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Examining Root: راي (r'y)

To see/think/hold, in opinion of, perceive, judge, consider, know.
ara'itaka / ara'itakum - do tell me thou/you (the personal pronoun Kaf is added for emphasis and is not purely as pleonism without adding to the meaning).
tara'ni is for a compound word of a verb tara followed by a pronoun ni - you see me.
badi al-ra'yi - having superficial view, outward appearance, first thought, apparently, without proper consideration.
ra'yal'ain - to see with naked eye, judgement by sight.
ri'yun - outward appearance. ru'ya - vision dream.
a'lam tara - behold! lo!
ri'aun - hypocrisy, ostentation, to be seen. tara'a - to see one another, consider, come in sight of one another. yura'una - they deceive hypocritically assuming a false appearance.

Total Qur’anic Occurrences: 328

Lemmata Based on This Root: 8

Breakdown of Appearances
Verb: 315
Noun: 13

Appears in 1,043 Root-Based Formulae
and lies behind 633 Lemma-Based Formulae
Root FormulaeRoot-Plus-Particle-Pronoun FormulaeLemma Formulae
Length 3: 109
Length 4: 109
Length 5: 72
Length 3: 346
Length 4: 279
Length 5: 128
Length 3: 305
Length 4: 197
Length 5: 131

Glosses for this Root
you seen (x31)
they see (x27)
you see (x16)
Do you see (x15)
Have you seen (x12)
and you will see (x12)
he saw (x11)
you (could) see (x8)
they will see (x8)
they saw (x6)
you see them (x6)
we see (x6)
see you (x5)
so you would see (x5)
I see (x5)
you will see (x5)
show me (x5)
We show you (x5)
Then do you see (x4)
they had seen (x4)
we see you (x4)
he saw? (x3)
he saw him (x3)
shows you (x3)
you (could) see them (x3)
So have you seen (x3)
that you see (x3)
surely, see you (x3)
you (will) see Me (x2)
and you see it (x2)
they (will) see it (x2)
so that he sees it (x2)
they see you (x2)
And you will see them (x2)
will see it (x2)
my vision (x2)
they see it (x2)
[I] see you (x2)
And He shows you (x2)
make show (x2)
Show us (x2)
[I] see myself (x2)
and they will see (x2)
I will show you (x2)
see (x2)
he saw it (x2)
vision (x2)
to be seen (x2)
and appearance? (x1)
you (where) shown them (x1)
I show you (x1)
sees him (x1)
You should show me (x1)
and Allah will see (x1)
they saw him (x1)
saw each other (x1)
I saw (x1)
He will show you (x1)
to show him (x1)
will show them (x1)
But We see it (x1)
surely you will see it (x1)
So show Me (x1)
sees you - (x1)
and I see (x1)
with the sight (x1)
and showing off (x1)
immature in opinion (x1)
be seen (x1)
And show us (x1)
We show(ed) (x1)
We showed you (x1)
and they saw (x1)
He had shown them to you (x1)
And you see (x1)
he sees himself (x1)
he (can) see it (x1)
is seen (x1)
and you see them (x1)
that We may show him (x1)
Then he showed him (x1)
And will see (x1)
that He may show you (x1)
the vision (x1)
they saw them (x1)
We showed him (x1)
you have seen it (x1)
came in sight (x1)
We showed them (x1)
then Allah will see (x1)
[we] surely see her (x1)
sees you (x1)
it saw (x1)
I saw them (x1)
she saw it (x1)
surely you (would) have seen it (x1)
would see (x1)
see it (x1)
Surely you will see (x1)
you see me (x1)
and they see it (x1)
And see (x1)
to show both of them (x1)
That We may show you (x1)
They were seeing them (x1)
He showed them to you (x1)
Soon We will show them (x1)
to be shown (x1)
it sees them (x1)
surely, We could show them to you (x1)
of visions (x1)
sees? (x1)
your vision (x1)
and show (x1)
they saw it (x1)

Verse List
2:55; 2:73; 2:128; 2:144; 2:165; 2:166; 2:167; 2:243; 2:246; 2:258; 2:260; 2:264; 3:13; 3:23; 3:143; 3:152; 4:38; 4:44; 4:49; 4:51; 4:60; 4:61; 4:77; 4:105; 4:142; 4:153; 5:31; 5:52; 5:62; 5:80; 5:83; 6:6; 6:25; 6:27; 6:30; 6:40; 6:46; 6:47; 6:68; 6:74; 6:75; 6:76; 6:77; 6:78; 6:93; 6:94; 7:27; 7:60; 7:66; 7:143; 7:145; 7:146; 7:148; 7:149; 7:198; 8:43; 8:44; 8:47; 8:48; 8:50; 9:26; 9:40; 9:94; 9:105; 9:126; 9:127; 10:46; 10:50; 10:54; 10:59; 10:88; 10:97; 11:27; 11:28; 11:29; 11:63; 11:70; 11:84; 11:88; 11:91; 12:4; 12:5; 12:24; 12:28; 12:30; 12:31; 12:35; 12:36; 12:43; 12:59; 12:78; 12:100; 13:2; 13:12; 13:40; 13:41; 14:19; 14:24; 14:28; 14:49; 16:14; 16:48; 16:79; 16:85; 16:86; 17:1; 17:60; 17:62; 17:99; 18:17; 18:39; 18:47; 18:49; 18:53; 18:63; 19:26; 19:74; 19:75; 19:77; 19:83; 20:10; 20:23; 20:46; 20:56; 20:89; 20:92; 20:107; 21:30; 21:36; 21:37; 21:44; 22:2; 22:5; 22:18; 22:63; 22:65; 23:93; 23:95; 24:40; 24:41; 24:43; 25:12; 25:21; 25:22; 25:40; 25:41; 25:42; 25:43; 25:45; 26:7; 26:61; 26:75; 26:201; 26:205; 26:218; 26:225; 27:10; 27:20; 27:40; 27:44; 27:86; 27:88; 27:93; 28:6; 28:31; 28:64; 28:71; 28:72; 29:19; 29:67; 30:24; 30:37; 30:48; 30:51; 31:10; 31:11; 31:20; 31:29; 31:31; 32:12; 32:27; 33:9; 33:19; 33:22; 34:6; 34:9; 34:27; 34:31; 34:33; 34:51; 35:8; 35:12; 35:27; 35:40; 36:31; 36:71; 36:77; 37:14; 37:55; 37:102; 37:105; 38:62; 39:21; 39:38; 39:58; 39:60; 39:75; 40:13; 40:29; 40:69; 40:77; 40:81; 40:84; 40:85; 41:15; 41:29; 41:39; 41:52; 41:53; 42:22; 42:44; 42:45; 43:42; 43:48; 45:23; 45:28; 46:4; 46:10; 46:23; 46:24; 46:25; 46:33; 46:35; 47:20; 47:30; 48:27; 48:29; 52:44; 53:11; 53:12; 53:13; 53:18; 53:19; 53:33; 53:35; 53:40; 54:2; 56:58; 56:63; 56:68; 56:71; 57:12; 57:20; 58:7; 58:8; 58:14; 59:11; 59:21; 62:11; 63:4; 63:5; 67:3; 67:19; 67:27; 67:28; 67:30; 68:26; 69:7; 69:8; 70:6; 70:7; 71:15; 72:24; 76:13; 76:19; 76:20; 79:20; 79:36; 79:46; 81:23; 83:32; 89:6; 90:7; 96:7; 96:9; 96:11; 96:13; 96:14; 99:6; 99:7; 99:8; 102:6; 102:7; 105:1; 107:1; 107:6; 110:2

(Examine All Occurrences)