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Surah 6 al-Anʿām (The Cattle)
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قَدْ  جَآءَكُم  بَصَآئِرُ  مِن  رَّبِّكُمْ  فَمَنْ  أَبْصَرَ  فَلِنَفْسِهِۦ  وَمَنْ  عَمِىَ  فَعَلَيْهَا  وَمَآ  أَنَا۠  عَلَيْكُم  بِحَفِيظٍ qad jāʾakum baṣāʾiru min rabbikum fa‑man abṣara fa‑li‑nafsihi wa‑man ʿamiya fa‑ʿalayhā wa‑mā anā ʿalaykum bi‑ḥafīẓin
"Now have come to you, from your Lord, proofs (to open your eyes): if any will see, it will be for (the good of) his own soul; if any will be blind, it will be to his own (harm): I am not (here) to watch over your doings."

Surah 18 al-Kahf (The Cave)

قُلِ  ٱللَّـهُ  أَعْلَمُ  بِمَا  لَبِثُوا۟  لَهُۥ  غَيْبُ  ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ  وَٱلْأَرْضِ  أَبْصِرْ  بِهِۦ  وَأَسْمِعْ  مَا  لَهُم  مِّن  دُونِهِۦ  مِن  وَلِىٍّ  وَلَا  يُشْرِكُ  فِى  حُكْمِهِۦٓ  أَحَدًا quli allāhu aʿlamu bi‑mā labithū lahu ghaybu l‑samāwāti wa‑l‑arḍi abṣir bihi wa‑asmiʿ lahum min dūnihi min waliyyin wa‑lā yushriku ḥukmihi aḥadan
Say: "Allah knows best how long they stayed: with Him is (the knowledge of) the secrets of the heavens and the earth: how clearly He sees, how finely He hears (everything)! They have no protector other than Him; nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever.

Surah 19 Maryam (Mary)

أَسْمِعْ  بِهِمْ  وَأَبْصِرْ  يَوْمَ  يَأْتُونَنَا  لَٰكِنِ  ٱلظَّٰلِمُونَ  ٱلْيَوْمَ  فِى  ضَلَٰلٍ  مُّبِينٍ asmiʿ bihim wa‑abṣir yawma yaʾtūnana lākini l‑ẓālimūna l‑yawma ḍalālin mubīnin
How plainly will they see and hear, the Day that they will appear before Us! but the unjust today are in error manifest!

إِذْ  قَالَ  لِأَبِيهِ  يَٰٓأَبَتِ  لِمَ  تَعْبُدُ  مَا  لَا  يَسْمَعُ  وَلَا  يُبْصِرُ  وَلَا  يُغْنِى  عَنكَ  شَيْـًٔا idh qalā li‑abīhi yā‑abati lima taʿbudu yasmaʿu wa‑lā yubṣiru wa‑lā yughnī ʿanka shayʾan
Behold, he said to his father: "O my father! why worship that which heareth not and seeth not, and can profit thee nothing?

Surah 20 Ṭā Hā (Ta-Ha)

قَالَ  بَصُرْتُ  بِمَا  لَمْ  يَبْصُرُوا۟  بِهِۦ  فَقَبَضْتُ  قَبْضَةً  مِّنْ  أَثَرِ  ٱلرَّسُولِ  فَنَبَذْتُهَا  وَكَذَٰلِكَ  سَوَّلَتْ  لِى  نَفْسِى qalā baṣurtu bi‑mā lam yabṣurū bihi faqabaḍtu qabḍatan min athari l‑rasūli fa‑nabadhtuhā wa‑ka‑dhālika sawwalat nafsī
He replied: "I saw what they saw not: so I took a handful (of dust) from the footprint of the Messenger, and threw it (into the calf): thus did my soul suggest to me."

Surah 28 al-Qaṣaṣ (The Narrative)

وَقَالَتْ  لِأُخْتِهِۦ  قُصِّيهِ  فَبَصُرَتْ  بِهِۦ  عَن  جُنُبٍ  وَهُمْ  لَا  يَشْعُرُونَ wa‑qālat li‑ukhtihi quṣṣīhi fabaṣurat bihi ʿan junubin wa‑hum yashʿurūna
And she said to the sister of (Moses), "Follow him" so she (the sister) watched him in the character of a stranger. And they knew not.

Surah 37 al-Ṣaffāt (The Rangers)

وَأَبْصِرْهُمْ  فَسَوْفَ  يُبْصِرُونَ wa‑abṣirhum fa‑sawfa yubṣirūna
And watch them (how they fare), and they soon shall see (how thou farest)!

وَأَبْصِرْ  فَسَوْفَ  يُبْصِرُونَ wa‑abṣir fa‑sawfa yubṣirūna
And watch (how they fare) and they soon shall see (how thou farest)!

Surah 68 al-Qalam (The Pen)

فَسَتُبْصِرُ  وَيُبْصِرُونَ fa‑sa‑tubṣiru wa‑yubṣirūna
Soon wilt thou see, and they will see,