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Ref | Arabic | Transliteration | Translation |
(17:5) | فَإِذَا جَآءَ وَعْدُ أُولَىٰهُمَا بَعَثْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبَادًا لَّنَآ أُو۟لِى بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجَاسُوا۟ خِلَٰلَ ٱلدِّيَارِ وَكَانَ وَعْدًا مَّفْعُولًا | fa‑idhā jāa waʿdu ūlahumā baʿathnā ʿalaykum ʿibādan llanā ūlī baʾsin shadīdin fa‑jāsū khilāla l‑diyāri wa‑kāna waʿdan mafʿūlan | When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against
you Our servants given to terrible warfare: They entered the very inmost
parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:5 فَإِذَا جَآءَ وَعْدُ أُولَىٰهُمَا بَعَثْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبَادًا لَّنَآ أُو۟لِى بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجَاسُوا۟ خِلَٰلَ ٱلدِّيَارِ وَكَانَ وَعْدًا مَّفْعُولًا fa-idhā jāa waʿdu ūlahumā baʿathnā ʿalaykum ʿibādan llanā ūlī baʾsin shadīdin fa-jāsū khilāla l-diyāri wa-kāna waʿdan mafʿūlan When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare: They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled. |
(17:51) | أَوْ خَلْقًا مِّمَّا يَكْبُرُ فِى صُدُورِكُمْ فَسَيَقُولُونَ مَن يُعِيدُنَا قُلِ ٱلَّذِى فَطَرَكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ فَسَيُنْغِضُونَ إِلَيْكَ رُءُوسَهُمْ وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَىٰ هُوَ قُلْ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَكُونَ قَرِيبًا | aw khalqan mimmā yakburu fī ṣudūrikum fa‑sa‑yaqūlūna man yuʿīdunā quli alladhī faṭarakum awwala marratin fa‑sa‑yunghiḍūna ilayka ruʾūsahum wa‑yaqūlūna mata huwa qul ʿasā an yakūna qarīban | "Or created matter which, in your minds, is hardest (to be
raised up),- (Yet shall ye be raised up)!" then will they say: "Who will
cause us to return?" Say: "He who created you first!" Then will they wag
their heads towards thee, and say, "When will that be?" Say, "May be it
will be quite soon!
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:51 أَوْ خَلْقًا مِّمَّا يَكْبُرُ فِى صُدُورِكُمْ فَسَيَقُولُونَ مَن يُعِيدُنَا قُلِ ٱلَّذِى فَطَرَكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ فَسَيُنْغِضُونَ إِلَيْكَ رُءُوسَهُمْ وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَىٰ هُوَ قُلْ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَكُونَ قَرِيبًا aw khalqan mimmā yakburu fī ṣudūrikum fa-sa-yaqūlūna man yuʿīdunā quli alladhī faṭarakum awwala marratin fa-sa-yunghiḍūna ilayka ruʾūsahum wa-yaqūlūna mata huwa qul ʿasā an yakūna qarīban "Or created matter which, in your minds, is hardest (to be raised up),- (Yet shall ye be raised up)!" then will they say: "Who will cause us to return?" Say: "He who created you first!" Then will they wag their heads towards thee, and say, "When will that be?" Say, "May be it will be quite soon! |
(17:62) | قَالَ أَرَءَيْتَكَ هَٰذَا ٱلَّذِى كَرَّمْتَ عَلَىَّ لَئِنْ أَخَّرْتَنِ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ لَأَحْتَنِكَنَّ ذُرِّيَّتَهُۥٓ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا | qalā araʾaytaka hādhā alladhī karramta ʿalayya lain akhkhartani ilā yawmi l‑qiyāmati la‑aḥtanikanna dhurriyyatahu illā qalīlan | He said: "Seest Thou? this is the one whom Thou hast honoured
above me! If Thou wilt but respite me to the Day of Judgment, I will surely
bring his descendants under my sway - all but a few!"
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:62 قَالَ أَرَءَيْتَكَ هَٰذَا ٱلَّذِى كَرَّمْتَ عَلَىَّ لَئِنْ أَخَّرْتَنِ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ لَأَحْتَنِكَنَّ ذُرِّيَّتَهُۥٓ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا qalā araʾaytaka hādhā alladhī karramta ʿalayya lain akhkhartani ilā yawmi l-qiyāmati la-aḥtanikanna dhurriyyatahu illā qalīlan He said: "Seest Thou? this is the one whom Thou hast honoured above me! If Thou wilt but respite me to the Day of Judgment, I will surely bring his descendants under my sway - all but a few!" |
(17:63) | قَالَ ٱذْهَبْ فَمَن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ فَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ جَزَآؤُكُمْ جَزَآءً مَّوْفُورًا | qalā idhhab fa‑man tabiʿaka minhum fa‑inna jahannama jazāʾukum jazāʾan mawfūran | (Allah) said: "Go thy way; if any of them follow thee, verily
Hell will be the recompense of you (all)- an ample recompense.
