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Showing the 50 dictionary definitions for roots beginning with غ. (Show All Definitions)

Root (or Lemma)Dictionary DefinitionOther LexicaOccurrences 
غبرghbrRemained, lasted, continued, tarried, stayed, waited, passed/went away, recrudescent, dust-colored.    8   
غبنghbnCheated, deceived, overreached, defrauded, endamaged, suffer loss or damage or detriment.
taghabana vb. (5) n.vb. 64:9 (taghaabuni) = signifies mutuality in the endeavor of cheating, endamaging, or overcoming.
غثوghthwBecame abundant; rubbish, scum; broken pieces of herbage that are seen upon a torrent; the low or vile of mankind; the lion.    2   
غدرghdrPerfidious, treacherous, unfaithful, faithless, to neglect.    2   
غدقghdqSpring or source abounded with water, abundant, generous.    1   
غدوghdwEarly part of morning, morrow, morning, time between the prayer of daybreak and sunrise, first part of the day.    16   
غربghrbWent/passed away, depart/retire/remove, become remote/distant/absent/hidden/black, withdraw, western, foreign/strange, exceed, abundance, sharpness, (maghrib = sunset), black.    19   
غررghrrDeceived, beguiled, inexperienced or ignorant in affairs, act childish, exposed to perdition or destruction without knowing, gargled; whiteness, clearness of complexion; noble or eminent man, chief, lord, most precious and excellent; peril, danger, hazard; deficiency of, imperfect performance of; vain things, vanities.    27   
غرفghrfTook, cut, cut off, clip, bent, broken; a species of trees with which one tans; quantity (of water) that is taken by the hand; chamber in the uppermost story, the highest of the places of Paradise; a certain large measure of capacity; having much water; swift.    7   
غرقghrqSank, drowned, went downwards and disappeared, became without need, drew the bow to the full (with vehement fulling), outstripped, engrossed, a man overwhelmed by trials, single draught, ornamented, obligatory.    23   
غرمghrmPaid, discharged, gave against will, taking upon oneself that which is not obligatory upon him; damage or loss that befalls a man in his property; lasting evil, perdition; shackled or burdened or held captive.    6   
غروghrwGlued, made adhere with, attached, fond, desirious, wondered; a certain red dye.    2   
غزلghzlSpun the cotton or wool; [applied to a dog can mean] flagged, became remiss, became confounded with a young gazelle; he talked with her and acted in an amatory and enticing manner; turned around or made to revolve; attempted as a self-imposed task; follower of, lover of; amorous or enticing gestures or manners; the sun when high or rising; a vender or spinner of thread; a slender cord.    1   
غزوghzwWill, desire, sought, aim at, intended it; went forth or engaged in warring or plundering; intended sense or meaning; a woman whose husband is absent [to war]; a she-camel whose impregnation is difficult.    1   
غسقghsqDarkness, the night; shed tears, poured water; intense coldness; watery/thick purulent matter that flows or drips; intensely red (applied to she-camel).    4   
غسلghslWash, removing of dirt or filth, cleanse; covered much or often; water with which one washes himself; a certain plant, growing in places that exude water and produce salt; a place in which the dead are washed.    4   
غشوghshwCover, conceal, overwhelm, occupy one’s self; whiteness of the head or face, a horse whose whole head is white distinct from its body; the resurrection; calamity, misfortune; a certain disease that attacks the belly or chest; petitioners, visitors, seekers of favors; swoon, senseless.    29   
غصبghṣbTake wrongfully, unjustly, forcefully, without the owner’s permission; force or compel someone to do something.    1   
غصصghṣṣThroat or fauces became choked or obstructed; straitened (applied to land); filled [and as it were choked up].    1   
غضبghḍbAnger/wrath/stern, intense/deep redness.    24   
غضضghḍḍLowered, contracted, lessened.    4   
غطشghṭshBecame dark, became weak, feigning negligence or heedlessness.    1   
غطوghṭwCover.    2   
غفرghfrProtect, cover over, shield, forgive, pardon.    234   
غفلghflUnmindful, forgetful, neglectful, heedless, intentionally neglecting or leaving or turning away.    35   
غلبghlbOvercame, conquered, subdued, mastered, surpassed, superior in power or force.    31   
غلظghlẓThick, gross, bulky, coarse, rough, hardness, strength, vehemence.    13   
