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Surah 7 al-Aʿrāf (The Heights)
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وَهُوَ  ٱلَّذِى  يُرْسِلُ  ٱلرِّيَٰحَ  بُشْرًۢا  بَيْنَ  يَدَىْ  رَحْمَتِهِۦ  حَتَّىٰٓ  إِذَآ  أَقَلَّتْ  سَحَابًا  ثِقَالًا  سُقْنَٰهُ  لِبَلَدٍ  مَّيِّتٍ  فَأَنزَلْنَا  بِهِ  ٱلْمَآءَ  فَأَخْرَجْنَا  بِهِۦ  مِن  كُلِّ  ٱلثَّمَرَٰتِ  كَذَٰلِكَ  نُخْرِجُ  ٱلْمَوْتَىٰ  لَعَلَّكُمْ  تَذَكَّرُونَ wa‑huwa alladhī yursilu l‑riyāḥa bushran bayna yada raḥmatihi ḥatta idhā aqallat saḥāban thiqālan suqnāhu li‑baladin mayyitin fa‑anzalnā bihi l‑māa fa‑akhrajnā bihi min kulli l‑thamarāti ka‑dhālika nukhriju l‑mawtā la‑ʿallakum tadhakkarūna
It is He Who sendeth the winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perchance ye may remember.

Surah 8 al-Anfāl (The Spoils of War)

يُجَٰدِلُونَكَ  فِى  ٱلْحَقِّ  بَعْدَمَا  تَبَيَّنَ  كَأَنَّمَا  يُسَاقُونَ  إِلَى  ٱلْمَوْتِ  وَهُمْ  يَنظُرُونَ yujādilūnaka l‑ḥaqqi baʿdamā tabayyana ka‑annamā yusāqūna ilā l‑mawti wa‑hum yanẓurūna
Disputing with thee concerning the truth after it was made manifest, as if they were being driven to death and they (actually) saw it.

Surah 19 Maryam (Mary)

وَنَسُوقُ  ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ  إِلَىٰ  جَهَنَّمَ  وِرْدًا wa‑nasūqu l‑mujrimīna ilā jahannama wirdan
And We shall drive the sinners to Hell, like thirsty cattle driven down to water,-

Surah 32 al-Sajdah (The Adoration)

أَوَلَمْ  يَرَوْا۟  أَنَّا  نَسُوقُ  ٱلْمَآءَ  إِلَى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  ٱلْجُرُزِ  فَنُخْرِجُ  بِهِۦ  زَرْعًا  تَأْكُلُ  مِنْهُ  أَنْعَٰمُهُمْ  وَأَنفُسُهُمْ  أَفَلَا  يُبْصِرُونَ a‑wa‑lam yaraw annā nasūqu l‑māa ilā l‑arḍi l‑juruzi fa‑nukhriju bihi zarʿan taʾkulu minhu anʿāmuhum wa‑anfusuhum a‑fa‑lā yubṣirūna
And do they not see that We do drive rain to parched soil (bare of herbage), and produce therewith crops, providing food for their cattle and themselves? Have they not the vision?

Surah 35 al-Faṭīr (The Creator)

وَٱللَّـهُ  ٱلَّذِىٓ  أَرْسَلَ  ٱلرِّيَٰحَ  فَتُثِيرُ  سَحَابًا  فَسُقْنَٰهُ  إِلَىٰ  بَلَدٍ  مَّيِّتٍ  فَأَحْيَيْنَا  بِهِ  ٱلْأَرْضَ  بَعْدَ  مَوْتِهَا  كَذَٰلِكَ  ٱلنُّشُورُ wallāhu alladhī arsala l‑riyāḥa fa‑tuthīru saḥāban fa‑suqnāhu ilā baladin mayyitin fa‑aḥyaynā bihi l‑arḍa baʿda mawtihā ka‑dhālika l‑nushūru
It is Allah Who sends forth the Winds, so that they raise up the Clouds, and We drive them to a land that is dead, and revive the earth therewith after its death: even so (will be) the Resurrection!

Surah 39 al-Zumar (The Companies)

وَسِيقَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوٓا۟  إِلَىٰ  جَهَنَّمَ  زُمَرًا  حَتَّىٰٓ  إِذَا  جَآءُوهَا  فُتِحَتْ  أَبْوَٰبُهَا  وَقَالَ  لَهُمْ  خَزَنَتُهَآ  أَلَمْ  يَأْتِكُمْ  رُسُلٌ  مِّنكُمْ  يَتْلُونَ  عَلَيْكُمْ  ءَايَٰتِ  رَبِّكُمْ  وَيُنذِرُونَكُمْ  لِقَآءَ  يَوْمِكُمْ  هَٰذَا  قَالُوا۟  بَلَىٰ  وَلَٰكِنْ  حَقَّتْ  كَلِمَةُ  ٱلْعَذَابِ  عَلَى  ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ wa‑sīqa lladhīna kafarū ilā jahannama zumaran ḥatta idhā jāʾūhā futiḥat abwābuhā wa‑qāla lahum khazanatuhā a‑lam yatikum rusulun minkum yatlūna ʿalaykum āyāti rabbikum wa‑yundhirūnakum liqāʾa yawmikum hādhā qālū balā wa‑lākin ḥaqqat kalimatu l‑ʿadhābi ʿalā l‑kāfirīna
The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive, there, its gates will be opened. And its keepers will say, "Did not messengers come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of This Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!"

وَسِيقَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  ٱتَّقَوْا۟  رَبَّهُمْ  إِلَى  ٱلْجَنَّةِ  زُمَرًا  حَتَّىٰٓ  إِذَا  جَآءُوهَا  وَفُتِحَتْ  أَبْوَٰبُهَا  وَقَالَ  لَهُمْ  خَزَنَتُهَا  سَلَٰمٌ  عَلَيْكُمْ  طِبْتُمْ  فَٱدْخُلُوهَا  خَٰلِدِينَ wa‑sīqa lladhīna ittaqaw rabbahum ilā l‑jannati zumaran ḥatta idhā jāʾūhā wa‑futiḥat abwābuhā wa‑qāla lahum khazanatuhā salāmun ʿalaykum ṭibtum fadkhulūhā khālidīna
And those who feared their Lord will be led to the Garden in crowds: until behold, they arrive there; its gates will be opened; and its keepers will say: "Peace be upon you! well have ye done! enter ye here, to dwell therein."