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Ref | Arabic | Transliteration | Translation |
(40:10) | إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ يُنَادَوْنَ لَمَقْتُ ٱللَّـهِ أَكْبَرُ مِن مَّقْتِكُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ إِذْ تُدْعَوْنَ إِلَى ٱلْإِيمَٰنِ فَتَكْفُرُونَ | inna lladhīna kafarū yunādawna lamaqtu allāhi akbaru min maqtikum anfusakum idh tudʿawna ilā l‑īmāni fa‑takfurūna | The Unbelievers will be addressed: "Greater was the aversion
of Allah to you than (is) your aversion to yourselves, seeing that ye were
called to the Faith and ye used to refuse."
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:10 إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ يُنَادَوْنَ لَمَقْتُ ٱللَّـهِ أَكْبَرُ مِن مَّقْتِكُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ إِذْ تُدْعَوْنَ إِلَى ٱلْإِيمَٰنِ فَتَكْفُرُونَ inna lladhīna kafarū yunādawna lamaqtu allāhi akbaru min maqtikum anfusakum idh tudʿawna ilā l-īmāni fa-takfurūna The Unbelievers will be addressed: "Greater was the aversion of Allah to you than (is) your aversion to yourselves, seeing that ye were called to the Faith and ye used to refuse." |
(40:12) | ذَٰلِكُم بِأَنَّهُۥٓ إِذَا دُعِىَ ٱللَّـهُ وَحْدَهُۥ كَفَرْتُمْ وَإِن يُشْرَكْ بِهِۦ تُؤْمِنُوا۟ فَٱلْحُكْمُ لِلَّـهِ ٱلْعَلِىِّ ٱلْكَبِيرِ | dhālikum biannahu idhā duʿiya allāhu waḥdahu kafartum wa‑in yushrak bihi tūʾminū fa‑l‑ḥukmu lillāhi l‑ʿaliyyi l‑kabīri | (The answer will be:) "This is because, when Allah was invoked
as the Only (object of worship), ye did reject Faith, but when partners
were joined to Him, ye believed! the Command is with Allah, Most High, Most
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:12 ذَٰلِكُم بِأَنَّهُۥٓ إِذَا دُعِىَ ٱللَّـهُ وَحْدَهُۥ كَفَرْتُمْ وَإِن يُشْرَكْ بِهِۦ تُؤْمِنُوا۟ فَٱلْحُكْمُ لِلَّـهِ ٱلْعَلِىِّ ٱلْكَبِيرِ dhālikum biannahu idhā duʿiya allāhu waḥdahu kafartum wa-in yushrak bihi tūʾminū fa-l-ḥukmu lillāhi l-ʿaliyyi l-kabīri (The answer will be:) "This is because, when Allah was invoked as the Only (object of worship), ye did reject Faith, but when partners were joined to Him, ye believed! the Command is with Allah, Most High, Most Great!" |
(40:14) | فَٱدْعُوا۟ ٱللَّـهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ ٱلْكَٰفِرُونَ | fa‑idʿu allāha mukhliṣīna lahu l‑dīna wa‑law kariha l‑kāfirūna | Call ye, then, upon Allah with sincere devotion to Him, even
though the Unbelievers may detest it.
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:14 فَٱدْعُوا۟ ٱللَّـهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ ٱلْكَٰفِرُونَ fa-idʿu allāha mukhliṣīna lahu l-dīna wa-law kariha l-kāfirūna Call ye, then, upon Allah with sincere devotion to Him, even though the Unbelievers may detest it. |
(40:20) | وَٱللَّـهُ يَقْضِى بِٱلْحَقِّ وَٱلَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦ لَا يَقْضُونَ بِشَىْءٍ إِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ هُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْبَصِيرُ | wallāhu yaqḍī bil‑ḥaqqi wa‑lladhīna yadʿūna min dūnihi lā yaqḍūna bi‑shayʾin inna allāha huwa l‑samīʿu l‑baṣīru | And Allah will judge with (justice and) Truth: but those whom
(men) invoke besides Him, will not (be in a position) to judge at all.
Verily it is Allah (alone) Who hears and sees (all things).
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:20 وَٱللَّـهُ يَقْضِى بِٱلْحَقِّ وَٱلَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦ لَا يَقْضُونَ بِشَىْءٍ إِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ هُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْبَصِيرُ wallāhu yaqḍī bil-ḥaqqi wa-lladhīna yadʿūna min dūnihi lā yaqḍūna bi-shayʾin inna allāha huwa l-samīʿu l-baṣīru And Allah will judge with (justice and) Truth: but those whom (men) invoke besides Him, will not (be in a position) to judge at all. Verily it is Allah (alone) Who hears and sees (all things). |
(40:26) | وَقَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ ذَرُونِىٓ أَقْتُلْ مُوسَىٰ وَلْيَدْعُ رَبَّهُۥٓ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ أَن يُبَدِّلَ دِينَكُمْ أَوْ أَن يُظْهِرَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ ٱلْفَسَادَ | wa‑qāla firʿawun dharūnī aqtul mūsā wa‑l‑yadʿu rabbahu innī akhāfu an yubaddila dīnakum aw an yuẓhira fī l‑arḍi l‑fasāda | Said Pharaoh: "Leave me to slay Moses; and let him call on his
Lord! What I fear is lest he should change your religion, or lest he should
cause mischief to appear in the land!"
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:26 وَقَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ ذَرُونِىٓ أَقْتُلْ مُوسَىٰ وَلْيَدْعُ رَبَّهُۥٓ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ أَن يُبَدِّلَ دِينَكُمْ أَوْ أَن يُظْهِرَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ ٱلْفَسَادَ wa-qāla firʿawun dharūnī aqtul mūsā wa-l-yadʿu rabbahu innī akhāfu an yubaddila dīnakum aw an yuẓhira fī l-arḍi l-fasāda Said Pharaoh: "Leave me to slay Moses; and let him call on his Lord! What I fear is lest he should change your religion, or lest he should cause mischief to appear in the land!" |
(40:41) | وَيَٰقَوْمِ مَا لِىٓ أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى ٱلنَّجَوٰةِ وَتَدْعُونَنِىٓ إِلَى ٱلنَّارِ | wa‑yā‑qawmi mā lī adʿūkum ilā l‑najawti wa‑tadʿūnanī ilā l‑nāri | "And O my people! How (strange) it is for me to call you to
Salvation while ye call me to the Fire!
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:41 وَيَٰقَوْمِ مَا لِىٓ أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى ٱلنَّجَوٰةِ وَتَدْعُونَنِىٓ إِلَى ٱلنَّارِ wa-yā-qawmi mā lī adʿūkum ilā l-najawti wa-tadʿūnanī ilā l-nāri "And O my people! How (strange) it is for me to call you to Salvation while ye call me to the Fire! |
(40:42) | تَدْعُونَنِى لِأَكْفُرَ بِٱللَّـهِ وَأُشْرِكَ بِهِۦ مَا لَيْسَ لِى بِهِۦ عِلْمٌ وَأَنَا۠ أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى ٱلْعَزِيزِ ٱلْغَفَّٰرِ | tadʿūnanī liakfura billāhi wa‑ushrika bihi mā laysa lī bihi ʿilmun wa‑anā adʿūkum ilā l‑ʿazīzi l‑ghaffāri | "Ye do call upon me to blaspheme against Allah, and to join with
Him partners of whom I have no knowledge; and I call you to the Exalted in
Power, Who forgives again and again!"
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:42 تَدْعُونَنِى لِأَكْفُرَ بِٱللَّـهِ وَأُشْرِكَ بِهِۦ مَا لَيْسَ لِى بِهِۦ عِلْمٌ وَأَنَا۠ أَدْعُوكُمْ إِلَى ٱلْعَزِيزِ ٱلْغَفَّٰرِ tadʿūnanī liakfura billāhi wa-ushrika bihi mā laysa lī bihi ʿilmun wa-anā adʿūkum ilā l-ʿazīzi l-ghaffāri "Ye do call upon me to blaspheme against Allah, and to join with Him partners of whom I have no knowledge; and I call you to the Exalted in Power, Who forgives again and again!" |
(40:43) | لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّمَا تَدْعُونَنِىٓ إِلَيْهِ لَيْسَ لَهُۥ دَعْوَةٌ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا وَلَا فِى ٱلْأَخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ مَرَدَّنَآ إِلَى ٱللَّـهِ وَأَنَّ ٱلْمُسْرِفِينَ هُمْ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلنَّارِ | lā jarama annamā tadʿūnanī ilayhi laysa lahu daʿwatun fī l‑dunyā wa‑lā fī l‑akhirati wa‑anna maraddanā ilā allāhi wa‑anna l‑musrifīna hum aṣḥābu l‑nāri | "Without doubt ye do call me to one who is not fit to be
called to, whether in this world, or in the Hereafter; our return will be
to Allah; and the Transgressors will be Companions of the Fire!
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:43 لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّمَا تَدْعُونَنِىٓ إِلَيْهِ لَيْسَ لَهُۥ دَعْوَةٌ فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا وَلَا فِى ٱلْأَخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ مَرَدَّنَآ إِلَى ٱللَّـهِ وَأَنَّ ٱلْمُسْرِفِينَ هُمْ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلنَّارِ lā jarama annamā tadʿūnanī ilayhi laysa lahu daʿwatun fī l-dunyā wa-lā fī l-akhirati wa-anna maraddanā ilā allāhi wa-anna l-musrifīna hum aṣḥābu l-nāri "Without doubt ye do call me to one who is not fit to be called to, whether in this world, or in the Hereafter; our return will be to Allah; and the Transgressors will be Companions of the Fire! |
(40:49) | وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ فِى ٱلنَّارِ لِخَزَنَةِ جَهَنَّمَ ٱدْعُوا۟ رَبَّكُمْ يُخَفِّفْ عَنَّا يَوْمًا مِّنَ ٱلْعَذَابِ | wa‑qāla lladhīna fī l‑nāri li‑khazanati jahannama idʿū rabbakum yukhaffif ʿannā yawman mina l‑ʿadhābi | Those in the Fire will say to the Keepers of Hell: "Pray to
your Lord to lighten us the Penalty for a day (at least)!"
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:49 وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ فِى ٱلنَّارِ لِخَزَنَةِ جَهَنَّمَ ٱدْعُوا۟ رَبَّكُمْ يُخَفِّفْ عَنَّا يَوْمًا مِّنَ ٱلْعَذَابِ wa-qāla lladhīna fī l-nāri li-khazanati jahannama idʿū rabbakum yukhaffif ʿannā yawman mina l-ʿadhābi Those in the Fire will say to the Keepers of Hell: "Pray to your Lord to lighten us the Penalty for a day (at least)!" |
(40:50) | قَالُوٓا۟ أَوَلَمْ تَكُ تَأْتِيكُمْ رُسُلُكُم بِٱلْبَيِّنَٰتِ قَالُوا۟ بَلَىٰ قَالُوا۟ فَٱدْعُوا۟ وَمَا دُعَٰٓؤُا۟ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ إِلَّا فِى ضَلَٰلٍ | qālū a‑wa‑lam taku taʾtīkum rusulukum bil‑bayyināti qālū balā qālū fa‑idʿu wa‑mā duʿāʾu l‑kāfirīna illā fī ḍalālin | They will say: "Did there not come to you your messengers with
Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes". They will reply, "Then pray (as ye
like)! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile
wandering) in (mazes of) error!"
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:50 قَالُوٓا۟ أَوَلَمْ تَكُ تَأْتِيكُمْ رُسُلُكُم بِٱلْبَيِّنَٰتِ قَالُوا۟ بَلَىٰ قَالُوا۟ فَٱدْعُوا۟ وَمَا دُعَٰٓؤُا۟ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ إِلَّا فِى ضَلَٰلٍ qālū a-wa-lam taku taʾtīkum rusulukum bil-bayyināti qālū balā qālū fa-idʿu wa-mā duʿāʾu l-kāfirīna illā fī ḍalālin They will say: "Did there not come to you your messengers with Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes". They will reply, "Then pray (as ye like)! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile wandering) in (mazes of) error!" |
(40:60) | وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ٱدْعُونِىٓ أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِى سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ | wa‑qāla rabbukumu idʿūnī astajib la‑kum inna lladhīna yastakbirūna ʿan ʿibādatī sa‑yadkhulūna jahannama dākhirīna | And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer):
but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in
Hell - in humiliation!"
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:60 وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ٱدْعُونِىٓ أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِى سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ wa-qāla rabbukumu idʿūnī astajib la-kum inna lladhīna yastakbirūna ʿan ʿibādatī sa-yadkhulūna jahannama dākhirīna And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation!" |
(40:65) | هُوَ ٱلْحَىُّ لَآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَٱدْعُوهُ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَ ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ | huwa l‑ḥayyu lā ilāha illā huwa fa‑idʿūhu mukhliṣīna lahu l‑dīna l‑ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l‑ʿālamīna | He is the Living (One): There is no god but He: Call upon Him,
giving Him sincere devotion. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:65 هُوَ ٱلْحَىُّ لَآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَٱدْعُوهُ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَ ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ huwa l-ḥayyu lā ilāha illā huwa fa-idʿūhu mukhliṣīna lahu l-dīna l-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna He is the Living (One): There is no god but He: Call upon Him, giving Him sincere devotion. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds! |
(40:66) | قُلْ إِنِّى نُهِيتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ ٱلَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّـهِ لَمَّا جَآءَنِىَ ٱلْبَيِّنَٰتُ مِن رَّبِّى وَأُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُسْلِمَ لِرَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ | qul innī nuhītu an aʿbuda lladhīna tadʿūna min dūni allāhi lammā jāʾaniya l‑bayyinātu min rrabbī wa‑umirtu an uslima li‑rabbi l‑ʿālamīna | Say: "I have been forbidden to invoke those whom ye invoke
besides Allah,- seeing that the Clear Signs have come to me from my Lord; and
I have been commanded to bow (in Islam) to the Lord of the Worlds."
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:66 قُلْ إِنِّى نُهِيتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ ٱلَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّـهِ لَمَّا جَآءَنِىَ ٱلْبَيِّنَٰتُ مِن رَّبِّى وَأُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُسْلِمَ لِرَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ qul innī nuhītu an aʿbuda lladhīna tadʿūna min dūni allāhi lammā jāʾaniya l-bayyinātu min rrabbī wa-umirtu an uslima li-rabbi l-ʿālamīna Say: "I have been forbidden to invoke those whom ye invoke besides Allah,- seeing that the Clear Signs have come to me from my Lord; and I have been commanded to bow (in Islam) to the Lord of the Worlds." |
(40:74) | مِن دُونِ ٱللَّـهِ قَالُوا۟ ضَلُّوا۟ عَنَّا بَل لَّمْ نَكُن نَّدْعُوا۟ مِن قَبْلُ شَيْـًٔا كَذَٰلِكَ يُضِلُّ ٱللَّـهُ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ | min dūni allāhi qālū ḍallū ʿannā bal lam nakun nadʿū min qablu shayʾan ka‑dhālika yuḍillu allāhu l‑kāfirīna | "In derogation of Allah?" They will reply: "They have left us in
the lurch: Nay, we invoked not, of old, anything (that had real
existence)." Thus does Allah leave the Unbelievers to stray.
Sura al-Ghāfir 40:74 مِن دُونِ ٱللَّـهِ قَالُوا۟ ضَلُّوا۟ عَنَّا بَل لَّمْ نَكُن نَّدْعُوا۟ مِن قَبْلُ شَيْـًٔا كَذَٰلِكَ يُضِلُّ ٱللَّـهُ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ min dūni allāhi qālū ḍallū ʿannā bal lam nakun nadʿū min qablu shayʾan ka-dhālika yuḍillu allāhu l-kāfirīna "In derogation of Allah?" They will reply: "They have left us in the lurch: Nay, we invoked not, of old, anything (that had real existence)." Thus does Allah leave the Unbelievers to stray. |