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:63 قَالَ ٱذْهَبْ فَمَن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ فَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ جَزَآؤُكُمْ جَزَآءً مَّوْفُورًا qalā idhhab fa-man tabiʿaka minhum fa-inna jahannama jazāʾukum jazāʾan mawfūran (Allah) said: "Go thy way; if any of them follow thee, verily Hell will be the recompense of you (all)- an ample recompense. |
(17:69) | أَمْ أَمِنتُمْ أَن يُعِيدَكُمْ فِيهِ تَارَةً أُخْرَىٰ فَيُرْسِلَ عَلَيْكُمْ قَاصِفًا مِّنَ ٱلرِّيحِ فَيُغْرِقَكُم بِمَا كَفَرْتُمْ ثُمَّ لَا تَجِدُوا۟ لَكُمْ عَلَيْنَا بِهِۦ تَبِيعًا | am amintum an yuʿīdakum fīhi tāratan ukhrā fa‑yursila ʿalaykum qāṣifan mina l‑rīḥi fa‑yughriqakum bi‑mā kafartum thumma lā tajidū la‑kum ʿalaynā bihi tabīʿan | Or do ye feel secure that He will not send you back a second
time to sea and send against you a heavy gale to drown you because of your
ingratitude, so that ye find no helper. Therein against Us?
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:69 أَمْ أَمِنتُمْ أَن يُعِيدَكُمْ فِيهِ تَارَةً أُخْرَىٰ فَيُرْسِلَ عَلَيْكُمْ قَاصِفًا مِّنَ ٱلرِّيحِ فَيُغْرِقَكُم بِمَا كَفَرْتُمْ ثُمَّ لَا تَجِدُوا۟ لَكُمْ عَلَيْنَا بِهِۦ تَبِيعًا am amintum an yuʿīdakum fīhi tāratan ukhrā fa-yursila ʿalaykum qāṣifan mina l-rīḥi fa-yughriqakum bi-mā kafartum thumma lā tajidū la-kum ʿalaynā bihi tabīʿan Or do ye feel secure that He will not send you back a second time to sea and send against you a heavy gale to drown you because of your ingratitude, so that ye find no helper. Therein against Us? |
(17:78) | أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ لِدُلُوكِ ٱلشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيْلِ وَقُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ إِنَّ قُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا | aqimi l‑ṣalāta li‑dulūki l‑shamsi ilā ghasaqi l‑layli wa‑qurāna l‑fajri inna qurāna l‑fajri kāna mashhūdan | Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till the
darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer
and reading in the morning carry their testimony.
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:78 أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ لِدُلُوكِ ٱلشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيْلِ وَقُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ إِنَّ قُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا aqimi l-ṣalāta li-dulūki l-shamsi ilā ghasaqi l-layli wa-qurāna l-fajri inna qurāna l-fajri kāna mashhūdan Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony. |
(17:79) | وَمِنَ ٱلَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِۦ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا | wa‑mina l‑layli fa‑tahajjad bihi nāfilatan laka ʿasā an yabʿathaka rabbuka maqāman maḥmūdan | And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an
additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise
thee to a Station of Praise and Glory!
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:79 وَمِنَ ٱلَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِۦ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا wa-mina l-layli fa-tahajjad bihi nāfilatan laka ʿasā an yabʿathaka rabbuka maqāman maḥmūdan And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory! |
(17:97) | وَمَن يَهْدِ ٱللَّـهُ فَهُوَ ٱلْمُهْتَدِ وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُمْ أَوْلِيَآءَ مِن دُونِهِۦ وَنَحْشُرُهُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ عَلَىٰ وُجُوهِهِمْ عُمْيًا وَبُكْمًا وَصُمًّا مَّأْوَىٰهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ كُلَّمَا خَبَتْ زِدْنَٰهُمْ سَعِيرًا | wa‑man yahdi allāhu fa‑huwa l‑muhtadi wa‑man yuḍlil fa‑lan tajida lahum awliyāʾa min dūnihi wa‑naḥshuruhum yawma l‑qiyāmati ʿalā wujūhihim ʿumyan wa‑bukman wa‑ṣumman maʾwāhum jahannamu kullamā khabat zidnāhum saʿīran | It is he whom Allah guides, that is on true Guidance; but he
whom He leaves astray - for such wilt thou find no protector besides Him.
On the Day of Judgment We shall gather, them together, prone on their
faces, blind, dumb, and deaf: their abode will be Hell: every time it shows
abatement, We shall increase from them the fierceness of the Fire.
Sura al-Isrāʾ 17:97 وَمَن يَهْدِ ٱللَّـهُ فَهُوَ ٱلْمُهْتَدِ وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُمْ أَوْلِيَآءَ مِن دُونِهِۦ وَنَحْشُرُهُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ عَلَىٰ وُجُوهِهِمْ عُمْيًا وَبُكْمًا وَصُمًّا مَّأْوَىٰهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ كُلَّمَا خَبَتْ زِدْنَٰهُمْ سَعِيرًا wa-man yahdi allāhu fa-huwa l-muhtadi wa-man yuḍlil fa-lan tajida lahum awliyāʾa min dūnihi wa-naḥshuruhum yawma l-qiyāmati ʿalā wujūhihim ʿumyan wa-bukman wa-ṣumman maʾwāhum jahannamu kullamā khabat zidnāhum saʿīran It is he whom Allah guides, that is on true Guidance; but he whom He leaves astray - for such wilt thou find no protector besides Him. On the Day of Judgment We shall gather, them together, prone on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf: their abode will be Hell: every time it shows abatement, We shall increase from them the fierceness of the Fire. |