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Surah 20 Ṭā Hā (Ta-Ha)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

لَهُۥ  مَا  فِى  ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ  وَمَا  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  وَمَا  بَيْنَهُمَا  وَمَا  تَحْتَ  ٱلثَّرَىٰ lahu l‑samāwāti wa‑mā l‑arḍi wa‑mā baynahumā wa‑mā taḥta l‑tharā
To Him belongs what is in the heavens and on earth, and all between them, and all beneath the soil.

إِنِّىٓ  أَنَا۠  رَبُّكَ  فَٱخْلَعْ  نَعْلَيْكَ  إِنَّكَ  بِٱلْوَادِ  ٱلْمُقَدَّسِ  طُوًى innī anā rabbuka fa‑ikhlaʿ naʿlayka innaka bil‑wādi l‑muqaddasi ṭuwan
"Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa.

قَالَ  هِىَ  عَصَاىَ  أَتَوَكَّؤُا۟  عَلَيْهَا  وَأَهُشُّ  بِهَا  عَلَىٰ  غَنَمِى  وَلِىَ  فِيهَا  مَـَٔارِبُ  أُخْرَىٰ qalā hiya ʿaṣāya atawakkaʾu ʿalayhā wa‑ahushshu bihā ʿalā ghanamī wa‑liya fīhā maʾāribu ukhrā
He said, "It is my rod: on it I lean; with it I beat down fodder for my flocks; and in it I find other uses."

أَنِ  ٱقْذِفِيهِ  فِى  ٱلتَّابُوتِ  فَٱقْذِفِيهِ  فِى  ٱلْيَمِّ  فَلْيُلْقِهِ  ٱلْيَمُّ  بِٱلسَّاحِلِ  يَأْخُذْهُ  عَدُوٌّ  لِّى  وَعَدُوٌّ  لَّهُۥ  وَأَلْقَيْتُ  عَلَيْكَ  مَحَبَّةً  مِّنِّى  وَلِتُصْنَعَ  عَلَىٰ  عَيْنِىٓ ani iqdhifīhi l‑tābūti fa‑iqdhifīhi l‑yammi fa‑l‑yulqihi l‑yammu bil‑sāḥili yakhudhhu ʿaduwwun wa‑ʿaduwwun lahu wa‑alqaytu ʿalayka maḥabbatan minnī wa‑li‑tuṣnaʿa ʿalā ʿaynī
"'Throw (the child) into the chest, and throw (the chest) into the river: the river will cast him up on the bank, and he will be taken up by one who is an enemy to Me and an enemy to him': But I cast (the garment of) love over thee from Me: and (this) in order that thou mayest be reared under Mine eye.

ٱذْهَبْ  أَنتَ  وَأَخُوكَ  بِـَٔايَٰتِى  وَلَا  تَنِيَا  فِى  ذِكْرِى idhhab anta wa‑akhūka bi‑āyāti wa‑lā taniyā dhikrī
"Go, thou and thy brother, with My Signs, and slacken not, either of you, in keeping Me in remembrance.

قَالَ  يَبْنَؤُمَّ  لَا  تَأْخُذْ  بِلِحْيَتِى  وَلَا  بِرَأْسِىٓ  إِنِّى  خَشِيتُ  أَن  تَقُولَ  فَرَّقْتَ  بَيْنَ  بَنِىٓ  إِسْرَٰٓءِيلَ  وَلَمْ  تَرْقُبْ  قَوْلِى qalā ya‑bnaʾumma taʾkhudh bi‑liḥyatī wa‑lā bi‑raʾsī innī khashītu an taqūla farraqta bayna banī isrāʾīla wa‑lam tarqub qawlī
(Aaron) replied: "O son of my mother! Seize (me) not by my beard nor by (the hair of) my head! Truly I feared lest thou shouldst say, 'Thou has caused a division among the children of Israel, and thou didst not respect my word!'"

يَوْمَ  يُنفَخُ  فِى  ٱلصُّورِ  وَنَحْشُرُ  ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ  يَوْمَئِذٍ  زُرْقًا yawma yunfakhu l‑ṣūri wa‑naḥshuru l‑mujrimīna yawmaʾidhin zurqan
The Day when the Trumpet will be sounded: that Day, We shall gather the sinful, blear-eyed (with terror).

فَيَذَرُهَا  قَاعًا  صَفْصَفًا fa‑yadharuhā qāʿan ṣafṣafan
"He will leave them as plains smooth and level;

لَّا  تَرَىٰ  فِيهَا  عِوَجًا  وَلَآ  أَمْتًا tara fīhā ʿiwajan wa‑lā amtan
"Nothing crooked or curved wilt thou see in their place."

يَوْمَئِذٍ  يَتَّبِعُونَ  ٱلدَّاعِىَ  لَا  عِوَجَ  لَهُۥ  وَخَشَعَتِ  ٱلْأَصْوَاتُ  لِلرَّحْمَٰنِ  فَلَا  تَسْمَعُ  إِلَّا  هَمْسًا yawmaʾidhin yattabiʿūna l‑dāʿiya ʿiwaja lahu wa‑khashaʿati l‑aṣwātu lil‑raḥmāni fa‑lā tasmaʿu illā hamsan
On that Day will they follow the Caller (straight): no crookedness (can they show) him: all sounds shall humble themselves in the Presence of (Allah) Most Gracious: nothing shalt thou hear but the tramp of their feet (as they march).

وَعَنَتِ  ٱلْوُجُوهُ  لِلْحَىِّ  ٱلْقَيُّومِ  وَقَدْ  خَابَ  مَنْ  حَمَلَ  ظُلْمًا wa‑ʿanati l‑wujūhu lil‑ḥayyi l‑qayyūmi wa‑qad khāba man ḥamala ẓulman
(All) faces shall be humbled before (Him) - the Living, the Self-Subsisting, Eternal: hopeless indeed will be the man that carries iniquity (on his back).

وَمَنْ  أَعْرَضَ  عَن  ذِكْرِى  فَإِنَّ  لَهُۥ  مَعِيشَةً  ضَنكًا  وَنَحْشُرُهُۥ  يَوْمَ  ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ  أَعْمَىٰ wa‑man aʿraḍa ʿan dhikrī fa‑inna lahu maʿīshatan ḍankan wa‑naḥshuruhu yawma l‑qiyāmati aʿma
"But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment."

وَلَا  تَمُدَّنَّ  عَيْنَيْكَ  إِلَىٰ  مَا  مَتَّعْنَا  بِهِۦٓ  أَزْوَٰجًا  مِّنْهُمْ  زَهْرَةَ  ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ  ٱلدُّنْيَا  لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ  فِيهِ  وَرِزْقُ  رَبِّكَ  خَيْرٌ  وَأَبْقَىٰ wa‑lā tamuddanna ʿaynayka ilā mattaʿnā bihi azwājan minhum zahrata l‑ḥayāti l‑dunyā li‑naftinahum fīhi wa‑rizqu rabbika khayrun wa‑abqā
Nor strain thine eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to parties of them, the splendour of the life of this world, through which We test them: but the provision of thy Lord is better and more enduring.