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Ref | Arabic | Transliteration | Translation |
(31:6) | وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِى لَهْوَ ٱلْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّـهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ | wa‑mina l‑nāsi man yashtarī lahwa l‑ḥadīthi li‑yuḍilla ʿan sabīli allāhi bi‑ghayri ʿilmin wa‑yattakhidhahā huzuwan ulāʾika lahum ʿadhābun muhīnun | But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales,
without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and
throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating
Sura Luqmān 31:6 وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِى لَهْوَ ٱلْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّـهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ wa-mina l-nāsi man yashtarī lahwa l-ḥadīthi li-yuḍilla ʿan sabīli allāhi bi-ghayri ʿilmin wa-yattakhidhahā huzuwan ulāʾika lahum ʿadhābun muhīnun But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty. |
(31:7) | وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِ ءَايَٰتُنَا وَلَّىٰ مُسْتَكْبِرًا كَأَن لَّمْ يَسْمَعْهَا كَأَنَّ فِىٓ أُذُنَيْهِ وَقْرًا فَبَشِّرْهُ بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ | wa‑idhā tutlā ʿalayhi āyātunā walla mustakbiran ka‑an lam yasmaʿhā ka‑anna fī udhunayhi waqran fa‑bashshirhu bi‑ʿadhābin alīmin | When Our Signs are rehearsed to such a one, he turns away in
arrogance, as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in both his
ears: announce to him a grievous Penalty.
Sura Luqmān 31:7 وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِ ءَايَٰتُنَا وَلَّىٰ مُسْتَكْبِرًا كَأَن لَّمْ يَسْمَعْهَا كَأَنَّ فِىٓ أُذُنَيْهِ وَقْرًا فَبَشِّرْهُ بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ wa-idhā tutlā ʿalayhi āyātunā walla mustakbiran ka-an lam yasmaʿhā ka-anna fī udhunayhi waqran fa-bashshirhu bi-ʿadhābin alīmin When Our Signs are rehearsed to such a one, he turns away in arrogance, as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in both his ears: announce to him a grievous Penalty. |
(31:8) | إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ لَهُمْ جَنَّٰتُ ٱلنَّعِيمِ | inna lladhīna āmanū wa‑ʿamilū l‑ṣāliḥāti lahum jannātu l‑naʿīmi | For those who believe and work righteous deeds, there will be
Gardens of Bliss,-
Sura Luqmān 31:8 إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ لَهُمْ جَنَّٰتُ ٱلنَّعِيمِ inna lladhīna āmanū wa-ʿamilū l-ṣāliḥāti lahum jannātu l-naʿīmi For those who believe and work righteous deeds, there will be Gardens of Bliss,- |
(31:9) | خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَا وَعْدَ ٱللَّـهِ حَقًّا وَهُوَ ٱلْعَزِيزُ ٱلْحَكِيمُ | khālidīna fīhā waʿda allāhi ḥaqqan wa‑huwa l‑ʿazīzu l‑ḥakīmu | To dwell therein. The promise of Allah is true: and He is
Exalted in Power, Wise.
Sura Luqmān 31:9 خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَا وَعْدَ ٱللَّـهِ حَقًّا وَهُوَ ٱلْعَزِيزُ ٱلْحَكِيمُ khālidīna fīhā waʿda allāhi ḥaqqan wa-huwa l-ʿazīzu l-ḥakīmu To dwell therein. The promise of Allah is true: and He is Exalted in Power, Wise. |
(31:10) | خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ بِغَيْرِ عَمَدٍ تَرَوْنَهَا وَأَلْقَىٰ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ رَوَٰسِىَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِكُمْ وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَآبَّةٍ وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءً فَأَنۢبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ زَوْجٍ كَرِيمٍ | khalaqa l‑samāwāti bi‑ghayri ʿamadin tarawnahā wa‑alqa fī l‑arḍi rawāsiya an tamīda bikum wa‑baththa fīhā min kulli dābbatin wa‑anzalnā mina l‑samāʾi māʾan fa‑anbatnā fīhā min kulli zawjin karīmin | He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He
set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you;
and He scattered through it beasts of all kinds. We send down rain from the
sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs.
Sura Luqmān 31:10 خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ بِغَيْرِ عَمَدٍ تَرَوْنَهَا وَأَلْقَىٰ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ رَوَٰسِىَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِكُمْ وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَآبَّةٍ وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءً فَأَنۢبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ زَوْجٍ كَرِيمٍ khalaqa l-samāwāti bi-ghayri ʿamadin tarawnahā wa-alqa fī l-arḍi rawāsiya an tamīda bikum wa-baththa fīhā min kulli dābbatin wa-anzalnā mina l-samāʾi māʾan fa-anbatnā fīhā min kulli zawjin karīmin He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and He scattered through it beasts of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs. |
(31:11) | هَٰذَا خَلْقُ ٱللَّـهِ فَأَرُونِى مَاذَا خَلَقَ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِۦ بَلِ ٱلظَّٰلِمُونَ فِى ضَلَٰلٍ مُّبِينٍ | hādhā khalqu allāhi fa‑arūnī mādhā khalaqa lladhīna min dūnihi bali l‑ẓālimūna fī ḍalālin mubīnin | Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me what is there that
others besides Him have created: nay, but the Transgressors are in manifest
Sura Luqmān 31:11 هَٰذَا خَلْقُ ٱللَّـهِ فَأَرُونِى مَاذَا خَلَقَ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِۦ بَلِ ٱلظَّٰلِمُونَ فِى ضَلَٰلٍ مُّبِينٍ hādhā khalqu allāhi fa-arūnī mādhā khalaqa lladhīna min dūnihi bali l-ẓālimūna fī ḍalālin mubīnin Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created: nay, but the Transgressors are in manifest error. |
(31:12) | وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَا لُقْمَٰنَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ أَنِ ٱشْكُرْ لِلَّـهِ وَمَن يَشْكُرْ فَإِنَّمَا يَشْكُرُ لِنَفْسِهِۦ وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ غَنِىٌّ حَمِيدٌ | wa‑la‑qad ātaynā luqmāna l‑ḥikmata ani ishkur lillāhi wa‑man yashkur fa‑innamā yashkuru li‑nafsihi wa‑man kafara fa‑inna allāha ghaniyyun ḥamīdun | we bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy)
gratitude to Allah." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his
own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily Allah is free of all wants, Worthy
of all praise.
Sura Luqmān 31:12 وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَا لُقْمَٰنَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ أَنِ ٱشْكُرْ لِلَّـهِ وَمَن يَشْكُرْ فَإِنَّمَا يَشْكُرُ لِنَفْسِهِۦ وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ غَنِىٌّ حَمِيدٌ wa-la-qad ātaynā luqmāna l-ḥikmata ani ishkur lillāhi wa-man yashkur fa-innamā yashkuru li-nafsihi wa-man kafara fa-inna allāha ghaniyyun ḥamīdun we bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to Allah." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily Allah is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. |