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Surah 25 al-Furqān (The Criterion)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

يَوْمَ  يَرَوْنَ  ٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةَ  لَا  بُشْرَىٰ  يَوْمَئِذٍ  لِّلْمُجْرِمِينَ  وَيَقُولُونَ  حِجْرًا  مَّحْجُورًا yawma yarawna l‑malāikata bushra yawmaʾidhin lil‑mujrimīna wa‑yaqūlūna ḥijran maḥjūran
The Day they see the angels,- no joy will there be to the sinners that Day: The (angels) will say: "There is a barrier forbidden (to you) altogether!"

وَهُوَ  ٱلَّذِىٓ  أَرْسَلَ  ٱلرِّيَٰحَ  بُشْرًۢا  بَيْنَ  يَدَىْ  رَحْمَتِهِۦ  وَأَنزَلْنَا  مِنَ  ٱلسَّمَآءِ  مَآءً  طَهُورًا wa‑huwa alladhī arsala l‑riyāḥa bushran bayna yada raḥmatihi wa‑anzalnā mina l‑samāʾi māʾan ṭahūran
And He it is Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy, and We send down pure water from the sky,-

وَهُوَ  ٱلَّذِى  خَلَقَ  مِنَ  ٱلْمَآءِ  بَشَرًا  فَجَعَلَهُۥ  نَسَبًا  وَصِهْرًا  وَكَانَ  رَبُّكَ  قَدِيرًا wa‑huwa alladhī khalaqa mina l‑māʾi basharan fa‑jaʿalahu nasaban wa‑ṣihran wa‑kāna rabbuka qadīran
It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things).

وَمَآ  أَرْسَلْنَٰكَ  إِلَّا  مُبَشِّرًا  وَنَذِيرًا wa‑mā arsalnāka illā mubashshiran wa‑nadhīran
But thee We only sent to give glad tidings and admonition.