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Surah 2 al-Baqara (The Cow)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

وَقَالُوا۟  كُونُوا۟  هُودًا  أَوْ  نَصَٰرَىٰ  تَهْتَدُوا۟  قُلْ  بَلْ  مِلَّةَ  إِبْرَٰهِـۧمَ  حَنِيفًا  وَمَا  كَانَ  مِنَ  ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ wa‑qālū kūnū hūdan aw naṣārā tahtadū qul bal millata ibrāhīma ḥanīfan wa‑mā kāna mina l‑mushrikīna
They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with Allah."

قُولُوٓا۟  ءَامَنَّا  بِٱللَّـهِ  وَمَآ  أُنزِلَ  إِلَيْنَا  وَمَآ  أُنزِلَ  إِلَىٰٓ  إِبْرَٰهِـۧمَ  وَإِسْمَٰعِيلَ  وَإِسْحَٰقَ  وَيَعْقُوبَ  وَٱلْأَسْبَاطِ  وَمَآ  أُوتِىَ  مُوسَىٰ  وَعِيسَىٰ  وَمَآ  أُوتِىَ  ٱلنَّبِيُّونَ  مِن  رَّبِّهِمْ  لَا  نُفَرِّقُ  بَيْنَ  أَحَدٍ  مِّنْهُمْ  وَنَحْنُ  لَهُۥ  مُسْلِمُونَ qūlū āmannā billāhi wa‑mā unzila ilaynā wa‑mā unzila ila ibrāhīma wa‑ismāʿīla wa‑isḥāqa wa‑yaʿqūba wa‑l‑asbāṭi wa‑mā ūtiya mūsā wa‑ʿīsa wa‑mā ūtiya l‑nabiyyūna min rabbihim nufarriqu bayna aḥadin minhum wa‑naḥnu lahu muslimūna
Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."

فَإِنْ  ءَامَنُوا۟  بِمِثْلِ  مَآ  ءَامَنتُم  بِهِۦ  فَقَدِ  ٱهْتَدَوا۟  وَّإِن  تَوَلَّوْا۟  فَإِنَّمَا  هُمْ  فِى  شِقَاقٍ  فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَهُوَ  ٱلسَّمِيعُ  ٱلْعَلِيمُ fa‑in āmanū bi‑mithli āmantum bihi fa‑qadi ihtadaw wa‑in tawallaw fa‑innamā hum shiqāqin fa‑sa‑yakfīkahumu allāhu wa‑huwa l‑samīʿu l‑ʿalīmu
So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

صِبْغَةَ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَمَنْ  أَحْسَنُ  مِنَ  ٱللَّـهِ  صِبْغَةً  وَنَحْنُ  لَهُۥ  عَٰبِدُونَ ṣibghata allāhi wa‑man aḥsanu mina allāhi ṣibghatan wa‑naḥnu lahu ʿābidūna
(Our religion is) the Baptism of Allah: And who can baptize better than Allah? And it is He Whom we worship.

قُلْ  أَتُحَآجُّونَنَا  فِى  ٱللَّـهِ  وَهُوَ  رَبُّنَا  وَرَبُّكُمْ  وَلَنَآ  أَعْمَٰلُنَا  وَلَكُمْ  أَعْمَٰلُكُمْ  وَنَحْنُ  لَهُۥ  مُخْلِصُونَ qul atuḥājjūnanā allāhi wa‑huwa rabbunā wa‑rabbukum wa‑lanā aʿmālunā wa‑lakum aʿmālukum wa‑naḥnu lahu mukhliṣūna
Say: Will ye dispute with us about Allah, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him?

أَمْ  تَقُولُونَ  إِنَّ  إِبْرَٰهِـۧمَ  وَإِسْمَٰعِيلَ  وَإِسْحَٰقَ  وَيَعْقُوبَ  وَٱلْأَسْبَاطَ  كَانُوا۟  هُودًا  أَوْ  نَصَٰرَىٰ  قُلْ  ءَأَنتُمْ  أَعْلَمُ  أَمِ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَمَنْ  أَظْلَمُ  مِمَّن  كَتَمَ  شَهَٰدَةً  عِندَهُۥ  مِنَ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَمَا  ٱللَّـهُ  بِغَٰفِلٍ  عَمَّا  تَعْمَلُونَ am taqūlūna inna ibrāhīma wa‑ismāʿīla wa‑isḥāqa wa‑yaʿqūba wa‑l‑asbāṭa kānū hūdan aw naṣārā qul aʾantum aʿlamu ami allāhu wa‑man aẓlamu mimman katama shahādatan ʿindahu mina allāhi wa‑mā allāhu bi‑ghāfilin ʿammā taʿmalūna
Or do ye say that Abraham, Isma'il Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do ye know better than Allah? Ah! who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? but Allah is not unmindful of what ye do!

تِلْكَ  أُمَّةٌ  قَدْ  خَلَتْ  لَهَا  مَا  كَسَبَتْ  وَلَكُم  مَّا  كَسَبْتُمْ  وَلَا  تُسْـَٔلُونَ  عَمَّا  كَانُوا۟  يَعْمَلُونَ tilka ummatun qad khalat lahā kasabat wa‑lakum kasabtum wa‑lā tusʾalūna ʿammā kānū yaʿmalūna
That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case: