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Surah 2 al-Baqara (The Cow)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

ٱلَّذِى  جَعَلَ  لَكُمُ  ٱلْأَرْضَ  فِرَٰشًا  وَٱلسَّمَآءَ  بِنَآءً  وَأَنزَلَ  مِنَ  ٱلسَّمَآءِ  مَآءً  فَأَخْرَجَ  بِهِۦ  مِنَ  ٱلثَّمَرَٰتِ  رِزْقًا  لَّكُمْ  فَلَا  تَجْعَلُوا۟  لِلَّـهِ  أَندَادًا  وَأَنتُمْ  تَعْلَمُونَ alladhī jaʿala lakumu l‑arḍa firāshan wa‑l‑samāʾa bināʾan wa‑anzala mina l‑samāʾi māʾan fa‑akhraja bihi mina l‑thamarāti rizqan la‑kum fa‑lā tajʿalū lillāhi andādan wa‑antum taʿlamūna
Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allah when ye know (the truth).

فَأَزَلَّهُمَا  ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ  عَنْهَا  فَأَخْرَجَهُمَا  مِمَّا  كَانَا  فِيهِ  وَقُلْنَا  ٱهْبِطُوا۟  بَعْضُكُمْ  لِبَعْضٍ  عَدُوٌّ  وَلَكُمْ  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  مُسْتَقَرٌّ  وَمَتَٰعٌ  إِلَىٰ  حِينٍ fa‑azallahumā l‑shayṭānu ʿanhā fa‑akhrajahumā mimmā kānā fīhi wa‑qulnā ahbiṭū baʿḍukum li‑baʿḍin ʿaduwwun wa‑lakum l‑arḍi mustaqarrun wa‑matāʿun ilā ḥīnin
Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: "Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood - for a time."

وَإِذْ  قُلْتُمْ  يَٰمُوسَىٰ  لَن  نَّصْبِرَ  عَلَىٰ  طَعَامٍ  وَٰحِدٍ  فَٱدْعُ  لَنَا  رَبَّكَ  يُخْرِجْ  لَنَا  مِمَّا  تُنۢبِتُ  ٱلْأَرْضُ  مِنۢ  بَقْلِهَا  وَقِثَّآئِهَا  وَفُومِهَا  وَعَدَسِهَا  وَبَصَلِهَا  قَالَ  أَتَسْتَبْدِلُونَ  ٱلَّذِى  هُوَ  أَدْنَىٰ  بِٱلَّذِى  هُوَ  خَيْرٌ  ٱهْبِطُوا۟  مِصْرًا  فَإِنَّ  لَكُم  مَّا  سَأَلْتُمْ  وَضُرِبَتْ  عَلَيْهِمُ  ٱلذِّلَّةُ  وَٱلْمَسْكَنَةُ  وَبَآءُو  بِغَضَبٍ  مِّنَ  ٱللَّـهِ  ذَٰلِكَ  بِأَنَّهُمْ  كَانُوا۟  يَكْفُرُونَ  بِـَٔايَٰتِ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَيَقْتُلُونَ  ٱلنَّبِيِّۦنَ  بِغَيْرِ  ٱلْحَقِّ  ذَٰلِكَ  بِمَا  عَصَوا۟  وَّكَانُوا۟  يَعْتَدُونَ wa‑idh qultum yā‑mūsā lan naṣbira ʿalā ṭaʿāmin wāḥidin fa‑idʿu la‑nā rabbaka yukhrij la‑nā mimmā tunbitu l‑arḍu min baqlihā wa‑qiththāʾihā wa‑fūmihā wa‑ʿadasihā wa‑baṣalihā qalā atastabdilūna alladhī huwa adnā bi‑lladhī huwa khayrun ahbiṭū miṣran fa‑inna la‑kum saʾaltum waḍuribat ʿalayhimu l‑dhillatu wa‑l‑maskanatu wa‑bāʾū bighaḍabin mina allāhi dhālika bi‑annahum kānū yakfurūna bi‑āyāti allāhi wa‑yaqtulūna l‑nabiyyina bi‑ghayri l‑ḥaqqi dhālika bi‑mā ʿaṣaw wa‑kānū yaʿtadūna
And remember ye said: "O Moses! we cannot endure one kind of food (always); so beseech thy Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth groweth, -its pot-herbs, and cucumbers, Its garlic, lentils, and onions." He said: "Will ye exchange the better for the worse? Go ye down to any town, and ye shall find what ye want!" They were covered with humiliation and misery; they drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. This because they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah and slaying His Messengers without just cause. This because they rebelled and went on transgressing.

ثُمَّ  قَسَتْ  قُلُوبُكُم  مِّنۢ  بَعْدِ  ذَٰلِكَ  فَهِىَ  كَٱلْحِجَارَةِ  أَوْ  أَشَدُّ  قَسْوَةً  وَإِنَّ  مِنَ  ٱلْحِجَارَةِ  لَمَا  يَتَفَجَّرُ  مِنْهُ  ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ  وَإِنَّ  مِنْهَا  لَمَا  يَشَّقَّقُ  فَيَخْرُجُ  مِنْهُ  ٱلْمَآءُ  وَإِنَّ  مِنْهَا  لَمَا  يَهْبِطُ  مِنْ  خَشْيَةِ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَمَا  ٱللَّـهُ  بِغَٰفِلٍ  عَمَّا  تَعْمَلُونَ thumma qasat qulūbukum min baʿdi dhālika fahiya ka‑l‑ḥijārati aw ashaddu qaswatan wa‑inna mina l‑ḥijārati lamā yatafajjaru minhu l‑anhāru wa‑inna minhā lamā yashshaqqaqu fa‑yakhruju minhu l‑māʾu wa‑inna minhā lamā yahbiṭu min khashyati allāhi wa‑mā allāhu bi‑ghāfilin ʿammā taʿmalūna
Thenceforth were your hearts hardened: They became like a rock and even worse in hardness. For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send forth water; and others which sink for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.

وَٱقْتُلُوهُمْ  حَيْثُ  ثَقِفْتُمُوهُمْ  وَأَخْرِجُوهُم  مِّنْ  حَيْثُ  أَخْرَجُوكُمْ  وَٱلْفِتْنَةُ  أَشَدُّ  مِنَ  ٱلْقَتْلِ  وَلَا  تُقَٰتِلُوهُمْ  عِندَ  ٱلْمَسْجِدِ  ٱلْحَرَامِ  حَتَّىٰ  يُقَٰتِلُوكُمْ  فِيهِ  فَإِن  قَٰتَلُوكُمْ  فَٱقْتُلُوهُمْ  كَذَٰلِكَ  جَزَآءُ  ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ wa‑aqtulūhum ḥaythu thaqiftumūhum wa‑akhrijūhum min ḥaythu akhrajūkum wa‑l‑fitnatu ashaddu mina l‑qatli wa‑lā tuqātilūhum ʿinda l‑masjidi l‑ḥarāmi ḥattā yuqātilūkum fīhi fa‑in qātalūkum faqtulūhum ka‑dhālika jazāʾu l‑kāfirīna
And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

وَٱلَّذِينَ  يُتَوَفَّوْنَ  مِنكُمْ  وَيَذَرُونَ  أَزْوَٰجًا  وَصِيَّةً  لِّأَزْوَٰجِهِم  مَّتَٰعًا  إِلَى  ٱلْحَوْلِ  غَيْرَ  إِخْرَاجٍ  فَإِنْ  خَرَجْنَ  فَلَا  جُنَاحَ  عَلَيْكُمْ  فِى  مَا  فَعَلْنَ  فِىٓ  أَنفُسِهِنَّ  مِن  مَّعْرُوفٍ  وَٱللَّـهُ  عَزِيزٌ  حَكِيمٌ wa‑lladhīna yutawaffawna minkum wa‑yadharūna azwājan waṣīyatan li‑azwājihim matāʿan ilā l‑ḥawli ghayra ikhrājin fa‑in kharajna fa‑lā junāḥa ʿalaykum faʿalna anfusihinna min maʿrūfin wallāhu ʿazīzun ḥakīmun
Those of you who die and leave widows should bequeath for their widows a year's maintenance and residence; but if they leave (The residence), there is no blame on you for what they do with themselves, provided it is reasonable. And Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.

أَلَمْ  تَرَ  إِلَى  ٱلَّذِينَ  خَرَجُوا۟  مِن  دِيَٰرِهِمْ  وَهُمْ  أُلُوفٌ  حَذَرَ  ٱلْمَوْتِ  فَقَالَ  لَهُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  مُوتُوا۟  ثُمَّ  أَحْيَٰهُمْ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  لَذُو  فَضْلٍ  عَلَى  ٱلنَّاسِ  وَلَٰكِنَّ  أَكْثَرَ  ٱلنَّاسِ  لَا  يَشْكُرُونَ a‑lam tara ilā lladhīna kharajū min diyārihim wa‑hum ulūfun ḥadhara l‑mawti fa‑qāla lahumu allāhu mūtū thumma aḥyāhum inna allāha la‑dhū faḍlin ʿalā l‑nāsi wa‑lākinna akthara l‑nāsi yashkurūna
Didst thou not Turn by vision to those who abandoned their homes, though they were thousands (In number), for fear of death? Allah said to them: "Die": Then He restored them to life. For Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but Most of them are ungrateful.

ٱللَّـهُ  وَلِىُّ  ٱلَّذِينَ  ءَامَنُوا۟  يُخْرِجُهُم  مِّنَ  ٱلظُّلُمَٰتِ  إِلَى  ٱلنُّورِ  وَٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوٓا۟  أَوْلِيَآؤُهُمُ  ٱلطَّٰغُوتُ  يُخْرِجُونَهُم  مِّنَ  ٱلنُّورِ  إِلَى  ٱلظُّلُمَٰتِ  أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ  أَصْحَٰبُ  ٱلنَّارِ  هُمْ  فِيهَا  خَٰلِدُونَ allāhu waliyyu lladhīna āmanū yukhrijuhum mina l‑ẓulumāti ilā l‑nūri wa‑lladhīna kafarū awliyāʾuhum l‑ṭāghūtu yukhrijūnahum mina l‑nūri ilā l‑ẓulumāti ulāʾika aṣḥābu l‑nāri hum fīhā khālidūna
Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).

Surah 3 Āl-ʿImrān (The Family of Imran)

كُنتُمْ  خَيْرَ  أُمَّةٍ  أُخْرِجَتْ  لِلنَّاسِ  تَأْمُرُونَ  بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ  وَتَنْهَوْنَ  عَنِ  ٱلْمُنكَرِ  وَتُؤْمِنُونَ  بِٱللَّـهِ  وَلَوْ  ءَامَنَ  أَهْلُ  ٱلْكِتَٰبِ  لَكَانَ  خَيْرًا  لَّهُم  مِّنْهُمُ  ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ  وَأَكْثَرُهُمُ  ٱلْفَٰسِقُونَ kuntum khayra ummatin ukhrijat lil‑nāsi taʾmurūna bil‑maʿrūfi wa‑tanhawna ʿani l‑munkari wa‑tuminūna billāhi wa‑law āmana ahlu l‑kitābi la‑kāna khayran lahum minhumu l‑muʾminūna wa‑aktharuhumu l‑fāsiqūna
Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.

فَٱسْتَجَابَ  لَهُمْ  رَبُّهُمْ  أَنِّى  لَآ  أُضِيعُ  عَمَلَ  عَٰمِلٍ  مِّنكُم  مِّن  ذَكَرٍ  أَوْ  أُنثَىٰ  بَعْضُكُم  مِّنۢ  بَعْضٍ  فَٱلَّذِينَ  هَاجَرُوا۟  وَأُخْرِجُوا۟  مِن  دِيَٰرِهِمْ  وَأُوذُوا۟  فِى  سَبِيلِى  وَقَٰتَلُوا۟  وَقُتِلُوا۟  لَأُكَفِّرَنَّ  عَنْهُمْ  سَيِّـَٔاتِهِمْ  وَلَأُدْخِلَنَّهُمْ  جَنَّٰتٍ  تَجْرِى  مِن  تَحْتِهَا  ٱلْأَنْهَٰرُ  ثَوَابًا  مِّنْ  عِندِ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَٱللَّـهُ  عِندَهُۥ  حُسْنُ  ٱلثَّوَابِ fa‑istajāba lahum rabbuhum annī uḍīʿu ʿamala ʿāmilin minkum min dhakarin aw unthā baʿḍukum min baʿḍin fa‑lladhīna hājarū wa‑ukhrijū min diyārihim wa‑ūdhū sabīlī wa‑qātalū wa‑qutilū la‑ukaffiranna ʿanhum sayyiʾātihim wa‑la‑udkhilannahum jannātin tajrī min taḥtihā l‑anhāru thawāban min ʿindi allāhi wallāhu ʿindahu ḥusnu l‑thawābi
And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: Ye are members, one of another: Those who have left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm in My Cause, or fought or been slain,- verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath;- A reward from the presence of Allah, and from His presence is the best of rewards."

Surah 4 al-Nisāʾ (The Women)

وَمَن  يُهَاجِرْ  فِى  سَبِيلِ  ٱللَّـهِ  يَجِدْ  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  مُرَٰغَمًا  كَثِيرًا  وَسَعَةً  وَمَن  يَخْرُجْ  مِنۢ  بَيْتِهِۦ  مُهَاجِرًا  إِلَى  ٱللَّـهِ  وَرَسُولِهِۦ  ثُمَّ  يُدْرِكْهُ  ٱلْمَوْتُ  فَقَدْ  وَقَعَ  أَجْرُهُۥ  عَلَى  ٱللَّـهِ  وَكَانَ  ٱللَّـهُ  غَفُورًا  رَّحِيمًا wa‑man yuhājir sabīli allāhi yajid l‑arḍi murāghaman kathīran wa‑saʿatan wa‑man yakhruj min baytihi muhājiran ilā allāhi wa‑rasūlihi thumma yudrikhu l‑mawtu fa‑qad waqaʿa ajruhu ʿalā allāhi wa‑kāna allāhu ghafūran raḥīman
He who forsakes his home in the cause of Allah, finds in the earth Many a refuge, wide and spacious: Should he die as a refugee from home for Allah and His Messenger, His reward becomes due and sure with Allah: And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

Surah 5 al-Māʾidah (The Table Spread)

يَهْدِى  بِهِ  ٱللَّـهُ  مَنِ  ٱتَّبَعَ  رِضْوَٰنَهُۥ  سُبُلَ  ٱلسَّلَٰمِ  وَيُخْرِجُهُم  مِّنَ  ٱلظُّلُمَٰتِ  إِلَى  ٱلنُّورِ  بِإِذْنِهِۦ  وَيَهْدِيهِمْ  إِلَىٰ  صِرَٰطٍ  مُّسْتَقِيمٍ yahdī bihi allāhu mani ittabaʿa riḍwānahu subula l‑salāmi wa‑yukhrijuhum mina l‑ẓulumāti ilā l‑nūri bi‑idhnihi wa‑yahdīhim ilā ṣirāṭin mustaqīmin
Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light,- guideth them to a path that is straight.

قَالُوا۟  يَٰمُوسَىٰٓ  إِنَّ  فِيهَا  قَوْمًا  جَبَّارِينَ  وَإِنَّا  لَن  نَّدْخُلَهَا  حَتَّىٰ  يَخْرُجُوا۟  مِنْهَا  فَإِن  يَخْرُجُوا۟  مِنْهَا  فَإِنَّا  دَٰخِلُونَ qālū yā‑mūsā inna fīhā qawman jabbārīna wa‑innā lan nadkhulahā ḥattā yakhrujū minhā fa‑in yakhrujū minhā fa‑innā dākhilūna
They said: "O Moses! In this land are a people of exceeding strength: Never shall we enter it until they leave it: if (once) they leave, then shall we enter."

يُرِيدُونَ  أَن  يَخْرُجُوا۟  مِنَ  ٱلنَّارِ  وَمَا  هُم  بِخَٰرِجِينَ  مِنْهَا  وَلَهُمْ  عَذَابٌ  مُّقِيمٌ yurīdūna an yakhrujū mina l‑nāri wa‑mā hum bi‑khārijīna minhā wa‑lahum ʿadhābun muqīmun
Their wish will be to get out of the Fire, but never will they get out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures.

وَإِذَا  جَآءُوكُمْ  قَالُوٓا۟  ءَامَنَّا  وَقَد  دَّخَلُوا۟  بِٱلْكُفْرِ  وَهُمْ  قَدْ  خَرَجُوا۟  بِهِۦ  وَٱللَّـهُ  أَعْلَمُ  بِمَا  كَانُوا۟  يَكْتُمُونَ wa‑idhā jāʾūkum qālū āmannā waqad dakhalū bil‑kufri wa‑hum qad kharajū bihi wallāhu aʿlamu bi‑mā kānū yaktumūna
When they come to thee, they say: "We believe": but in fact they enter with a mind against Faith, and they go out with the same but Allah knoweth fully all that they hide.

Surah 6 al-Anʿām (The Cattle)

إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  فَالِقُ  ٱلْحَبِّ  وَٱلنَّوَىٰ  يُخْرِجُ  ٱلْحَىَّ  مِنَ  ٱلْمَيِّتِ  وَمُخْرِجُ  ٱلْمَيِّتِ  مِنَ  ٱلْحَىِّ  ذَٰلِكُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  فَأَنَّىٰ  تُؤْفَكُونَ inna allāha fāliqu l‑ḥabbi wa‑l‑nawa yukhriju l‑ḥayya mina l‑mayyiti wa‑mukhriju l‑mayyiti mina l‑ḥayyi dhālikumu allāhu fa‑annā tuʾfakūna
It is Allah Who causeth the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and sprout. He causeth the living to issue from the dead, and He is the one to cause the dead to issue from the living. That is Allah: then how are ye deluded away from the truth?

Surah 7 al-Aʿrāf (The Heights)

يَٰبَنِىٓ  ءَادَمَ  لَا  يَفْتِنَنَّكُمُ  ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ  كَمَآ  أَخْرَجَ  أَبَوَيْكُم  مِّنَ  ٱلْجَنَّةِ  يَنزِعُ  عَنْهُمَا  لِبَاسَهُمَا  لِيُرِيَهُمَا  سَوْءَٰتِهِمَآ  إِنَّهُۥ  يَرَىٰكُمْ  هُوَ  وَقَبِيلُهُۥ  مِنْ  حَيْثُ  لَا  تَرَوْنَهُمْ  إِنَّا  جَعَلْنَا  ٱلشَّيَٰطِينَ  أَوْلِيَآءَ  لِلَّذِينَ  لَا  يُؤْمِنُونَ yā‑banī ādama yaftinannakumu l‑shayṭānu ka‑mā akhraja abawaykum mina l‑jannati yanziʿu ʿanhumā libāsahumā li‑yuriyahumā sawātihimā innahu yarakum huwa wa‑qabīluhu min ḥaythu tarawnahum innā jaʿalnā l‑shayāṭīna awliyāʾa li‑lladhīna yuʾminūna
O ye Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you, in the same manner as He got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame: for he and his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them: We made the evil ones friends (only) to those without faith.

قُلْ  مَنْ  حَرَّمَ  زِينَةَ  ٱللَّـهِ  ٱلَّتِىٓ  أَخْرَجَ  لِعِبَادِهِۦ  وَٱلطَّيِّبَٰتِ  مِنَ  ٱلرِّزْقِ  قُلْ  هِىَ  لِلَّذِينَ  ءَامَنُوا۟  فِى  ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ  ٱلدُّنْيَا  خَالِصَةً  يَوْمَ  ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ  كَذَٰلِكَ  نُفَصِّلُ  ٱلْأَيَٰتِ  لِقَوْمٍ  يَعْلَمُونَ qul man ḥarrama zīnata allāhi allatī akhraja li‑ʿibādihi wa‑l‑ṭayyibāti mina l‑rizqi qul hiya li‑lladhīna āmanū l‑ḥayāti l‑dunyā khāliṣatan yawma l‑qiyāmati ka‑dhālika nufaṣṣilu l‑ayāti li‑qawmin yaʿlamūna
Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance? Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment. Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who understand.

وَٱلْبَلَدُ  ٱلطَّيِّبُ  يَخْرُجُ  نَبَاتُهُۥ  بِإِذْنِ  رَبِّهِۦ  وَٱلَّذِى  خَبُثَ  لَا  يَخْرُجُ  إِلَّا  نَكِدًا  كَذَٰلِكَ  نُصَرِّفُ  ٱلْأَيَٰتِ  لِقَوْمٍ  يَشْكُرُونَ wal‑baladu l‑ṭayyibu yakhruju nabātuhu bi‑idhni rabbihi wa‑lladhī khabutha yakhruju illā nakidan ka‑dhālika nuṣarrifu l‑ayāti li‑qawmin yashkurūna
From the land that is clean and good, by the will of its Cherisher, springs up produce, (rich) after its kind: but from the land that is bad, springs up nothing but that which is niggardly: thus do we explain the signs by various (symbols) to those who are grateful.

يُرِيدُ  أَن  يُخْرِجَكُم  مِّنْ  أَرْضِكُمْ  فَمَاذَا  تَأْمُرُونَ yurīdu an yukhrijakum min arḍikum fa‑mādhā taʾmurūna
"His plan is to get you out of your land: then what is it ye counsel?"

Surah 8 al-Anfāl (The Spoils of War)

كَمَآ  أَخْرَجَكَ  رَبُّكَ  مِنۢ  بَيْتِكَ  بِٱلْحَقِّ  وَإِنَّ  فَرِيقًا  مِّنَ  ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ  لَكَٰرِهُونَ ka‑mā akhrajaka rabbuka min baytika bil‑ḥaqqi wa‑inna farīqan mina l‑muʾminīna lakārihūna
Just as thy Lord ordered thee out of thy house in truth, even though a party among the Believers disliked it,

وَإِذْ  يَمْكُرُ  بِكَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوا۟  لِيُثْبِتُوكَ  أَوْ  يَقْتُلُوكَ  أَوْ  يُخْرِجُوكَ  وَيَمْكُرُونَ  وَيَمْكُرُ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَٱللَّـهُ  خَيْرُ  ٱلْمَٰكِرِينَ wa‑idh yamkuru bika lladhīna kafarū li‑yuthbitūka aw yaqtulūka aw yukhrijūka wa‑yamkurūna wa‑yamkuru allāhu wallāhu khayru l‑mākirīna
Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.

وَلَا  تَكُونُوا۟  كَٱلَّذِينَ  خَرَجُوا۟  مِن  دِيَٰرِهِم  بَطَرًا  وَرِئَآءَ  ٱلنَّاسِ  وَيَصُدُّونَ  عَن  سَبِيلِ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَٱللَّـهُ  بِمَا  يَعْمَلُونَ  مُحِيطٌ wa‑lā takūnū kalladhīna kharajū min diyārihim baṭaran wa‑riʾāʾa l‑nāsi wa‑yaṣuddūna ʿan sabīli allāhi wallāhu bi‑mā yaʿmalūna muḥīṭun
And be not like those who started from their homes insolently and to be seen of men, and to hinder (men) from the path of Allah: For Allah compasseth round about all that they do.

Surah 9 al-Tawbah (Repentance)

إِلَّا  تَنصُرُوهُ  فَقَدْ  نَصَرَهُ  ٱللَّـهُ  إِذْ  أَخْرَجَهُ  ٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوا۟  ثَانِىَ  ٱثْنَيْنِ  إِذْ  هُمَا  فِى  ٱلْغَارِ  إِذْ  يَقُولُ  لِصَٰحِبِهِۦ  لَا  تَحْزَنْ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  مَعَنَا  فَأَنزَلَ  ٱللَّـهُ  سَكِينَتَهُۥ  عَلَيْهِ  وَأَيَّدَهُۥ  بِجُنُودٍ  لَّمْ  تَرَوْهَا  وَجَعَلَ  كَلِمَةَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوا۟  ٱلسُّفْلَىٰ  وَكَلِمَةُ  ٱللَّـهِ  هِىَ  ٱلْعُلْيَا  وَٱللَّـهُ  عَزِيزٌ  حَكِيمٌ illā tanṣurūhu fa‑qad naṣarahu allāhu idh akhrajahu lladhīna kafarū thāniya ithnayni idh humā l‑ghāri idh yaqūlu li‑ṣāḥibihi taḥzan inna allāha maʿanā fa‑anzala allāhu sakīnatahu ʿalayhi wa‑ayyadahu bi‑junūdin lam tarawhā wa‑jaʿala kalimata lladhīna kafarū l‑suflā wa‑kalimatu allāhi hiya l‑ʿulyā wallāhu ʿazīzun ḥakīmun
If ye help not (your leader), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the Unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion; they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, "Have no fear, for Allah is with us": then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.

لَوْ  خَرَجُوا۟  فِيكُم  مَّا  زَادُوكُمْ  إِلَّا  خَبَالًا  وَلَأَوْضَعُوا۟  خِلَٰلَكُمْ  يَبْغُونَكُمُ  ٱلْفِتْنَةَ  وَفِيكُمْ  سَمَّٰعُونَ  لَهُمْ  وَٱللَّـهُ  عَلِيمٌۢ  بِٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ law kharajū fīkum zādūkum illā khabālan wa‑la‑awḍaʿū khilālakum yabghūnakumu l‑fitnata wa‑fīkum sammāʿūna lahum wallāhu ʿalīmun bil‑ẓālimīna
If they had come out with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) disorder, hurrying to and fro in your midst and sowing sedition among you, and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. But Allah knoweth well those who do wrong.

Surah 10 Yūnus (Jonah)

قُلْ  مَن  يَرْزُقُكُم  مِّنَ  ٱلسَّمَآءِ  وَٱلْأَرْضِ  أَمَّن  يَمْلِكُ  ٱلسَّمْعَ  وَٱلْأَبْصَٰرَ  وَمَن  يُخْرِجُ  ٱلْحَىَّ  مِنَ  ٱلْمَيِّتِ  وَيُخْرِجُ  ٱلْمَيِّتَ  مِنَ  ٱلْحَىِّ  وَمَن  يُدَبِّرُ  ٱلْأَمْرَ  فَسَيَقُولُونَ  ٱللَّـهُ  فَقُلْ  أَفَلَا  تَتَّقُونَ qul man yarzuqukum mina l‑samāʾi wa‑l‑arḍi a‑man yamliku l‑samʿa wa‑l‑abṣāra wa‑man yukhriju l‑ḥayya mina l‑mayyiti wa‑yukhriju l‑mayyita mina l‑ḥayyi wa‑man yudabbiru l‑amra fa‑sa‑yaqūlūna allāhu fa‑qul a‑fa‑lā tattaqūna
Say: "Who is it that sustains you (in life) from the sky and from the earth? or who is it that has power over hearing and sight? And who is it that brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living? and who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?" They will soon say, "Allah". Say, "will ye not then show piety (to Him)?"

Surah 12 Yūsuf (Joseph)

فَبَدَأَ  بِأَوْعِيَتِهِمْ  قَبْلَ  وِعَآءِ  أَخِيهِ  ثُمَّ  ٱسْتَخْرَجَهَا  مِن  وِعَآءِ  أَخِيهِ  كَذَٰلِكَ  كِدْنَا  لِيُوسُفَ  مَا  كَانَ  لِيَأْخُذَ  أَخَاهُ  فِى  دِينِ  ٱلْمَلِكِ  إِلَّآ  أَن  يَشَآءَ  ٱللَّـهُ  نَرْفَعُ  دَرَجَٰتٍ  مَّن  نَّشَآءُ  وَفَوْقَ  كُلِّ  ذِى  عِلْمٍ  عَلِيمٌ fa‑badaʾa bi‑awʿiyatihim qabla wiʿāʾi akhīhi thumma istakhrajahā min wiʿāʾi akhīhi ka‑dhālika kidnā li‑yūsufa kāna līakhudha akhāhu dīni l‑maliki illā an yashāʾa allāhu narfaʿu darajātin man nashāʾu wa‑fawqa kulli dhī ʿilmin ʿalīmun
So he began (the search) with their baggage, before (he came to) the baggage of his brother: at length he brought it out of his brother's baggage. Thus did We plan for Joseph. He could not take his brother by the law of the king except that Allah willed it (so). We raise to degrees (of wisdom) whom We please: but over all endued with knowledge is one, the All-Knowing.

وَرَفَعَ  أَبَوَيْهِ  عَلَى  ٱلْعَرْشِ  وَخَرُّوا۟  لَهُۥ  سُجَّدًا  وَقَالَ  يَٰٓأَبَتِ  هَٰذَا  تَأْوِيلُ  رُءْيَٰىَ  مِن  قَبْلُ  قَدْ  جَعَلَهَا  رَبِّى  حَقًّا  وَقَدْ  أَحْسَنَ  بِىٓ  إِذْ  أَخْرَجَنِى  مِنَ  ٱلسِّجْنِ  وَجَآءَ  بِكُم  مِّنَ  ٱلْبَدْوِ  مِنۢ  بَعْدِ  أَن  نَّزَغَ  ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ  بَيْنِى  وَبَيْنَ  إِخْوَتِىٓ  إِنَّ  رَبِّى  لَطِيفٌ  لِّمَا  يَشَآءُ  إِنَّهُۥ  هُوَ  ٱلْعَلِيمُ  ٱلْحَكِيمُ wa‑rafaʿa abawayhi ʿalā l‑ʿarshi wa‑kharrū lahu sujjadan wa‑qāla yā‑abati hādhā taʾwīlu ruʾyāya min qablu qad jaʿalahā rabbī ḥaqqan wa‑qad aḥsana idh akhrajanī mina l‑sijni wa‑jāʾa bikum mina l‑badwi min baʿdi an nnazagha l‑shayṭānu baynī wa‑bayna ikhwatī inna rabbī laṭīfun li‑mā yashāʾu innahu huwa l‑ʿalīmu l‑ḥakīmu
And he raised his parents high on the throne (of dignity), and they fell down in prostration, (all) before him. He said: "O my father! this is the fulfilment of my vision of old! Allah hath made it come true! He was indeed good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you (all here) out of the desert, (even) after Satan had sown enmity between me and my brothers. Verily my Lord understandeth best the mysteries of all that He planneth to do, for verily He is full of knowledge and wisdom.

