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Surah 5 al-Māʾidah (The Table Spread)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

فَطَوَّعَتْ  لَهُۥ  نَفْسُهُۥ  قَتْلَ  أَخِيهِ  فَقَتَلَهُۥ  فَأَصْبَحَ  مِنَ  ٱلْخَٰسِرِينَ faṭawwaʿat lahu nafsuhu qatla akhīhi faqatalahu fa‑aṣbaḥa mina l‑khāsirīna
The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones.

فَبَعَثَ  ٱللَّـهُ  غُرَابًا  يَبْحَثُ  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  لِيُرِيَهُۥ  كَيْفَ  يُوَٰرِى  سَوْءَةَ  أَخِيهِ  قَالَ  يَٰوَيْلَتَىٰٓ  أَعَجَزْتُ  أَنْ  أَكُونَ  مِثْلَ  هَٰذَا  ٱلْغُرَابِ  فَأُوَٰرِىَ  سَوْءَةَ  أَخِى  فَأَصْبَحَ  مِنَ  ٱلنَّٰدِمِينَ fa‑baʿatha allāhu ghurāban yabḥathu l‑arḍi li‑yuriyahu kayfa yuwārī sawata akhīhi qalā yāwaylata aʿajaztu an akūna mithla hādhā l‑ghurābi fa‑uwāriya sawata akhī fa‑aṣbaḥa mina l‑nādimīna
Then Allah sent a raven, who scratched the ground, to show him how to hide the shame of his brother. "Woe is me!" said he; "Was I not even able to be as this raven, and to hide the shame of my brother?" then he became full of regrets-

Surah 11 Hūd (Hud)

قَالُوا۟  يَٰلُوطُ  إِنَّا  رُسُلُ  رَبِّكَ  لَن  يَصِلُوٓا۟  إِلَيْكَ  فَأَسْرِ  بِأَهْلِكَ  بِقِطْعٍ  مِّنَ  ٱلَّيْلِ  وَلَا  يَلْتَفِتْ  مِنكُمْ  أَحَدٌ  إِلَّا  ٱمْرَأَتَكَ  إِنَّهُۥ  مُصِيبُهَا  مَآ  أَصَابَهُمْ  إِنَّ  مَوْعِدَهُمُ  ٱلصُّبْحُ  أَلَيْسَ  ٱلصُّبْحُ  بِقَرِيبٍ qālū yālūṭu innā rusulu rabbika lan yaṣilū ilayka fa‑asri bi‑ahlika bi‑qiṭʿin mina l‑layli wa‑lā yaltafit minkum aḥadun illā imraʾataka innahu muṣībuhā aṣābahum inna mawʿidahumu l‑ṣubḥu a‑laysa l‑ṣubḥu bi‑qarībin
(The Messengers) said: "O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back: but thy wife (will remain behind): To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their time appointed: Is not the morning nigh?"

Surah 18 al-Kahf (The Cave)

وَأُحِيطَ  بِثَمَرِهِۦ  فَأَصْبَحَ  يُقَلِّبُ  كَفَّيْهِ  عَلَىٰ  مَآ  أَنفَقَ  فِيهَا  وَهِىَ  خَاوِيَةٌ  عَلَىٰ  عُرُوشِهَا  وَيَقُولُ  يَٰلَيْتَنِى  لَمْ  أُشْرِكْ  بِرَبِّىٓ  أَحَدًا wa‑uḥīṭa bithamarihi fa‑aṣbaḥa yuqallibu kaffayhi ʿalā anfaqa fīhā wahiya khāwiyatun ʿalā ʿurūshihā wa‑yaqūlu yā‑laytanī lam ushrik bi‑rabbī aḥadan
So his fruits (and enjoyment) were encompassed (with ruin), and he remained twisting and turning his hands over what he had spent on his property, which had (now) tumbled to pieces to its very foundations, and he could only say, "Woe is me! Would I had never ascribed partners to my Lord and Cherisher!"

وَٱضْرِبْ  لَهُم  مَّثَلَ  ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ  ٱلدُّنْيَا  كَمَآءٍ  أَنزَلْنَٰهُ  مِنَ  ٱلسَّمَآءِ  فَٱخْتَلَطَ  بِهِۦ  نَبَاتُ  ٱلْأَرْضِ  فَأَصْبَحَ  هَشِيمًا  تَذْرُوهُ  ٱلرِّيَٰحُ  وَكَانَ  ٱللَّـهُ  عَلَىٰ  كُلِّ  شَىْءٍ  مُّقْتَدِرًا wa‑iḍrib lahum mathala l‑ḥayāti l‑dunyā ka‑māʾin anzalnāhu mina l‑samāʾi fa‑ikhtalaṭa bihi nabātu l‑arḍi fa‑aṣbaḥa hashīman tadhrūhu l‑riyāḥu wa‑kāna allāhu ʿalā kulli shayʾin muqtadiran
Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world: It is like the rain which we send down from the skies: the earth's vegetation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter: it is (only) Allah who prevails over all things.

Surah 28 al-Qaṣaṣ (The Narrative)

فَأَصْبَحَ  فِى  ٱلْمَدِينَةِ  خَآئِفًا  يَتَرَقَّبُ  فَإِذَا  ٱلَّذِى  ٱسْتَنصَرَهُۥ  بِٱلْأَمْسِ  يَسْتَصْرِخُهُۥ  قَالَ  لَهُۥ  مُوسَىٰٓ  إِنَّكَ  لَغَوِىٌّ  مُّبِينٌ fa‑aṣbaḥa l‑madīnati khāʾifan yataraqqabu fa‑idhā alladhī astanṣarahu bil‑amsi yastaṣrikhuhu qalā lahu mūsā innaka laghawiyyun mubīnun
So he saw the morning in the city, looking about, in a state of fear, when behold, the man who had, the day before, sought his help called aloud for his help (again). Moses said to him: "Thou art truly, it is clear, a quarrelsome fellow!"

Surah 30 al-Rūm (The Romans)

فَسُبْحَٰنَ  ٱللَّـهِ  حِينَ  تُمْسُونَ  وَحِينَ  تُصْبِحُونَ fa‑subḥāna allāhi ḥīna tumsūna wa‑ḥīna tuṣbiḥūna
So (give) glory to Allah, when ye reach eventide and when ye rise in the morning;

Surah 54 al-Qamar (The Moon)

وَلَقَدْ  صَبَّحَهُم  بُكْرَةً  عَذَابٌ  مُّسْتَقِرٌّ wa‑la‑qad ṣabbaḥahum bukratan ʿadhābun mustaqirrun
Early on the morrow an abiding Punishment seized them: