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Surah 36 Yā Sin (Ya Sin)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

قَالُوٓا۟  إِنَّا  تَطَيَّرْنَا  بِكُمْ  لَئِن  لَّمْ  تَنتَهُوا۟  لَنَرْجُمَنَّكُمْ  وَلَيَمَسَّنَّكُم  مِّنَّا  عَذَابٌ  أَلِيمٌ qālū innā taṭayyarnā bikum lain lam tantahū la‑narjumannakum wa‑la‑yamassannakum minnā ʿadhābun alīmun
The (people) said: "for us, we augur an evil omen from you: if ye desist not, we will certainly stone you. And a grievous punishment indeed will be inflicted on you by us."