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Surah 5 al-Māʾidah (The Table Spread)
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وَقَالَتِ  ٱلْيَهُودُ  يَدُ  ٱللَّـهِ  مَغْلُولَةٌ  غُلَّتْ  أَيْدِيهِمْ  وَلُعِنُوا۟  بِمَا  قَالُوا۟  بَلْ  يَدَاهُ  مَبْسُوطَتَانِ  يُنفِقُ  كَيْفَ  يَشَآءُ  وَلَيَزِيدَنَّ  كَثِيرًا  مِّنْهُم  مَّآ  أُنزِلَ  إِلَيْكَ  مِن  رَّبِّكَ  طُغْيَٰنًا  وَكُفْرًا  وَأَلْقَيْنَا  بَيْنَهُمُ  ٱلْعَدَٰوَةَ  وَٱلْبَغْضَآءَ  إِلَىٰ  يَوْمِ  ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ  كُلَّمَآ  أَوْقَدُوا۟  نَارًا  لِّلْحَرْبِ  أَطْفَأَهَا  ٱللَّـهُ  وَيَسْعَوْنَ  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  فَسَادًا  وَٱللَّـهُ  لَا  يُحِبُّ  ٱلْمُفْسِدِينَ waqālati l‑yahūdu yadu allāhi maghlūlatun ghullat aydīhim wa‑luʿinū bi‑mā qālū bal yadāhu mabsūṭatāni yunfiqu kayfa yashāʾu wa‑la‑yazīdanna kathīran minhum unzila ilayka min rabbika ṭughyānan wa‑kufran wa‑l‑qaynā baynahumu l‑ʿadāwata wa‑l‑baghḍāʾa ilā yawmi l‑qiyāmati kullamā awqadū nāran lil‑ḥarbi aṭfaʾahā allāhu wa‑yasʿawna l‑arḍi fasādan wallāhu yuḥibbu l‑mufsidīna
The Jews say: "Allah's hand is tied up." Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief.