x8)
to come (x7)
Bring me (x7)
will come (x7)
And We gave (x7)
have We given them (x6)
(there) come to you (x6)
they commit (x6)
He has given you (x6)
they come (x5)
We have given you (x5)
(there) comes to them (x5)
Grant us (x5)
will bring it (on) you (x5)
We bestowed upon him (x5)
(has) given them (x5)
you are given (x5)
they will come to you (x5)
He gives it (x5)
I will bring you (x5)
give (x4)
come to them (x4)
He will give you (x4)
you give (x4)
And We gave them (x4)
they bring (x4)
you have given them (x4)
approach (x4)
(is) surely coming (x4)
Bring upon us (x4)
We come (x4)
and gives (x3)
and giving (x3)
(having) come to them (x3)
Do you commit (x3)
and bring (x3)
then give them (x3)
has come (to) them (x3)
(there) come (x3)
We give him (x3)
they came (x3)
gives (x3)
Then bring us (x3)
We gave them (x2)
they come to you (x2)
He (had) given (x2)
came (x2)
while He has given me (x2)
you bring them (x2)
Bring (x2)
it should come to them (x2)
But give them (x2)
We will grant him (x2)
and He gave you (x2)
he came to it (x2)
will bring it to you (x2)
I have been given it (x2)
they give (x2)
Go (x2)
is granted (x2)
came to you (x2)
He has given them (x2)
and we have been given (x2)
Then let them bring (x2)
has come to them (x2)
(when) will bring (x2)
but come to me (x2)
he has been given (x2)
their Lord has given them (x2)
you come (x2)
We have brought them (x2)
you have given (x2)
will come to us (x2)
will come to them (x2)
But came to them (x2)
He has given it (x1)
We bring (x1)
and she gave (x1)
he brings to us (x1)
they were given (x1)
that surely you will bring him to me (x1)
brought forth (x1)
you came to us (x1)
they will come to Us (x1)
You give us (x1)
And they will be given (x1)
And will come to him (x1)
and you have given (x1)
(will) come (x1)
Came to them (x1)
surely, we will come to them (x1)
they (would) have certainly done it (x1)
it came (x1)
(will) come to Him (x1)
And We gave both of them (x1)
but Allah came (x1)
you are given it (x1)
and commit (x1)
So gave them (x1)
so that you bring to them (x1)
gives him (x1)
he may be given (x1)
then come to them (x1)
will bring them to me (x1)
Then she came (x1)
I have given you (x1)
And it will come to them (x1)
and gave him (x1)
So bring us (x1)
We will give them (x1)
Surely, I will be given (x1)
and to give (x1)
and she has been given (x1)
So give (x1)
We would (have) given them (x1)
they came to you (x1)
Give them (x1)
So We gave (x1)
Then we will surely produce for you (x1)
you have given me (x1)
and they come upon you (x1)
I had been given (x1)
So would you approach (x1)
comes to us (x1)
[it] comes to both of you (x1)
(they have) brought (x1)
We gave it (x1)
were given it (x1)
they had given him (x1)
soon He will give him (x1)
will give me (x1)
you bring us (x1)
He will give them (x1)
so it yielded (x1)
(will) come (to) Him (x1)
He gives us (x1)
will bring me (x1)
will he give them (x1)
We will give her (x1)
And we have come to you (x1)
you are granted (x1)
(will) come (for) them (x1)
come (to) us (x1)
then give (x1)
comes to Him (x1)
But it will surely come to them (x1)
(there) came to you (x1)
And come (x1)
you bring him to me (x1)
I (have) given you (x1)
and gives them (x1)
and let him bring to you (x1)
and you will come forth (x1)
(do) you give them (x1)
He gave me (x1)
surely, I will come to them (x1)
then will come to them (x1)
we bring you (x1)
commit it (x1)
and he will come to Us (x1)
He will give us (x1)
He has given me (x1)
surely We (would) have given (x1)
(when) will come to them (x1)
he brings us (x1)
surely it will come to you (x1)
gives you (x1)
and came to them (x1)
we are given (x1)
So let him bring us (x1)
(will) come to both of you (x1)
you bring (x1)
came to us (x1)
(has) come to you (x1)
you give to me (x1)
Come both of you (x1)
and let come (forward) (x1)
Then they came (x1)
So go both of you (x1)
comes (to) it (x1)
and the ones who give (x1)
sure to come (x1)
so give them (x1)
he brings me (x1)
and give it (x1)
Giving (x1)
and give them (x1)
He gave them (x1)
they come to me (x1)
you have given them - (x1)
Then let bring (x1)
So go to him (x1)
will be given (x1)
coming to it (x1)

Verse List
2:23; 2:25; 2:38; 2:43; 2:53; 2:63; 2:83; 2:85; 2:87; 2:93; 2:101; 2:106; 2:109; 2:110; 2:118; 2:121; 2:136; 2:144; 2:145; 2:146; 2:148; 2:177; 2:189; 2:200; 2:201; 2:210; 2:211; 2:213; 2:214; 2:222; 2:223; 2:229; 2:233; 2:247; 2:248; 2:251; 2:253; 2:254; 2:258; 2:260; 2:265; 2:269; 2:271; 2:277; 3:19; 3:20; 3:23; 3:26; 3:73; 3:79; 3:81; 3:84; 3:93; 3:100; 3:125; 3:145; 3:148; 3:161; 3:170; 3:180; 3:183; 3:186; 3:187; 3:188; 3:194; 4:2; 4:4; 4:5; 4:15; 4:16; 4:19; 4:20; 4:24; 4:25; 4:33; 4:37; 4:40; 4:44; 4:47; 4:51; 4:53; 4:54; 4:67; 4:74; 4:77; 4:102; 4:114; 4:127; 4:131; 4:133; 4:146; 4:152; 4:153; 4:162; 4:163; 5:5; 5:12; 5:20; 5:41; 5:46; 5:48; 5:52; 5:54; 5:55; 5:57; 5:108; 6:4; 6:5; 6:20; 6:34; 6:35; 6:40; 6:44; 6:46; 6:47; 6:71; 6:83; 6:89; 6:114; 6:124; 6:130; 6:134; 6:141; 6:154; 6:158; 6:165; 7:17; 7:35; 7:38; 7:53; 7:70; 7:77; 7:80; 7:81; 7:97; 7:98; 7:106; 7:112; 7:129; 7:132; 7:138; 7:144; 7:156; 7:163; 7:169; 7:171; 7:175; 7:187; 7:189; 7:190; 7:203; 8:32; 8:70; 9:5; 9:11; 9:18; 9:24; 9:29; 9:54; 9:59; 9:70; 9:71; 9:75; 9:76; 9:92; 10:15; 10:24; 10:38; 10:39; 10:50; 10:79; 10:88; 11:3; 11:8; 11:13; 11:28; 11:31; 11:32; 11:33; 11:39; 11:63; 11:76; 11:93; 11:105; 11:110; 12:22; 12:31; 12:37; 12:48; 12:49; 12:50; 12:54; 12:59; 12:60; 12:66; 12:83; 12:93; 12:101; 12:107; 13:31; 13:36; 13:38; 13:41; 14:9; 14:10; 14:11; 14:17; 14:19; 14:25; 14:31; 14:34; 14:44; 15:7; 15:11; 15:64; 15:81; 15:85; 15:87; 15:99; 16:1; 16:26; 16:27; 16:33; 16:45; 16:55; 16:76; 16:90; 16:111; 16:112; 16:122; 17:2; 17:26; 17:55; 17:59; 17:71; 17:85; 17:88; 17:92; 17:101; 17:107; 18:10; 18:15; 18:19; 18:33; 18:40; 18:55; 18:62; 18:65; 18:77; 18:84; 18:96; 19:12; 19:27; 19:30; 19:38; 19:43; 19:61; 19:77; 19:80; 19:93; 19:95; 20:9; 20:10; 20:11; 20:15; 20:36; 20:47; 20:58; 20:60; 20:64; 20:69; 20:74; 20:75; 20:99; 20:123; 20:126; 20:133; 21:2; 21:3; 21:5; 21:40; 21:44; 21:47; 21:48; 21:51; 21:61; 21:73; 21:74; 21:79; 21:84; 22:7; 22:27; 22:41; 22:54; 22:55; 22:78; 23:49; 23:60; 23:68; 23:71; 23:90; 24:4; 24:13; 24:22; 24:33; 24:37; 24:49; 24:56; 25:33; 25:35; 25:40; 26:5; 26:6; 26:10; 26:16; 26:31; 26:37; 26:89; 26:154; 26:165; 26:202; 27:3; 27:7; 27:15; 27:16; 27:18; 27:21; 27:23; 27:31; 27:36; 27:37; 27:38; 27:39; 27:40; 27:42; 27:54; 27:55; 27:87; 28:14; 28:29; 28:30; 28:43; 28:46; 28:48; 28:49; 28:52; 28:54; 28:60; 28:71; 28:72; 28:76; 28:77; 28:78; 28:79; 28:80; 29:5; 29:27; 29:28; 29:29; 29:47; 29:49; 29:53; 29:66; 30:34; 30:38; 30:39; 30:43; 30:56; 31:4; 31:12; 31:16; 32:3; 32:13; 32:23; 33:14; 33:18; 33:20; 33:30; 33:31; 33:33; 33:50; 33:51; 33:68; 34:3; 34:6; 34:10; 34:44; 34:45; 35:16; 35:40; 36:30; 36:46; 37:28; 37:117; 37:157; 38:20; 38:21; 39:25; 39:40; 39:49; 39:54; 39:55; 39:71; 40:22; 40:35; 40:50; 40:53; 40:56; 40:59; 40:78; 41:7; 41:11; 41:40; 41:42; 41:45; 42:20; 42:36; 42:47; 43:7; 43:21; 43:66; 44:10; 44:19; 44:33; 44:36; 45:16; 45:17; 45:25; 46:4; 46:22; 47:16; 47:17; 47:18; 47:36; 48:10; 48:16; 51:16; 51:24; 51:42; 51:52; 52:18; 52:34; 52:38; 57:16; 57:21; 57:23; 57:27; 57:28; 57:29; 58:11; 58:13; 59:2; 59:7; 59:9; 60:10; 60:11; 60:12; 61:6; 62:4; 63:10; 64:5; 64:6; 65:1; 65:6; 65:7; 67:8; 67:30; 68:41; 69:19; 69:25; 71:1; 73:20; 74:31; 74:47; 74:52; 76:1; 78:18; 79:15; 84:7; 84:10; 85:17; 88:1; 92:18; 98:1; 98:4; 98:5

(Examine All Occurrences)