Surah 14 Ibrāhīm (Abraham)

ٱللَّـهُ  ٱلَّذِى  خَلَقَ  ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ  وَٱلْأَرْضَ  وَأَنزَلَ  مِنَ  ٱلسَّمَآءِ  مَآءً  فَأَخْرَجَ  بِهِۦ  مِنَ  ٱلثَّمَرَٰتِ  رِزْقًا  لَّكُمْ  وَسَخَّرَ  لَكُمُ  ٱلْفُلْكَ  لِتَجْرِىَ  فِى  ٱلْبَحْرِ  بِأَمْرِهِۦ  وَسَخَّرَ  لَكُمُ  ٱلْأَنْهَٰرَ allāhu alladhī khalaqa l‑samāwāti wa‑l‑arḍa wa‑anzala mina l‑samāʾi māʾan faakhraja bihi mina l‑thamarāti rizqan la‑kum wa‑sakhkhara lakumu l‑fulka li‑tajriya l‑baḥri bi‑amrihi wa‑sakhkhara lakumu l‑anhāra
It is Allah Who hath created the heavens and the earth and sendeth down rain from the skies, and with it bringeth out fruits wherewith to feed you; it is He Who hath made the ships subject to you, that they may sail through the sea by His command; and the rivers (also) hath He made subject to you.

Surah 16 al-Naḥl (The Bee)

ثُمَّ  كُلِى  مِن  كُلِّ  ٱلثَّمَرَٰتِ  فَٱسْلُكِى  سُبُلَ  رَبِّكِ  ذُلُلًا  يَخْرُجُ  مِنۢ  بُطُونِهَا  شَرَابٌ  مُّخْتَلِفٌ  أَلْوَٰنُهُۥ  فِيهِ  شِفَآءٌ  لِّلنَّاسِ  إِنَّ  فِى  ذَٰلِكَ  لَءَايَةً  لِّقَوْمٍ  يَتَفَكَّرُونَ thumma kulī min kulli l‑thamarāti fa‑islukī subula rabbiki dhululan yakhruju min buṭūnihā sharābun mukhtalifun alwānuhu fīhi shifāʾun lil‑nāsi inna dhālika la‑āyatan li‑qawmin yatafakkarūna
Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.

وَٱللَّـهُ  أَخْرَجَكُم  مِّنۢ  بُطُونِ  أُمَّهَٰتِكُمْ  لَا  تَعْلَمُونَ  شَيْـًٔا  وَجَعَلَ  لَكُمُ  ٱلسَّمْعَ  وَٱلْأَبْصَٰرَ  وَٱلْأَفْـِٔدَةَ  لَعَلَّكُمْ  تَشْكُرُونَ wallāhu akhrajakum min buṭūni ummahātikum taʿlamūna shayʾan wa‑jaʿala lakumu l‑samʿa wa‑l‑abṣāra wa‑l‑afʾidata la‑ʿallakum tashkurūna
It is He Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections: that ye may give thanks (to Allah).

Surah 17 al-Isrāʾ (The Children of Israel)

وَإِن  كَادُوا۟  لَيَسْتَفِزُّونَكَ  مِنَ  ٱلْأَرْضِ  لِيُخْرِجُوكَ  مِنْهَا  وَإِذًا  لَّا  يَلْبَثُونَ  خِلَٰفَكَ  إِلَّا  قَلِيلًا wa‑in kādū la‑yastafizzūnaka mina l‑arḍi li‑yukhrijūka minhā waidhan yalbathūna khilāfaka illā qalīlan
Their purpose was to scare thee off the land, in order to expel thee; but in that case they would not have stayed (therein) after thee, except for a little while.

Surah 18 al-Kahf (The Cave)

مَّا  لَهُم  بِهِۦ  مِنْ  عِلْمٍ  وَلَا  لِءَابَآئِهِمْ  كَبُرَتْ  كَلِمَةً  تَخْرُجُ  مِنْ  أَفْوَٰهِهِمْ  إِن  يَقُولُونَ  إِلَّا  كَذِبًا lahum bihi min ʿilmin wa‑lā liābāihim kaburat kalimatan takhruju min afwāhihim in yaqūlūna illā kadhiban
No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. It is a grievous thing that issues from their mouths as a saying what they say is nothing but falsehood!

وَأَمَّا  ٱلْجِدَارُ  فَكَانَ  لِغُلَٰمَيْنِ  يَتِيمَيْنِ  فِى  ٱلْمَدِينَةِ  وَكَانَ  تَحْتَهُۥ  كَنزٌ  لَّهُمَا  وَكَانَ  أَبُوهُمَا  صَٰلِحًا  فَأَرَادَ  رَبُّكَ  أَن  يَبْلُغَآ  أَشُدَّهُمَا  وَيَسْتَخْرِجَا  كَنزَهُمَا  رَحْمَةً  مِّن  رَّبِّكَ  وَمَا  فَعَلْتُهُۥ  عَنْ  أَمْرِى  ذَٰلِكَ  تَأْوِيلُ  مَا  لَمْ  تَسْطِع  عَّلَيْهِ  صَبْرًا wa‑ammā l‑jidāru fa‑kāna lighulāmayni yatīmayni l‑madīnati wa‑kāna taḥtahu kanzun llahumā wa‑kāna abūhumā ṣāliḥan faarāda rabbuka an yablughā ashuddahumā wa‑yastakhrijā kanzahumā raḥmatan min rabbika wa‑mā faʿaltuhu ʿan amrī dhālika taʾwīlu lam tasṭiʿ ʿalayhi ṣabran
"As for the wall, it belonged to two youths, orphans, in the Town; there was, beneath it, a buried treasure, to which they were entitled: their father had been a righteous man: So thy Lord desired that they should attain their age of full strength and get out their treasure - a mercy (and favour) from thy Lord. I did it not of my own accord. Such is the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience."