غلفghlfPut into, furnished with, daubed, smeared, a species of trees with which one tans, uncircumcised, a plant which is eaten by monkeys or apes, covering, enclosing, envelope.    2   
غلقghlqWent away/far, rightful possession, stuck fast, state of perdition, contending for a bet, being or becoming closed or bolted.    1   
غللghllTo [make something] enter, clad with, put upon, burning with thirst, became unfaithful, collar, shackle, a thing in which one hides himself, dishonesty, insincerity, revenue from the land.    16   
غلمghlmExcited with lust, stirred up, tumultuous, period from birth to the seventeenth year, youth, young man.    13   
غلوghlwExcessive, exorbitant, luxuriant, grow tall, utmost extent of a shot or throw, behaving with forced hardness or rigour.    2   
غليghlyBoiled, vehemently angry.    2   
غمرghmrMuch in quantity, abundant, copious, ignorant, immerged, plunged, intensely, inexperienced, unintelligent, drowning, overwhelming ignorance.    4   
غمزghmzPress, squeeze, made a sign with the eye, cattle of a bad quality, limping, halting, suspected of a fault.    1   
غمضghmḍUnapparent, unperceived, hidden, concealed, low, mean, vile.    1   
غممghmmCovered, veiled, concealed, confusedness, obscureness, calamity, misfortune.    11   
غنمghnmObtained, got, took (usually in reference to spoils or booties); acquisition without difficulties, regaining, sheep or goats collected together.    9   
غنيghnyFree from wants, having no wants, in a state of competence or sufficiency or rich or wealthy; dwelt, abode; sing, chanted; eulogized, satirized.    73   
غوثghwthCry for aid, succor, desiring aid; traveling provision; food to give aid; waters; a certain idol from the Medhij tribe, a certain good man who lives between Adam and Noah of whom after death became object of worship.    5   
غورghwrLow land or country, has gone quickly, entered deeply, examine minutely or deeply, sank or become depressed; bestow upon; alighting or sleeping in the middle of the day; hasten, pushed, pressed, quickly; sudden, unexpected; derived, obtained; swollen; cave in a mountain; army; the bottom or lowest part; the sun; abundance of the produce of the earth.    4   
غوصghwṣDive in, descend beneath; immersed, immerged, dipped, plunged.    2   
غوطghwṭEnter/sank into a thing, become hidden/ descended/sloped in the ground, dug/excavated/hollowed out, make deep, cavity/pit, Lane gives the example of 4:43 & 5:6 to mean "place in which one satisfies a want of nature" (i.e. toilet), human excrement.    2   
غولghwlDestroy; take someone unexpectedly or unaware; death or decree of death; cast away, cause to fall; a place which roads or ways are unapparent so it causes people to go astray; hastening; become altered in state or appearance; dubious, confused; far extent, extremities; distress, trouble, molestation; unfaithfulness; a kind of jinn or demon that destroys men; bad or corrupt conduct, evil, mischief    1   
غويghwyUnmindful, neglectful, inattentive, inadvertent, inconsiderate, heedless, forgetful; journey in the darkness, went far away therein; darkness, intensely black, the deepest black; the first part or state of youth; the belly.    22   
غيبghybAbsent/remote/hidden/concealed, absent from the range or beyond the reach of perception by sense or of mental perception, unseen/invisible.    60   
غيثghythWatered (with rain), rained upon, rain; [of a blind man] search, seek; [of a camel] became fat.    4   
غيرghyrBring, convey, benefit, bestowed upon; alter or change a thing for the worse, corrupted, tainted, infected, render it ill-smelling; adjusting, repairing; difference between two persons; become jealous; procure; other than (exclusively), except, without; lies; [a man’s] dislike of another’s participation in what supposedly his right; care of what is sacred or inviolable to avoid suspicion of disdain; cognizance or badge of a free non-Muslim subjects in a Muslim government; one who puts off the furniture of his camel from off him to relieve and ease him.
غيضghyḍBecame scanty or little in quantity, decreased, diminished, became deficient, fell short; sank into the earth, disappeared in the earth, went away into the earth or enters or collects, place where water sinks [applied to water]; an abortive fetus (not completely formed, less than seven months old).    2   
غيظghyẓAnger, wrath, rage, vehemence, distress; cooking-pot.    11