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(2:61) | وَإِذْ قُلْتُمْ يَٰمُوسَىٰ لَن نَّصْبِرَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامٍ وَٰحِدٍ فَٱدْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُخْرِجْ لَنَا مِمَّا تُنۢبِتُ ٱلْأَرْضُ مِنۢ بَقْلِهَا وَقِثَّآئِهَا وَفُومِهَا وَعَدَسِهَا وَبَصَلِهَا قَالَ أَتَسْتَبْدِلُونَ ٱلَّذِى هُوَ أَدْنَىٰ بِٱلَّذِى هُوَ خَيْرٌ ٱهْبِطُوا۟ مِصْرًا فَإِنَّ لَكُم مَّا سَأَلْتُمْ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلذِّلَّةُ وَٱلْمَسْكَنَةُ وَبَآءُو بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا۟ يَكْفُرُونَ بِـَٔايَٰتِ ٱللَّـهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ ٱلنَّبِيِّۦنَ بِغَيْرِ ٱلْحَقِّ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا۟ وَّكَانُوا۟ يَعْتَدُونَ | wa‑idh qultum yā‑mūsā lan naṣbira ʿalā ṭaʿāmin wāḥidin fa‑idʿu la‑nā rabbaka yukhrij la‑nā mimmā tunbitu l‑arḍu min baqlihā wa‑qiththāʾihā wa‑fūmihā wa‑ʿadasihā wa‑baṣalihā qalā atastabdilūna alladhī huwa adnā bi‑lladhī huwa khayrun ahbiṭū miṣran fa‑inna la‑kum mā saʾaltum waḍuribat ʿalayhimu l‑dhillatu wa‑l‑maskanatu wa‑bāʾū bighaḍabin mina allāhi dhālika bi‑annahum kānū yakfurūna bi‑āyāti allāhi wa‑yaqtulūna l‑nabiyyina bi‑ghayri l‑ḥaqqi dhālika bi‑mā ʿaṣaw wa‑kānū yaʿtadūna | And remember ye said: "O Moses! we cannot endure one kind of
food (always); so beseech thy Lord for us to produce for us of what the
earth groweth, -its pot-herbs, and cucumbers, Its garlic, lentils, and
onions." He said: "Will ye exchange the better for the worse? Go ye down to
any town, and ye shall find what ye want!" They were covered with
humiliation and misery; they drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. This
because they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah and slaying His Messengers
without just cause. This because they rebelled and went on transgressing.
Sura al-Baqara 2:61 وَإِذْ قُلْتُمْ يَٰمُوسَىٰ لَن نَّصْبِرَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامٍ وَٰحِدٍ فَٱدْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُخْرِجْ لَنَا مِمَّا تُنۢبِتُ ٱلْأَرْضُ مِنۢ بَقْلِهَا وَقِثَّآئِهَا وَفُومِهَا وَعَدَسِهَا وَبَصَلِهَا قَالَ أَتَسْتَبْدِلُونَ ٱلَّذِى هُوَ أَدْنَىٰ بِٱلَّذِى هُوَ خَيْرٌ ٱهْبِطُوا۟ مِصْرًا فَإِنَّ لَكُم مَّا سَأَلْتُمْ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلذِّلَّةُ وَٱلْمَسْكَنَةُ وَبَآءُو بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا۟ يَكْفُرُونَ بِـَٔايَٰتِ ٱللَّـهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ ٱلنَّبِيِّۦنَ بِغَيْرِ ٱلْحَقِّ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا۟ وَّكَانُوا۟ يَعْتَدُونَ wa-idh qultum yā-mūsā lan naṣbira ʿalā ṭaʿāmin wāḥidin fa-idʿu la-nā rabbaka yukhrij la-nā mimmā tunbitu l-arḍu min baqlihā wa-qiththāʾihā wa-fūmihā wa-ʿadasihā wa-baṣalihā qalā atastabdilūna alladhī huwa adnā bi-lladhī huwa khayrun ahbiṭū miṣran fa-inna la-kum mā saʾaltum waḍuribat ʿalayhimu l-dhillatu wa-l-maskanatu wa-bāʾū bighaḍabin mina allāhi dhālika bi-annahum kānū yakfurūna bi-āyāti allāhi wa-yaqtulūna l-nabiyyina bi-ghayri l-ḥaqqi dhālika bi-mā ʿaṣaw wa-kānū yaʿtadūna And remember ye said: "O Moses! we cannot endure one kind of food (always); so beseech thy Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth groweth, -its pot-herbs, and cucumbers, Its garlic, lentils, and onions." He said: "Will ye exchange the better for the worse? Go ye down to any town, and ye shall find what ye want!" They were covered with humiliation and misery; they drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. This because they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah and slaying His Messengers without just cause. This because they rebelled and went on transgressing. |
(3:112) | ضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلذِّلَّةُ أَيْنَ مَا ثُقِفُوٓا۟ إِلَّا بِحَبْلٍ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَحَبْلٍ مِّنَ ٱلنَّاسِ وَبَآءُو بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلْمَسْكَنَةُ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا۟ يَكْفُرُونَ بِـَٔايَٰتِ ٱللَّـهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ ٱلْأَنۢبِيَآءَ بِغَيْرِ حَقٍّ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا۟ وَّكَانُوا۟ يَعْتَدُونَ | ḍuribat ʿalayhimu l‑dhillatu ayna mā thuqifū illā biḥablin mina allāhi wa‑ḥablin mina l‑nāsi wa‑bāʾū bighaḍabin mina allāhi wa‑ḍuribat ʿalayhimu l‑maskanatu dhālika bi‑annahum kānū yakfurūna bi‑āyāti allāhi wa‑yaqtulūna l‑anbiyāʾa bi‑ghayri ḥaqqin dhālika bi‑mā ʿaṣaw wa‑kānū yaʿtadūna | Shame is pitched over them (Like a tent) wherever they are
found, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah and from men;
they draw on themselves wrath from Allah, and pitched over them is (the tent
of) destitution. This because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the
prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed
beyond bounds.
Sura Āl-ʿImrān 3:112 ضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلذِّلَّةُ أَيْنَ مَا ثُقِفُوٓا۟ إِلَّا بِحَبْلٍ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَحَبْلٍ مِّنَ ٱلنَّاسِ وَبَآءُو بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلْمَسْكَنَةُ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا۟ يَكْفُرُونَ بِـَٔايَٰتِ ٱللَّـهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ ٱلْأَنۢبِيَآءَ بِغَيْرِ حَقٍّ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا۟ وَّكَانُوا۟ يَعْتَدُونَ ḍuribat ʿalayhimu l-dhillatu ayna mā thuqifū illā biḥablin mina allāhi wa-ḥablin mina l-nāsi wa-bāʾū bighaḍabin mina allāhi wa-ḍuribat ʿalayhimu l-maskanatu dhālika bi-annahum kānū yakfurūna bi-āyāti allāhi wa-yaqtulūna l-anbiyāʾa bi-ghayri ḥaqqin dhālika bi-mā ʿaṣaw wa-kānū yaʿtadūna Shame is pitched over them (Like a tent) wherever they are found, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah and from men; they draw on themselves wrath from Allah, and pitched over them is (the tent of) destitution. This because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed beyond bounds. |
(4:14) | وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّـهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَيَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَهُۥ يُدْخِلْهُ نَارًا خَٰلِدًا فِيهَا وَلَهُۥ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ | wa‑man yaʿṣi allāha wa‑rasūlahu wa‑yataʿadda ḥudūdahu yudkhilhu nāran khālidan fīhā walahu ʿadhābun muhīnun | But those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His
limits will be admitted to a Fire, to abide therein: And they shall have a
humiliating punishment.
Sura al-Nisāʾ 4:14 وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّـهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَيَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَهُۥ يُدْخِلْهُ نَارًا خَٰلِدًا فِيهَا وَلَهُۥ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ wa-man yaʿṣi allāha wa-rasūlahu wa-yataʿadda ḥudūdahu yudkhilhu nāran khālidan fīhā walahu ʿadhābun muhīnun But those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His limits will be admitted to a Fire, to abide therein: And they shall have a humiliating punishment. |
(4:42) | يَوْمَئِذٍ يَوَدُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ وَعَصَوُا۟ ٱلرَّسُولَ لَوْ تُسَوَّىٰ بِهِمُ ٱلْأَرْضُ وَلَا يَكْتُمُونَ ٱللَّـهَ حَدِيثًا | yawmaʾidhin yawaddu lladhīna kafarū wa‑ʿaṣawu l‑rasūla law tusawwa bihimu l‑arḍu wa‑lā yaktumūna allāha ḥadīthan | On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the messenger
will wish that the earth Were made one with them: But never will they hide
a single fact from Allah!
Sura al-Nisāʾ 4:42 يَوْمَئِذٍ يَوَدُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ وَعَصَوُا۟ ٱلرَّسُولَ لَوْ تُسَوَّىٰ بِهِمُ ٱلْأَرْضُ وَلَا يَكْتُمُونَ ٱللَّـهَ حَدِيثًا yawmaʾidhin yawaddu lladhīna kafarū wa-ʿaṣawu l-rasūla law tusawwa bihimu l-arḍu wa-lā yaktumūna allāha ḥadīthan On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the messenger will wish that the earth Were made one with them: But never will they hide a single fact from Allah! |
(5:78) | لُعِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنۢ بَنِىٓ إِسْرَٰٓءِيلَ عَلَىٰ لِسَانِ دَاوُۥدَ وَعِيسَى ٱبْنِ مَرْيَمَ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا۟ وَّكَانُوا۟ يَعْتَدُونَ | luʿina lladhīna kafarū min banī isrāʾīla ʿalā lisāni dāwuda wa‑ʿīsa ibni maryama dhālika bi‑mā ʿaṣaw wa‑kānū yaʿtadūna | Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel
who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary:
because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses.
Sura al-Māʾidah 5:78 لُعِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنۢ بَنِىٓ إِسْرَٰٓءِيلَ عَلَىٰ لِسَانِ دَاوُۥدَ وَعِيسَى ٱبْنِ مَرْيَمَ ذَٰلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوا۟ وَّكَانُوا۟ يَعْتَدُونَ luʿina lladhīna kafarū min banī isrāʾīla ʿalā lisāni dāwuda wa-ʿīsa ibni maryama dhālika bi-mā ʿaṣaw wa-kānū yaʿtadūna Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses. |
(11:59) | وَتِلْكَ عَادٌ جَحَدُوا۟ بِـَٔايَٰتِ رَبِّهِمْ وَعَصَوْا۟ رُسُلَهُۥ وَٱتَّبَعُوٓا۟ أَمْرَ كُلِّ جَبَّارٍ عَنِيدٍ | wa‑tilka ʿādun jaḥadū bi‑āyāti rabbihim wa‑ʿaṣaw rusulahu wa‑ittabaʿū amra kulli jabbārin ʿanīdin | Such were the 'Ad People: they rejected the Signs of their
Lord and Cherisher; disobeyed His messengers; And followed the command of
every powerful, obstinate transgressor.
Sura Hūd 11:59 وَتِلْكَ عَادٌ جَحَدُوا۟ بِـَٔايَٰتِ رَبِّهِمْ وَعَصَوْا۟ رُسُلَهُۥ وَٱتَّبَعُوٓا۟ أَمْرَ كُلِّ جَبَّارٍ عَنِيدٍ wa-tilka ʿādun jaḥadū bi-āyāti rabbihim wa-ʿaṣaw rusulahu wa-ittabaʿū amra kulli jabbārin ʿanīdin Such were the 'Ad People: they rejected the Signs of their Lord and Cherisher; disobeyed His messengers; And followed the command of every powerful, obstinate transgressor. |
(14:36) | رَبِّ إِنَّهُنَّ أَضْلَلْنَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ ٱلنَّاسِ فَمَن تَبِعَنِى فَإِنَّهُۥ مِنِّى وَمَنْ عَصَانِى فَإِنَّكَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ | rabbi innahunna aḍlalna kathīran mina l‑nāsi fa‑man tabiʿanī fa‑innahu minnī wa‑man ʿaṣānī fa‑innaka ghafūrun raḥīmun | "O my Lord! they have indeed led astray many among mankind;
He then who follows my (ways) is of me, and he that disobeys me,- but Thou
art indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Sura Ibrāhīm 14:36 رَبِّ إِنَّهُنَّ أَضْلَلْنَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ ٱلنَّاسِ فَمَن تَبِعَنِى فَإِنَّهُۥ مِنِّى وَمَنْ عَصَانِى فَإِنَّكَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ rabbi innahunna aḍlalna kathīran mina l-nāsi fa-man tabiʿanī fa-innahu minnī wa-man ʿaṣānī fa-innaka ghafūrun raḥīmun "O my Lord! they have indeed led astray many among mankind; He then who follows my (ways) is of me, and he that disobeys me,- but Thou art indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. |
(20:121) | فَأَكَلَا مِنْهَا فَبَدَتْ لَهُمَا سَوْءَٰتُهُمَا وَطَفِقَا يَخْصِفَانِ عَلَيْهِمَا مِن وَرَقِ ٱلْجَنَّةِ وَعَصَىٰٓ ءَادَمُ رَبَّهُۥ فَغَوَىٰ | fa‑akalā minhā fa‑badat lahumā sawʾātuhumā wa‑ṭafiqā yakhṣifāni ʿalayhimā min waraqi l‑jannati wa‑ʿaṣā ādamu rabbahu fa‑ghawa | In the result, they both ate of the tree, and so their
nakedness appeared to them: they began to sew together, for their covering,
leaves from the Garden: thus did Adam disobey his Lord, and allow himself
to be seduced.
Sura Ṭā Hā 20:121 فَأَكَلَا مِنْهَا فَبَدَتْ لَهُمَا سَوْءَٰتُهُمَا وَطَفِقَا يَخْصِفَانِ عَلَيْهِمَا مِن وَرَقِ ٱلْجَنَّةِ وَعَصَىٰٓ ءَادَمُ رَبَّهُۥ فَغَوَىٰ fa-akalā minhā fa-badat lahumā sawʾātuhumā wa-ṭafiqā yakhṣifāni ʿalayhimā min waraqi l-jannati wa-ʿaṣā ādamu rabbahu fa-ghawa In the result, they both ate of the tree, and so their nakedness appeared to them: they began to sew together, for their covering, leaves from the Garden: thus did Adam disobey his Lord, and allow himself to be seduced. |
(26:216) | فَإِنْ عَصَوْكَ فَقُلْ إِنِّى بَرِىٓءٌ مِّمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ | fa‑in ʿaṣawka fa‑qul innī barīʾun mimmā taʿmalūna | Then if they disobey thee, say: "I am free (of responsibility)
for what ye do!"
Sura al-Shuʿarā 26:216 فَإِنْ عَصَوْكَ فَقُلْ إِنِّى بَرِىٓءٌ مِّمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ fa-in ʿaṣawka fa-qul innī barīʾun mimmā taʿmalūna Then if they disobey thee, say: "I am free (of responsibility) for what ye do!" |
(33:36) | وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى ٱللَّـهُ وَرَسُولُهُۥٓ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ ٱلْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّـهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَٰلًا مُّبِينًا | wa‑mā kāna li‑muʾminin wa‑lā muʾminatin idhā qaḍa allāhu wa‑rasūluhu amran an yakūna lahumu l‑khiyaratu min amrihim wa‑man yaʿṣi allāha wa‑rasūlahu fa‑qad ḍalla ḍalālan mubīnan | It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter
has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their
decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a
clearly wrong Path.
Sura al-Aḥzāb 33:36 وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى ٱللَّـهُ وَرَسُولُهُۥٓ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ ٱلْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّـهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَٰلًا مُّبِينًا wa-mā kāna li-muʾminin wa-lā muʾminatin idhā qaḍa allāhu wa-rasūluhu amran an yakūna lahumu l-khiyaratu min amrihim wa-man yaʿṣi allāha wa-rasūlahu fa-qad ḍalla ḍalālan mubīnan It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path. |
(60:12) | يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّبِىُّ إِذَا جَآءَكَ ٱلْمُؤْمِنَٰتُ يُبَايِعْنَكَ عَلَىٰٓ أَن لَّا يُشْرِكْنَ بِٱللَّـهِ شَيْـًٔا وَلَا يَسْرِقْنَ وَلَا يَزْنِينَ وَلَا يَقْتُلْنَ أَوْلَٰدَهُنَّ وَلَا يَأْتِينَ بِبُهْتَٰنٍ يَفْتَرِينَهُۥ بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِنَّ وَأَرْجُلِهِنَّ وَلَا يَعْصِينَكَ فِى مَعْرُوفٍ فَبَايِعْهُنَّ وَٱسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُنَّ ٱللَّـهَ إِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ | yā‑ayyuhā l‑nabiyyu idhā jāʾaka l‑muʾminātu yubāyiʿnaka ʿala an lā yushrikna billāhi shayʾan wa‑lā yasriqna wa‑lā yaznīna wa‑lā yaqtulna awlādahunna wa‑lā yaʾtīna bi‑buhtānin yaftarīnahu bayna aydīhinna wa‑arjulihinna wa‑lā yaʿṣīnaka fī maʿrūfin fa‑bāyiʿhunna wa‑istaghfir la‑hunna allāha inna allāha ghafūrun raḥīmun | O Prophet! When believing women come to thee to take the oath
of fealty to thee, that they will not associate in worship any other thing
whatever with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit
adultery (or fornication), that they will not kill their children, that
they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood, and that they
will not disobey thee in any just matter,- then do thou receive their
fealty, and pray to Allah for the forgiveness (of their sins): for Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Sura al-Mumtaḥanah 60:12 يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّبِىُّ إِذَا جَآءَكَ ٱلْمُؤْمِنَٰتُ يُبَايِعْنَكَ عَلَىٰٓ أَن لَّا يُشْرِكْنَ بِٱللَّـهِ شَيْـًٔا وَلَا يَسْرِقْنَ وَلَا يَزْنِينَ وَلَا يَقْتُلْنَ أَوْلَٰدَهُنَّ وَلَا يَأْتِينَ بِبُهْتَٰنٍ يَفْتَرِينَهُۥ بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِنَّ وَأَرْجُلِهِنَّ وَلَا يَعْصِينَكَ فِى مَعْرُوفٍ فَبَايِعْهُنَّ وَٱسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُنَّ ٱللَّـهَ إِنَّ ٱللَّـهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ yā-ayyuhā l-nabiyyu idhā jāʾaka l-muʾminātu yubāyiʿnaka ʿala an lā yushrikna billāhi shayʾan wa-lā yasriqna wa-lā yaznīna wa-lā yaqtulna awlādahunna wa-lā yaʾtīna bi-buhtānin yaftarīnahu bayna aydīhinna wa-arjulihinna wa-lā yaʿṣīnaka fī maʿrūfin fa-bāyiʿhunna wa-istaghfir la-hunna allāha inna allāha ghafūrun raḥīmun O Prophet! When believing women come to thee to take the oath of fealty to thee, that they will not associate in worship any other thing whatever with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit adultery (or fornication), that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood, and that they will not disobey thee in any just matter,- then do thou receive their fealty, and pray to Allah for the forgiveness (of their sins): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. |
(66:6) | يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ قُوٓا۟ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا ٱلنَّاسُ وَٱلْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلَٰٓئِكَةٌ غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ لَّا يَعْصُونَ ٱللَّـهَ مَآ أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُونَ | yā‑ayyuhā lladhīna āmanū qū anfusakum wa‑ahlīkum nāran wa‑qūduhā l‑nāsu wa‑l‑ḥijāratu ʿalayhā malāʾikatun ghilāẓun shidādun lā yaʿṣūna allāha mā amarahum wa‑yafʿalūna mā yumarūna | O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a
Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern
(and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive
from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.
Sura al-Taḥrīm 66:6 يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ قُوٓا۟ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا ٱلنَّاسُ وَٱلْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلَٰٓئِكَةٌ غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ لَّا يَعْصُونَ ٱللَّـهَ مَآ أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُونَ yā-ayyuhā lladhīna āmanū qū anfusakum wa-ahlīkum nāran wa-qūduhā l-nāsu wa-l-ḥijāratu ʿalayhā malāʾikatun ghilāẓun shidādun lā yaʿṣūna allāha mā amarahum wa-yafʿalūna mā yumarūna O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded. |
(69:10) | فَعَصَوْا۟ رَسُولَ رَبِّهِمْ فَأَخَذَهُمْ أَخْذَةً رَّابِيَةً | fa‑ʿaṣaw rasūla rabbihim fa‑akhadhahum akhdhatan rābiyatan | And disobeyed (each) the messenger of their Lord; so He punished
them with an abundant Penalty.
Sura al-Ḥāqqah 69:10 فَعَصَوْا۟ رَسُولَ رَبِّهِمْ فَأَخَذَهُمْ أَخْذَةً رَّابِيَةً fa-ʿaṣaw rasūla rabbihim fa-akhadhahum akhdhatan rābiyatan And disobeyed (each) the messenger of their Lord; so He punished them with an abundant Penalty. |
(71:21) | قَالَ نُوحٌ رَّبِّ إِنَّهُمْ عَصَوْنِى وَٱتَّبَعُوا۟ مَن لَّمْ يَزِدْهُ مَالُهُۥ وَوَلَدُهُۥٓ إِلَّا خَسَارًا | qalā nūḥun rrabbi innahum ʿaṣawnī wa‑ittabaʿū man lam yazidhu māluhu wa‑waladuhu illā khasāran | Noah said: "O my Lord! They have disobeyed me, but they follow
(men) whose wealth and children give them no increase but only Loss.
Sura Nūḥ 71:21 قَالَ نُوحٌ رَّبِّ إِنَّهُمْ عَصَوْنِى وَٱتَّبَعُوا۟ مَن لَّمْ يَزِدْهُ مَالُهُۥ وَوَلَدُهُۥٓ إِلَّا خَسَارًا qalā nūḥun rrabbi innahum ʿaṣawnī wa-ittabaʿū man lam yazidhu māluhu wa-waladuhu illā khasāran Noah said: "O my Lord! They have disobeyed me, but they follow (men) whose wealth and children give them no increase but only Loss. |
(72:23) | إِلَّا بَلَٰغًا مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَرِسَٰلَٰتِهِۦ وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّـهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ فَإِنَّ لَهُۥ نَارَ جَهَنَّمَ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَدًا | illā balāghan mina allāhi wa‑risālātihi wa‑man yaʿṣi allāha wa‑rasūlahu fa‑inna lahu nāra jahannama khālidīna fīhā abadan | "Unless I proclaim what I receive from Allah and His Messages:
for any that disobey Allah and His Messenger,- for them is Hell: they shall
dwell therein for ever."
Sura al-Jinn 72:23 إِلَّا بَلَٰغًا مِّنَ ٱللَّـهِ وَرِسَٰلَٰتِهِۦ وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّـهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ فَإِنَّ لَهُۥ نَارَ جَهَنَّمَ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَدًا illā balāghan mina allāhi wa-risālātihi wa-man yaʿṣi allāha wa-rasūlahu fa-inna lahu nāra jahannama khālidīna fīhā abadan "Unless I proclaim what I receive from Allah and His Messages: for any that disobey Allah and His Messenger,- for them is Hell: they shall dwell therein for ever." |
(73:16) | فَعَصَىٰ فِرْعَوْنُ ٱلرَّسُولَ فَأَخَذْنَٰهُ أَخْذًا وَبِيلًا | fa‑ʿaṣā firʿawun l‑rasūla fa‑akhadhnāhu akhdhan wabīlan | But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger; so We seized him with a
heavy Punishment.
Sura al-Muzzammil 73:16 فَعَصَىٰ فِرْعَوْنُ ٱلرَّسُولَ فَأَخَذْنَٰهُ أَخْذًا وَبِيلًا fa-ʿaṣā firʿawun l-rasūla fa-akhadhnāhu akhdhan wabīlan But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger; so We seized him with a heavy Punishment. |
(79:21) | فَكَذَّبَ وَعَصَىٰ | fa‑kadhdhaba wa‑ʿaṣa | But (Pharaoh) rejected it and disobeyed (guidance);
Sura al-Nāziʿāt 79:21 فَكَذَّبَ وَعَصَىٰ fa-kadhdhaba wa-ʿaṣa But (Pharaoh) rejected it and disobeyed (guidance); |