Surah 19 Maryam (Mary)

فَخَرَجَ  عَلَىٰ  قَوْمِهِۦ  مِنَ  ٱلْمِحْرَابِ  فَأَوْحَىٰٓ  إِلَيْهِمْ  أَن  سَبِّحُوا۟  بُكْرَةً  وَعَشِيًّا fa‑kharaja ʿalā qawmihi mina l‑miḥrābi fa‑awḥā ilayhim an sabbiḥū bukratan wa‑ʿashiyyan
So Zakariya came out to his people from him chamber: He told them by signs to celebrate Allah's praises in the morning and in the evening.

Surah 20 Ṭā Hā (Ta-Ha)

وَٱضْمُمْ  يَدَكَ  إِلَىٰ  جَنَاحِكَ  تَخْرُجْ  بَيْضَآءَ  مِنْ  غَيْرِ  سُوٓءٍ  ءَايَةً  أُخْرَىٰ wa‑iḍmum yadaka ilā janāḥika takhruj bayḍāʾa min ghayri sūʾin āyatan ukhrā
"Now draw thy hand close to thy side: It shall come forth white (and shining), without harm (or stain),- as another Sign,-

قَالُوٓا۟  إِنْ  هَٰذَٰنِ  لَسَٰحِرَٰنِ  يُرِيدَانِ  أَن  يُخْرِجَاكُم  مِّنْ  أَرْضِكُم  بِسِحْرِهِمَا  وَيَذْهَبَا  بِطَرِيقَتِكُمُ  ٱلْمُثْلَىٰ qālū in hādhāni la‑sāḥirāni yurīdāni an yukhrijākum min arḍikum bi‑siḥrihimā wa‑yadhhabā bi‑ṭarīqatikumu l‑muthlā
They said: "These two are certainly (expert) magicians: their object is to drive you out from your land with their magic, and to do away with your most cherished institutions.

فَأَخْرَجَ  لَهُمْ  عِجْلًا  جَسَدًا  لَّهُۥ  خُوَارٌ  فَقَالُوا۟  هَٰذَآ  إِلَٰهُكُمْ  وَإِلَٰهُ  مُوسَىٰ  فَنَسِىَ fa‑akhraja lahum ʿijlan jasadan lahu khuwārun fa‑qālū hādhā ilāhukum wa‑ilāhu mūsā fanasiya
"Then he brought out (of the fire) before the (people) the image of a calf: It seemed to low: so they said: This is your god, and the god of Moses, but (Moses) has forgotten!"

فَقُلْنَا  يَٰٓـَٔادَمُ  إِنَّ  هَٰذَا  عَدُوٌّ  لَّكَ  وَلِزَوْجِكَ  فَلَا  يُخْرِجَنَّكُمَا  مِنَ  ٱلْجَنَّةِ  فَتَشْقَىٰٓ fa‑qulnā yā‑ʾādamu inna hādhā ʿaduwwun laka wa‑li‑zawjika fa‑lā yukhrijannakumā mina l‑jannati fa‑tashqā
Then We said: "O Adam! verily, this is an enemy to thee and thy wife: so let him not get you both out of the Garden, so that thou art landed in misery.

Surah 22 al-Ḥajj (The Pilgrimage)

كُلَّمَآ  أَرَادُوٓا۟  أَن  يَخْرُجُوا۟  مِنْهَا  مِنْ  غَمٍّ  أُعِيدُوا۟  فِيهَا  وَذُوقُوا۟  عَذَابَ  ٱلْحَرِيقِ kullamā arādū an yakhrujū minhā min ghammin uʿīdū fīhā wa‑dhūqū ʿadhāba l‑ḥarīqi
Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

ٱلَّذِينَ  أُخْرِجُوا۟  مِن  دِيَٰرِهِم  بِغَيْرِ  حَقٍّ  إِلَّآ  أَن  يَقُولُوا۟  رَبُّنَا  ٱللَّـهُ  وَلَوْلَا  دَفْعُ  ٱللَّـهِ  ٱلنَّاسَ  بَعْضَهُم  بِبَعْضٍ  لَّهُدِّمَتْ  صَوَٰمِعُ  وَبِيَعٌ  وَصَلَوَٰتٌ  وَمَسَٰجِدُ  يُذْكَرُ  فِيهَا  ٱسْمُ  ٱللَّـهِ  كَثِيرًا  وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ  ٱللَّـهُ  مَن  يَنصُرُهُۥٓ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  لَقَوِىٌّ  عَزِيزٌ lladhīna ukhrijū min diyārihim bi‑ghayri ḥaqqin illā an yaqūlū rabbunā allāhu wa‑lawlā dafʿu allāhi l‑nāsa baʿḍahum bi‑baʿḍin la‑huddimat ṣawāmiʿu wa‑biyaʿun wa‑ṣalawātun wa‑masājidu yudhkaru fīhā smu allāhi kathīran wa‑la‑yanṣuranna allāhu man yanṣuruhu inna allāha la‑qawiyyun ʿazīzun
(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).

Surah 23 al-Muʾminūn (The Believers)

وَشَجَرَةً  تَخْرُجُ  مِن  طُورِ  سَيْنَآءَ  تَنۢبُتُ  بِٱلدُّهْنِ  وَصِبْغٍ  لَّلْأَكِلِينَ wa‑shajaratan takhruju min ṭūri saynāʾa tanbutu bil‑duhni wa‑ṣibghin lil‑akilīna
Also a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, which produces oil, and relish for those who use it for food.

Surah 24 al-Nūr (The Light)

أَوْ  كَظُلُمَٰتٍ  فِى  بَحْرٍ  لُّجِّىٍّ  يَغْشَىٰهُ  مَوْجٌ  مِّن  فَوْقِهِۦ  مَوْجٌ  مِّن  فَوْقِهِۦ  سَحَابٌ  ظُلُمَٰتٌۢ  بَعْضُهَا  فَوْقَ  بَعْضٍ  إِذَآ  أَخْرَجَ  يَدَهُۥ  لَمْ  يَكَدْ  يَرَىٰهَا  وَمَن  لَّمْ  يَجْعَلِ  ٱللَّـهُ  لَهُۥ  نُورًا  فَمَا  لَهُۥ  مِن  نُّورٍ aw kaẓulumātin baḥrin llujjiyyin yaghshahu mawjun min fawqihi mawjun min fawqihi saḥābun ẓulumātun baʿḍuhā fawqa baʿḍin idhā akhraja yadahu lam yakad yarahā wa‑man lam yajʿali allāhu lahu nūran fa‑mā lahu min nnūrin
Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!

أَلَمْ  تَرَ  أَنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  يُزْجِى  سَحَابًا  ثُمَّ  يُؤَلِّفُ  بَيْنَهُۥ  ثُمَّ  يَجْعَلُهُۥ  رُكَامًا  فَتَرَى  ٱلْوَدْقَ  يَخْرُجُ  مِنْ  خِلَٰلِهِۦ  وَيُنَزِّلُ  مِنَ  ٱلسَّمَآءِ  مِن  جِبَالٍ  فِيهَا  مِنۢ  بَرَدٍ  فَيُصِيبُ  بِهِۦ  مَن  يَشَآءُ  وَيَصْرِفُهُۥ  عَن  مَّن  يَشَآءُ  يَكَادُ  سَنَا  بَرْقِهِۦ  يَذْهَبُ  بِٱلْأَبْصَٰرِ a‑lam tara annā allāha yuzjī saḥāban thumma yuʾallifu baynahu thumma yajʿaluhu rukāman fatarā l‑wadqa yakhruju min khilālihi wa‑yunazzilu mina l‑samāʾi min jibālin fīhā min baradin fa‑yuṣību bihi man yashāʾu wa‑yaṣrifuhu ʿan man yashāʾu yakādu sanā barqihi yadhhabu bil‑abṣāri
Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap? - then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He turns it away from whom He pleases, the vivid flash of His lightning well-nigh blinds the sight.

وَأَقْسَمُوا۟  بِٱللَّـهِ  جَهْدَ  أَيْمَٰنِهِمْ  لَئِنْ  أَمَرْتَهُمْ  لَيَخْرُجُنَّ  قُل  لَّا  تُقْسِمُوا۟  طَاعَةٌ  مَّعْرُوفَةٌ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  خَبِيرٌۢ  بِمَا  تَعْمَلُونَ wa‑aqsamū billāhi jahda aymānihim lain amartahum la‑yakhrujunna qul tuqsimū ṭāʿatun maʿrūfatun inna allāha khabīrun bi‑mā taʿmalūna
They swear their strongest oaths by Allah that, if only thou wouldst command them, they would leave (their homes). Say: "Swear ye not; Obedience is (more) reasonable; verily, Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do."

Surah 26 al-Shuʿarā (The Poets)

يُرِيدُ  أَن  يُخْرِجَكُم  مِّنْ  أَرْضِكُم  بِسِحْرِهِۦ  فَمَاذَا  تَأْمُرُونَ yurīdu an yukhrijakum min arḍikum bisiḥrihi fa‑mādhā taʾmurūna
"His plan is to get you out of your land by his sorcery; then what is it ye counsel?"

Surah 27 al-Naml (The Ant)

وَأَدْخِلْ  يَدَكَ  فِى  جَيْبِكَ  تَخْرُجْ  بَيْضَآءَ  مِنْ  غَيْرِ  سُوٓءٍ  فِى  تِسْعِ  ءَايَٰتٍ  إِلَىٰ  فِرْعَوْنَ  وَقَوْمِهِۦٓ  إِنَّهُمْ  كَانُوا۟  قَوْمًا  فَٰسِقِينَ wa‑adkhil yadaka jaybika takhruj bayḍāʾa min ghayri sūʾin tisʿi āyātin ilā firʿawna wa‑qawmihi innahum kānū qawman fāsiqīna
"Now put thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain (or harm): (these are) among the nine Signs (thou wilt take) to Pharaoh and his people: for they are a people rebellious in transgression."

أَلَّا  يَسْجُدُوا۟  لِلَّـهِ  ٱلَّذِى  يُخْرِجُ  ٱلْخَبْءَ  فِى  ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ  وَٱلْأَرْضِ  وَيَعْلَمُ  مَا  تُخْفُونَ  وَمَا  تُعْلِنُونَ allā yasjudū lillāhi alladhī yukhriju l‑khaba l‑samāwāti wa‑l‑arḍi wa‑yaʿlamu tukhfūna wa‑mā tuʿlinūna
"(Kept them away from the Path), that they should not worship Allah, Who brings to light what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what ye hide and what ye reveal.

Surah 28 al-Qaṣaṣ (The Narrative)

فَخَرَجَ  مِنْهَا  خَآئِفًا  يَتَرَقَّبُ  قَالَ  رَبِّ  نَجِّنِى  مِنَ  ٱلْقَوْمِ  ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ fa‑kharaja minhā khāʾifan yataraqqabu qalā rabbi najjinī mina l‑qawmi l‑ẓālimīna
He therefore got away therefrom, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed "O my Lord! save me from people given to wrong-doing."

ٱسْلُكْ  يَدَكَ  فِى  جَيْبِكَ  تَخْرُجْ  بَيْضَآءَ  مِنْ  غَيْرِ  سُوٓءٍ  وَٱضْمُمْ  إِلَيْكَ  جَنَاحَكَ  مِنَ  ٱلرَّهْبِ  فَذَٰنِكَ  بُرْهَٰنَانِ  مِن  رَّبِّكَ  إِلَىٰ  فِرْعَوْنَ  وَمَلَإِي۟هِۦٓ  إِنَّهُمْ  كَانُوا۟  قَوْمًا  فَٰسِقِينَ isluk yadaka jaybika takhruj bayḍāʾa min ghayri sūʾin wa‑iḍmum ilayka janāḥaka mina l‑rahbi fadhānika burhānāni min rabbika ilā firʿawna wa‑malaīhi innahum kānū qawman fāsiqīna
"Move thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain (or harm), and draw thy hand close to thy side (to guard) against fear. Those are the two credentials from thy Lord to Pharaoh and his Chiefs: for truly they are a people rebellious and wicked."