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Surah 2 al-Baqara (The Cow)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

يَكَادُ  ٱلْبَرْقُ  يَخْطَفُ  أَبْصَٰرَهُمْ  كُلَّمَآ  أَضَآءَ  لَهُم  مَّشَوْا۟  فِيهِ  وَإِذَآ  أَظْلَمَ  عَلَيْهِمْ  قَامُوا۟  وَلَوْ  شَآءَ  ٱللَّـهُ  لَذَهَبَ  بِسَمْعِهِمْ  وَأَبْصَٰرِهِمْ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  عَلَىٰ  كُلِّ  شَىْءٍ  قَدِيرٌ yakādu l‑barqu yakhṭafu abṣārahum kullamā aḍāʾa lahum mashaw fīhi wa‑idhā aẓlama ʿalayhim qāmū wa‑law shāʾa allāhu la‑dhahaba bisamʿihim wa‑abṣārihim inna allāha ʿalā kulli shayʾin qadīrun
The lightning all but snatches away their sight; every time the light (Helps) them, they walk therein, and when the darkness grows on them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could take away their faculty of hearing and seeing; for Allah hath power over all things.

وَإِذَا  طَلَّقْتُمُ  ٱلنِّسَآءَ  فَبَلَغْنَ  أَجَلَهُنَّ  فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ  بِمَعْرُوفٍ  أَوْ  سَرِّحُوهُنَّ  بِمَعْرُوفٍ  وَلَا  تُمْسِكُوهُنَّ  ضِرَارًا  لِّتَعْتَدُوا۟  وَمَن  يَفْعَلْ  ذَٰلِكَ  فَقَدْ  ظَلَمَ  نَفْسَهُۥ  وَلَا  تَتَّخِذُوٓا۟  ءَايَٰتِ  ٱللَّـهِ  هُزُوًا  وَٱذْكُرُوا۟  نِعْمَتَ  ٱللَّـهِ  عَلَيْكُمْ  وَمَآ  أَنزَلَ  عَلَيْكُم  مِّنَ  ٱلْكِتَٰبِ  وَٱلْحِكْمَةِ  يَعِظُكُم  بِهِۦ  وَٱتَّقُوا۟  ٱللَّـهَ  وَٱعْلَمُوٓا۟  أَنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  بِكُلِّ  شَىْءٍ  عَلِيمٌ wa‑idhā ṭallaqtumu l‑nisāʾa fa‑balaghna ajalahunna fa‑amsikūhunna bi‑maʿrūfin aw sarriḥūhunna bi‑maʿrūfin wa‑lā tumsikūhunna ḍirāran la‑taʿtadū wa‑man yafʿal dhālika fa‑qad ẓalama nafsahu wa‑lā tattakhidhū āyāti allāhi huzuwan wa‑idhkurū niʿmata allāhi ʿalaykum wa‑mā anzala ʿalaykum mina l‑kitābi wa‑l‑ḥikmati yaʿiẓukum bihi wa‑ittaqū allāha wa‑iʿlamū annā allāha bi‑kulli shayʾin ʿalīmun
When ye divorce women, and they fulfil the term of their ('Iddat), either take them back on equitable terms or set them free on equitable terms; but do not take them back to injure them, (or) to take undue advantage; if any one does that; He wrongs his own soul. Do not treat Allah's Signs as a jest, but solemnly rehearse Allah's favours on you, and the fact that He sent down to you the Book and Wisdom, for your instruction. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is well acquainted with all things.

Surah 3 Āl-ʿImrān (The Family of Imran)

مَثَلُ  مَا  يُنفِقُونَ  فِى  هَٰذِهِ  ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ  ٱلدُّنْيَا  كَمَثَلِ  رِيحٍ  فِيهَا  صِرٌّ  أَصَابَتْ  حَرْثَ  قَوْمٍ  ظَلَمُوٓا۟  أَنفُسَهُمْ  فَأَهْلَكَتْهُ  وَمَا  ظَلَمَهُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَلَٰكِنْ  أَنفُسَهُمْ  يَظْلِمُونَ mathalu yunfiqūna hādhihi l‑ḥayāti l‑dunyā ka‑mathali rīḥin fīhā ṣirrun aṣābat ḥartha qawmin ẓalamū anfusahum fa‑ahlakathu wa‑mā ẓalamahumu allāhu walākin anfusahum yaẓlimūna
What they spend in the life of this (material) world May be likened to a wind which brings a nipping frost: It strikes and destroys the harvest of men who have wronged their own souls: it is not Allah that hath wronged them, but they wrong themselves.

Surah 4 al-Nisāʾ (The Women)

إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  لَا  يَظْلِمُ  مِثْقَالَ  ذَرَّةٍ  وَإِن  تَكُ  حَسَنَةً  يُضَٰعِفْهَا  وَيُؤْتِ  مِن  لَّدُنْهُ  أَجْرًا  عَظِيمًا inna allāha yaẓlimu mithqāla dharratin wa‑in taku ḥasanatan yuḍāʿifhā wa‑yuʾti min lladunhu ajran ʿaẓīman
Allah is never unjust in the least degree: If there is any good (done), He doubleth it, and giveth from His own presence a great reward.

وَمَن  يَعْمَلْ  سُوٓءًا  أَوْ  يَظْلِمْ  نَفْسَهُۥ  ثُمَّ  يَسْتَغْفِرِ  ٱللَّـهَ  يَجِدِ  ٱللَّـهَ  غَفُورًا  رَّحِيمًا wa‑man yaʿmal sūʾan aw yaẓlim nafsahu thumma yastaghfiri allāha yajidi allāha ghafūran raḥīman
If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

لَّا  يُحِبُّ  ٱللَّـهُ  ٱلْجَهْرَ  بِٱلسُّوٓءِ  مِنَ  ٱلْقَوْلِ  إِلَّا  مَن  ظُلِمَ  وَكَانَ  ٱللَّـهُ  سَمِيعًا  عَلِيمًا yuḥibbu allāhu l‑jahra bil‑sūʾi mina l‑qawli illā man ẓulima wa‑kāna allāhu samīʿan ʿalīman
Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things.

Surah 9 al-Tawbah (Repentance)

أَلَمْ  يَأْتِهِمْ  نَبَأُ  ٱلَّذِينَ  مِن  قَبْلِهِمْ  قَوْمِ  نُوحٍ  وَعَادٍ  وَثَمُودَ  وَقَوْمِ  إِبْرَٰهِيمَ  وَأَصْحَٰبِ  مَدْيَنَ  وَٱلْمُؤْتَفِكَٰتِ  أَتَتْهُمْ  رُسُلُهُم  بِٱلْبَيِّنَٰتِ  فَمَا  كَانَ  ٱللَّـهُ  لِيَظْلِمَهُمْ  وَلَٰكِن  كَانُوٓا۟  أَنفُسَهُمْ  يَظْلِمُونَ a‑lam yaʾtihim nabaʾu lladhīna min qablihim qawmi nūḥin wa‑ʿādin wa‑thamūda wa‑qawmi ibrāhīma wa‑aṣḥābi madyana wa‑l‑muʾtafikāti atathum rusuluhum bil‑bayyināti fa‑mā kāna allāhu li‑yaẓlimahum wa‑lākin kānū anfusahum yaẓlimūna
Hath not the story reached them of those before them?- the People of Noah, and 'Ad, and Thamud; the People of Abraham, the men of Midian, and the cities overthrown. To them came their messengers with clear signs. It is not Allah Who wrongs them, but they wrong their own souls.

Surah 10 Yūnus (Jonah)

إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  لَا  يَظْلِمُ  ٱلنَّاسَ  شَيْـًٔا  وَلَٰكِنَّ  ٱلنَّاسَ  أَنفُسَهُمْ  يَظْلِمُونَ inna allāha yaẓlimu l‑nāsa shayʾan wa‑lākinna l‑nāsa anfusahum yaẓlimūna
Verily Allah will not deal unjustly with man in aught: It is man that wrongs his own soul.

وَلَوْ  أَنَّ  لِكُلِّ  نَفْسٍ  ظَلَمَتْ  مَا  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  لَٱفْتَدَتْ  بِهِۦ  وَأَسَرُّوا۟  ٱلنَّدَامَةَ  لَمَّا  رَأَوُا۟  ٱلْعَذَابَ  وَقُضِىَ  بَيْنَهُم  بِٱلْقِسْطِ  وَهُمْ  لَا  يُظْلَمُونَ wa‑law annā li‑kulli nafsin ẓalamat l‑arḍi la‑iftadat bihi wa‑asarrū l‑nadāmata lammā raʾawu l‑ʿadhāba wa‑quḍiya baynahum bil‑qisṭi wa‑hum yuẓlamūna
Every soul that hath sinned, if it possessed all that is on earth, would fain give it in ransom: They would declare (their) repentance when they see the penalty: but the judgment between them will be with justice, and no wrong will be done unto them.

Surah 16 al-Naḥl (The Bee)

هَلْ  يَنظُرُونَ  إِلَّآ  أَن  تَأْتِيَهُمُ  ٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةُ  أَوْ  يَأْتِىَ  أَمْرُ  رَبِّكَ  كَذَٰلِكَ  فَعَلَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  مِن  قَبْلِهِمْ  وَمَا  ظَلَمَهُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَلَٰكِن  كَانُوٓا۟  أَنفُسَهُمْ  يَظْلِمُونَ hal yanẓurūna illā an taʾtiyahumu l‑malāʾikatu aw yaʾtiya amru rabbika ka‑dhālika faʿala lladhīna min qablihim wa‑mā ẓalamahumu allāhu wa‑lākin kānū anfusahum yaẓlimūna
Do the (ungodly) wait until the angels come to them, or there comes the Command of thy Lord (for their doom)? So did those who went before them. But Allah wronged them not: nay, they wronged their own souls.

Surah 18 al-Kahf (The Cave)

كِلْتَا  ٱلْجَنَّتَيْنِ  ءَاتَتْ  أُكُلَهَا  وَلَمْ  تَظْلِم  مِّنْهُ  شَيْـًٔا  وَفَجَّرْنَا  خِلَٰلَهُمَا  نَهَرًا kiltā l‑jannatayni ātat ukulahā wa‑lam taẓlim minhu shayʾan wa‑fajjarnā khilālahumā naharan
Each of those gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein: in the midst of them We caused a river to flow.

وَوُضِعَ  ٱلْكِتَٰبُ  فَتَرَى  ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ  مُشْفِقِينَ  مِمَّا  فِيهِ  وَيَقُولُونَ  يَٰوَيْلَتَنَا  مَالِ  هَٰذَا  ٱلْكِتَٰبِ  لَا  يُغَادِرُ  صَغِيرَةً  وَلَا  كَبِيرَةً  إِلَّآ  أَحْصَىٰهَا  وَوَجَدُوا۟  مَا  عَمِلُوا۟  حَاضِرًا  وَلَا  يَظْلِمُ  رَبُّكَ  أَحَدًا wa‑wuḍiʿa l‑kitābu fatarā l‑mujrimīna mushfiqīna mimmā fīhi wa‑yaqūlūna yā‑waylatanā māli hādhā l‑kitābi yughādiru ṣaghīratan wa‑lā kabīratan illā aḥṣahā wa‑wajadū ʿamilū ḥāḍiran wa‑lā yaẓlimu rabbuka aḥadan
And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, "Ah! woe to us! what a Book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.

قَالَ  أَمَّا  مَن  ظَلَمَ  فَسَوْفَ  نُعَذِّبُهُۥ  ثُمَّ  يُرَدُّ  إِلَىٰ  رَبِّهِۦ  فَيُعَذِّبُهُۥ  عَذَابًا  نُّكْرًا qalā ammā man ẓalama fa‑sawfa nuʿadhdhibuhu thumma yuraddu ilā rabbihi fa‑yuʿadhdhibuhu ʿadhāban nnukran
He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).

Surah 21 al-Anbiyāʾ (The Prophets)

وَنَضَعُ  ٱلْمَوَٰزِينَ  ٱلْقِسْطَ  لِيَوْمِ  ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ  فَلَا  تُظْلَمُ  نَفْسٌ  شَيْـًٔا  وَإِن  كَانَ  مِثْقَالَ  حَبَّةٍ  مِّنْ  خَرْدَلٍ  أَتَيْنَا  بِهَا  وَكَفَىٰ  بِنَا  حَٰسِبِينَ wa‑naḍaʿu l‑mawāzīna l‑qisṭa li‑yawmi l‑qiyāmati fa‑lā tuẓlamu nafsun shayʾan wa‑in kāna mithqāla ḥabbatin min khardalin ataynā bihā wa‑kafā binā ḥāsibīna
We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least, and if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account.

Surah 25 al-Furqān (The Criterion)

فَقَدْ  كَذَّبُوكُم  بِمَا  تَقُولُونَ  فَمَا  تَسْتَطِيعُونَ  صَرْفًا  وَلَا  نَصْرًا  وَمَن  يَظْلِم  مِّنكُمْ  نُذِقْهُ  عَذَابًا  كَبِيرًا fa‑qad kadhdhabūkum bi‑mā taqūlūna fa‑mā tastaṭīʿūna ṣarfan wa‑lā naṣran wa‑man yaẓlim minkum nudhiqhu ʿadhāban kabīran
(Allah will say): "Now have they proved you liars in what ye say: so ye cannot avert (your penalty) nor (get) help." And whoever among you does wrong, him shall We cause to taste of a grievous Penalty.

Surah 27 al-Naml (The Ant)

إِلَّا  مَن  ظَلَمَ  ثُمَّ  بَدَّلَ  حُسْنًۢا  بَعْدَ  سُوٓءٍ  فَإِنِّى  غَفُورٌ  رَّحِيمٌ illā man ẓalama thumma baddala ḥusnan baʿda sūʾin fa‑innī ghafūrun raḥīmun
"But if any have done wrong and have thereafter substituted good to take the place of evil, truly, I am Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

قِيلَ  لَهَا  ٱدْخُلِى  ٱلصَّرْحَ  فَلَمَّا  رَأَتْهُ  حَسِبَتْهُ  لُجَّةً  وَكَشَفَتْ  عَن  سَاقَيْهَا  قَالَ  إِنَّهُۥ  صَرْحٌ  مُّمَرَّدٌ  مِّن  قَوَارِيرَ  قَالَتْ  رَبِّ  إِنِّى  ظَلَمْتُ  نَفْسِى  وَأَسْلَمْتُ  مَعَ  سُلَيْمَٰنَ  لِلَّـهِ  رَبِّ  ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ qīla lahā adkhulī l‑ṣarḥa fa‑lammā raathu ḥasibathu lujjatan wa‑kashafat ʿan sāqayhā qalā innahu ṣarḥun mumarradun min qawārīra qālat rabbi innī ẓalamtu nafsī wa‑aslamtu maʿa sulaymāna lillāhi rabbi l‑ʿālamīna
She was asked to enter the lofty Palace: but when she saw it, she thought it was a lake of water, and she (tucked up her skirts), uncovering her legs. He said: "This is but a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass." She said: "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul: I do (now) submit (in Islam), with Solomon, to the Lord of the Worlds."

Surah 28 al-Qaṣaṣ (The Narrative)

قَالَ  رَبِّ  إِنِّى  ظَلَمْتُ  نَفْسِى  فَٱغْفِرْ  لِى  فَغَفَرَ  لَهُۥٓ  إِنَّهُۥ  هُوَ  ٱلْغَفُورُ  ٱلرَّحِيمُ qalā rabbi innī ẓalamtu nafsī fa‑ighfir fa‑ghafara lahu innahu huwa l‑ghafūru l‑raḥīmu
He prayed: "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou then forgive me!" So (Allah) forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Surah 29 al-ʿAnkabūt (The Spider)

فَكُلًّا  أَخَذْنَا  بِذَنۢبِهِۦ  فَمِنْهُم  مَّنْ  أَرْسَلْنَا  عَلَيْهِ  حَاصِبًا  وَمِنْهُم  مَّنْ  أَخَذَتْهُ  ٱلصَّيْحَةُ  وَمِنْهُم  مَّنْ  خَسَفْنَا  بِهِ  ٱلْأَرْضَ  وَمِنْهُم  مَّنْ  أَغْرَقْنَا  وَمَا  كَانَ  ٱللَّـهُ  لِيَظْلِمَهُمْ  وَلَٰكِن  كَانُوٓا۟  أَنفُسَهُمْ  يَظْلِمُونَ fakullan akhadhnā bi‑dhanbihi fa‑minhum man arsalnā ʿalayhi ḥāṣiban wa‑minhum man akhadhathu l‑ṣayḥatu wa‑minhum man khasafnā bihi l‑arḍa wa‑minhum man aghraqnā wa‑mā kāna allāhu li‑yaẓlimahum wa‑lākin kānū anfusahum yaẓlimūna
Each one of them We seized for his crime: of them, against some We sent a violent tornado (with showers of stones); some were caught by a (mighty) Blast; some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some We drowned (in the waters): It was not Allah Who injured (or oppressed) them:" They injured (and oppressed) their own souls.

Surah 30 al-Rūm (The Romans)

أَوَلَمْ  يَسِيرُوا۟  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  فَيَنظُرُوا۟  كَيْفَ  كَانَ  عَٰقِبَةُ  ٱلَّذِينَ  مِن  قَبْلِهِمْ  كَانُوٓا۟  أَشَدَّ  مِنْهُمْ  قُوَّةً  وَأَثَارُوا۟  ٱلْأَرْضَ  وَعَمَرُوهَآ  أَكْثَرَ  مِمَّا  عَمَرُوهَا  وَجَآءَتْهُمْ  رُسُلُهُم  بِٱلْبَيِّنَٰتِ  فَمَا  كَانَ  ٱللَّـهُ  لِيَظْلِمَهُمْ  وَلَٰكِن  كَانُوٓا۟  أَنفُسَهُمْ  يَظْلِمُونَ a‑wa‑lam yasīrū l‑arḍi fa‑yanẓurū kayfa kāna ʿāqibatu lladhīna min qablihim kānū ashadda minhum quwwatan wa‑athārū l‑arḍa wa‑ʿamarūhā akthara mimmā ʿamarūhā wa‑jāathum rusuluhum bil‑bayyināti fa‑mā kāna allāhu li‑yaẓlimahum wa‑lākin kānū anfusahum yaẓlimūna
Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those before them? They were superior to them in strength: they tilled the soil and populated it in greater numbers than these have done: there came to them their messengers with Clear (Signs). (Which they rejected, to their own destruction): It was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wronged their own souls.

Surah 36 Yā Sin (Ya Sin)

فَٱلْيَوْمَ  لَا  تُظْلَمُ  نَفْسٌ  شَيْـًٔا  وَلَا  تُجْزَوْنَ  إِلَّا  مَا  كُنتُمْ  تَعْمَلُونَ fa‑l‑yawma tuẓlamu nafsun shayʾan wa‑lā tujzawna illā kuntum taʿmalūna
Then, on that Day, not a soul will be wronged in the least, and ye shall but be repaid the meeds of your past Deeds.

Surah 38 Ṣād (Sad)

قَالَ  لَقَدْ  ظَلَمَكَ  بِسُؤَالِ  نَعْجَتِكَ  إِلَىٰ  نِعَاجِهِۦ  وَإِنَّ  كَثِيرًا  مِّنَ  ٱلْخُلَطَآءِ  لَيَبْغِى  بَعْضُهُمْ  عَلَىٰ  بَعْضٍ  إِلَّا  ٱلَّذِينَ  ءَامَنُوا۟  وَعَمِلُوا۟  ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ  وَقَلِيلٌ  مَّا  هُمْ  وَظَنَّ  دَاوُۥدُ  أَنَّمَا  فَتَنَّٰهُ  فَٱسْتَغْفَرَ  رَبَّهُۥ  وَخَرَّ  رَاكِعًا  وَأَنَابَ qalā la‑qad ẓalamaka bi‑suʾāli naʿjatika ilā niʿājihi wa‑inna kathīran mina l‑khulaṭāʾi la‑yabghī baʿḍuhum ʿalā baʿḍin illā lladhīna āmanū wa‑ʿamilū l‑ṣāliḥāti wa‑qalīlun hum wa‑ẓanna dāwudu annamā fatannāhu fa‑istaghfara rabbahu wa‑kharra rākiʿan wa‑anāba
(David) said: "He has undoubtedly wronged thee in demanding thy (single) ewe to be added to his (flock of) ewes: truly many are the partners (in business) who wrong each other: Not so do those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and how few are they?"...and David gathered that We had tried him: he asked forgiveness of his Lord, fell down, bowing (in prostration), and turned (to Allah in repentance).

Surah 65 al-Ṭalāq (The Divorce)

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا  ٱلنَّبِىُّ  إِذَا  طَلَّقْتُمُ  ٱلنِّسَآءَ  فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ  لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ  وَأَحْصُوا۟  ٱلْعِدَّةَ  وَٱتَّقُوا۟  ٱللَّـهَ  رَبَّكُمْ  لَا  تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ  مِنۢ  بُيُوتِهِنَّ  وَلَا  يَخْرُجْنَ  إِلَّآ  أَن  يَأْتِينَ  بِفَٰحِشَةٍ  مُّبَيِّنَةٍ  وَتِلْكَ  حُدُودُ  ٱللَّـهِ  وَمَن  يَتَعَدَّ  حُدُودَ  ٱللَّـهِ  فَقَدْ  ظَلَمَ  نَفْسَهُۥ  لَا  تَدْرِى  لَعَلَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  يُحْدِثُ  بَعْدَ  ذَٰلِكَ  أَمْرًا yā‑ayyuhā l‑nabiyyu idhā ṭallaqtumu l‑nisāʾa fa‑ṭalliqūhunna li‑ʿiddatihinna wa‑aḥṣū l‑ʿiddata wa‑ittaqū allāha rabbakum tukhrijūhunna min buyūtihinna wa‑lā yakhrujna illā an yaʾtīna bi‑fāḥishatin mubayyinatin wa‑tilka ḥudūdu allāhi wa‑man yataʿadda ḥudūda allāhi fa‑qad ẓalama nafsahu tadrī laʿalla allāha yuḥdithu baʿda dhālika amran
O Prophet! When ye do divorce women, divorce them at their prescribed periods, and count (accurately), their prescribed periods: And fear Allah your Lord: and turn them not out of their houses, nor shall they (themselves) leave, except in case they are guilty of some open lewdness, those are limits set by Allah: and any who transgresses the limits of Allah, does verily wrong his (own) soul: thou knowest not if perchance Allah will bring about thereafter some new situation.