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Examining Root: قوم (qwm)

Stand still or firm, rose/stand up, managed/conducted/ordered/regulated/superintended, established, made it straight/right, maintain/erect/observe/perform, set up, people/community/company, abode, stature/dignity/rank.
aqama - to keep a thing or an affair in a right state.

Total Qur’anic Occurrences: 660

Lemmata Based on This Root: 22

Breakdown of Appearances
Verb: 97
Noun: 536

Appears in 3,183 Root-Based Formulae
and lies behind 1,651 Lemma-Based Formulae
Root FormulaeRoot-Plus-Particle-Pronoun FormulaeLemma Formulae
Length 3: 546
Length 4: 319
Length 5: 176
Length 3: 1,016
Length 4: 728
Length 5: 398
Length 3: 741
Length 4: 541
Length 5: 369

Glosses for this Root
(of) Resurrection (x70)
for a people (x54)
a people (x43)
O my people! (x38)
the people (x37)
Straight (x33)
(of) the people (x31)
(are) a people (x26)
and establish (x23)
(for) a people (x20)
(The) people (x19)
his people (x18)
(of) his people (x18)
to his people (x13)
your people (x10)
And O my people! (x9)
Establish (x8)
and (the) people (x8)
will (be) established (x8)
and his people (x7)
standing (x7)
their people (x7)
enduring (x5)
my people (x5)
the people - (x5)
will stand (x5)
the straight (x5)
stand (x4)
a means of support (x4)
you stand (x4)
they are upright (x4)
(was) standing - (x3)
and more suitable (x3)
then establish (x3)
the upright (x3)
stands (x3)
they (will be able to) keep (x3)
they stood up (x3)
with the people (x3)
O our people! (x2)
and places (x2)
lasting (x2)
and your people (x2)
steadfast (x2)
our people (x2)
So set (x2)
(was) standing (x2)
and standing (x2)
and establishes (x2)
and their people (x2)
the Sustainer of all that exists (x2)
right (x2)
and resting place (x2)
(the) standing (x2)
and they establish (x2)
had stood firmly (x2)
(to) establish (x1)
And the ones who establish (x1)
Direct (x1)
(the) standing place (x1)
you establish (x1)
(is) most straight (x1)
they can stand (x1)
stood up (x1)
and to establish (x1)
(to) her people (x1)
and those who stand (x1)
while their people (x1)
moderate (x1)
your place (x1)
that may establish (x1)
and stand up (x1)
to their people (x1)
mould (x1)
(is) a position (x1)
so take a Straight Path (x1)
and you lead (x1)
That they may establish (x1)
and her people (x1)
(are) protectors (x1)
(of) your encampment (x1)
you stand firmly (x1)
my stay (x1)
We will assign (x1)
Stand up (x1)
the correct (x1)
(in) position (x1)
So you two (keep to the) straight way (x1)
and those who establish (x1)
standing place (x1)
and (from) establishing (x1)
a place (x1)
standing before Me (x1)
they stand (x1)
(in) their place (x1)
(to) a station (x1)
stand firm (x1)
correct (x1)
so he set it straight (x1)
and establishment (x1)
(will be) standing (x1)
So stand firm (x1)
and stand firm (x1)
then let stand (x1)
an establisher (x1)
you stand up (x1)
take a straight way (x1)
then you be upright (x1)
the Self-Subsisting (x1)
(of) Eternity (x1)

Verse List
1:6; 2:3; 2:20; 2:43; 2:54; 2:60; 2:67; 2:83; 2:85; 2:110; 2:113; 2:118; 2:125; 2:142; 2:164; 2:174; 2:177; 2:212; 2:213; 2:229; 2:230; 2:238; 2:250; 2:255; 2:258; 2:264; 2:275; 2:277; 2:282; 2:286; 3:2; 3:18; 3:39; 3:51; 3:55; 3:75; 3:77; 3:86; 3:97; 3:101; 3:113; 3:117; 3:140; 3:147; 3:161; 3:180; 3:185; 3:191; 3:194; 4:5; 4:34; 4:46; 4:68; 4:77; 4:78; 4:87; 4:90; 4:91; 4:92; 4:102; 4:103; 4:104; 4:109; 4:127; 4:135; 4:141; 4:142; 4:159; 4:162; 4:175; 5:2; 5:6; 5:8; 5:11; 5:12; 5:14; 5:16; 5:20; 5:21; 5:22; 5:25; 5:26; 5:36; 5:37; 5:41; 5:50; 5:51; 5:54; 5:55; 5:58; 5:64; 5:66; 5:67; 5:68; 5:77; 5:84; 5:97; 5:102; 5:107; 5:108; 6:12; 6:39; 6:45; 6:47; 6:66; 6:68; 6:72; 6:74; 6:77; 6:78; 6:80; 6:83; 6:87; 6:89; 6:97; 6:98; 6:99; 6:105; 6:126; 6:133; 6:135; 6:144; 6:147; 6:153; 6:161; 7:16; 7:29; 7:32; 7:47; 7:52; 7:58; 7:59; 7:60; 7:61; 7:64; 7:65; 7:66; 7:67; 7:69; 7:73; 7:75; 7:79; 7:80; 7:81; 7:82; 7:85; 7:88; 7:89; 7:90; 7:93; 7:99; 7:109; 7:127; 7:128; 7:133; 7:137; 7:138; 7:142; 7:145; 7:148; 7:150; 7:155; 7:159; 7:160; 7:164; 7:167; 7:170; 7:172; 7:176; 7:177; 7:188; 7:203; 8:3; 8:53; 8:58; 8:65; 8:72; 9:5; 9:6; 9:7; 9:11; 9:13; 9:14; 9:18; 9:19; 9:21; 9:24; 9:36; 9:37; 9:39; 9:53; 9:56; 9:68; 9:70; 9:71; 9:80; 9:84; 9:96; 9:108; 9:109; 9:115; 9:122; 9:127; 10:5; 10:6; 10:12; 10:13; 10:24; 10:25; 10:60; 10:67; 10:71; 10:74; 10:75; 10:83; 10:84; 10:85; 10:86; 10:87; 10:89; 10:93; 10:98; 10:101; 10:105; 11:25; 11:27; 11:28; 11:29; 11:30; 11:36; 11:38; 11:39; 11:44; 11:49; 11:50; 11:51; 11:52; 11:56; 11:57; 11:60; 11:61; 11:63; 11:64; 11:70; 11:71; 11:74; 11:78; 11:84; 11:85; 11:88; 11:89; 11:92; 11:93; 11:98; 11:99; 11:100; 11:112; 11:114; 12:9; 12:37; 12:40; 12:87; 12:110; 12:111; 13:3; 13:4; 13:7; 13:11; 13:22; 13:33; 14:4; 14:5; 14:6; 14:9; 14:14; 14:28; 14:31; 14:37; 14:40; 14:41; 15:15; 15:41; 15:58; 15:62; 15:76; 16:11; 16:12; 16:13; 16:25; 16:27; 16:59; 16:64; 16:65; 16:67; 16:69; 16:76; 16:79; 16:80; 16:92; 16:107; 16:121; 16:124; 17:9; 17:13; 17:35; 17:58; 17:62; 17:78; 17:79; 17:97; 18:2; 18:14; 18:15; 18:36; 18:77; 18:86; 18:90; 18:93; 18:105; 19:11; 19:27; 19:36; 19:73; 19:95; 19:97; 20:14; 20:79; 20:83; 20:85; 20:86; 20:87; 20:90; 20:100; 20:101; 20:111; 20:124; 21:11; 21:47; 21:52; 21:73; 21:74; 21:77; 21:78; 21:106; 22:9; 22:17; 22:26; 22:35; 22:41; 22:42; 22:43; 22:54; 22:67; 22:69; 22:78; 23:16; 23:23; 23:24; 23:28; 23:33; 23:41; 23:44; 23:46; 23:47; 23:73; 23:94; 23:106; 24:37; 24:46; 24:56; 25:4; 25:18; 25:30; 25:36; 25:37; 25:64; 25:66; 25:67; 25:69; 25:76; 26:10; 26:11; 26:58; 26:70; 26:105; 26:117; 26:160; 26:166; 26:182; 26:218; 27:3; 27:12; 27:24; 27:39; 27:43; 27:46; 27:47; 27:51; 27:52; 27:54; 27:55; 27:56; 27:60; 27:86; 28:3; 28:21; 28:25; 28:32; 28:41; 28:42; 28:46; 28:50; 28:61; 28:71; 28:72; 28:76; 28:79; 29:13; 29:14; 29:16; 29:24; 29:25; 29:28; 29:29; 29:30; 29:35; 29:36; 29:45; 29:51; 30:12; 30:14; 30:21; 30:23; 30:24; 30:25; 30:28; 30:30; 30:31; 30:37; 30:43; 30:47; 30:55; 31:4; 31:17; 32:3; 32:25; 33:13; 33:33; 34:46; 35:14; 35:18; 35:29; 35:35; 36:4; 36:6; 36:19; 36:20; 36:26; 36:28; 36:61; 37:30; 37:85; 37:115; 37:118; 37:124; 37:164; 38:12; 38:13; 39:9; 39:15; 39:24; 39:31; 39:39; 39:40; 39:42; 39:47; 39:52; 39:60; 39:67; 39:68; 40:5; 40:29; 40:30; 40:31; 40:32; 40:38; 40:39; 40:41; 40:46; 40:51; 41:3; 41:6; 41:30; 41:40; 41:50; 42:13; 42:15; 42:38; 42:45; 42:52; 43:5; 43:26; 43:43; 43:44; 43:51; 43:54; 43:57; 43:58; 43:61; 43:64; 43:88; 44:17; 44:22; 44:26; 44:28; 44:37; 44:51; 45:4; 45:5; 45:13; 45:14; 45:17; 45:20; 45:26; 45:27; 45:31; 46:5; 46:10; 46:13; 46:21; 46:23; 46:25; 46:29; 46:30; 46:31; 46:35; 47:38; 48:2; 48:12; 48:16; 48:20; 49:6; 49:11; 50:12; 50:14; 51:25; 51:32; 51:45; 51:46; 51:53; 52:32; 52:48; 53:52; 54:9; 54:33; 55:9; 55:46; 57:25; 58:7; 58:13; 58:14; 58:22; 59:5; 59:13; 59:14; 60:3; 60:4; 60:13; 61:5; 61:7; 62:5; 62:11; 63:6; 65:2; 66:11; 67:22; 68:39; 69:7; 70:33; 71:1; 71:2; 71:5; 72:16; 72:19; 73:2; 73:6; 73:20; 74:2; 75:1; 75:6; 78:38; 79:40; 81:28; 83:6; 95:4; 98:3; 98:5

(Examine All Occurrences)