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Surah 2 al-Baqara (The Cow)
RefArabic    TransliterationTranslation

أَتَأْمُرُونَ  ٱلنَّاسَ  بِٱلْبِرِّ  وَتَنسَوْنَ  أَنفُسَكُمْ  وَأَنتُمْ  تَتْلُونَ  ٱلْكِتَٰبَ  أَفَلَا  تَعْقِلُونَ ataʾmurūna l‑nāsa bil‑birri wa‑tansawna anfusakum wa‑antum tatlūna l‑kitāba a‑fa‑lā taʿqilūna
Do ye enjoin right conduct on the people, and forget (To practise it) yourselves, and yet ye study the Scripture? Will ye not understand?

وَإِن  طَلَّقْتُمُوهُنَّ  مِن  قَبْلِ  أَن  تَمَسُّوهُنَّ  وَقَدْ  فَرَضْتُمْ  لَهُنَّ  فَرِيضَةً  فَنِصْفُ  مَا  فَرَضْتُمْ  إِلَّآ  أَن  يَعْفُونَ  أَوْ  يَعْفُوَا۟  ٱلَّذِى  بِيَدِهِۦ  عُقْدَةُ  ٱلنِّكَاحِ  وَأَن  تَعْفُوٓا۟  أَقْرَبُ  لِلتَّقْوَىٰ  وَلَا  تَنسَوُا۟  ٱلْفَضْلَ  بَيْنَكُمْ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  بِمَا  تَعْمَلُونَ  بَصِيرٌ wa‑in ṭallaqtumūhunna min qabli an tamassūhunna wa‑qad faraḍtum la‑hunna farīḍatan faniṣfu faraḍtum illā an yaʿfūna aw yaʿfuwā alladhī bi‑yadihi ʿuqdatu l‑nikāḥi wa‑an taʿfū aqrabu lil‑taqwā wa‑lā tansawu l‑faḍla baynakum inna allāha bi‑mā taʿmalūna baṣīrun
And if ye divorce them before consummation, but after the fixation of a dower for them, then the half of the dower (Is due to them), unless they remit it or (the man's half) is remitted by him in whose hands is the marriage tie; and the remission (of the man's half) is the nearest to righteousness. And do not forget Liberality between yourselves. For Allah sees well all that ye do.

لَا  يُكَلِّفُ  ٱللَّـهُ  نَفْسًا  إِلَّا  وُسْعَهَا  لَهَا  مَا  كَسَبَتْ  وَعَلَيْهَا  مَا  ٱكْتَسَبَتْ  رَبَّنَا  لَا  تُؤَاخِذْنَآ  إِن  نَّسِينَآ  أَوْ  أَخْطَأْنَا  رَبَّنَا  وَلَا  تَحْمِلْ  عَلَيْنَآ  إِصْرًا  كَمَا  حَمَلْتَهُۥ  عَلَى  ٱلَّذِينَ  مِن  قَبْلِنَا  رَبَّنَا  وَلَا  تُحَمِّلْنَا  مَا  لَا  طَاقَةَ  لَنَا  بِهِۦ  وَٱعْفُ  عَنَّا  وَٱغْفِرْ  لَنَا  وَٱرْحَمْنَآ  أَنتَ  مَوْلَىٰنَا  فَٱنصُرْنَا  عَلَى  ٱلْقَوْمِ  ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ yukallifu allāhu nafsan illā wusʿahā lahā kasabat wa‑ʿalayhā aktasabat rabbanā tuʾākhidhnā in nasīnā aw akhṭanā rabbanā wa‑lā taḥmil ʿalaynā iṣran ka‑mā ḥamaltahu ʿalā lladhīna min qablinā rabbanā wa‑lā tuḥammilnā ṭāqata la‑nā bihi wa‑aʿfu ʿannā wa‑aghfir la‑nā wa‑arḥamnā anta mawlanā fa‑anṣurnā ʿalā l‑qawmi l‑kāfirīna
On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith."

Surah 5 al-Māʾidah (The Table Spread)

فَبِمَا  نَقْضِهِم  مِّيثَٰقَهُمْ  لَعَنَّٰهُمْ  وَجَعَلْنَا  قُلُوبَهُمْ  قَٰسِيَةً  يُحَرِّفُونَ  ٱلْكَلِمَ  عَن  مَّوَاضِعِهِۦ  وَنَسُوا۟  حَظًّا  مِّمَّا  ذُكِّرُوا۟  بِهِۦ  وَلَا  تَزَالُ  تَطَّلِعُ  عَلَىٰ  خَآئِنَةٍ  مِّنْهُمْ  إِلَّا  قَلِيلًا  مِّنْهُمْ  فَٱعْفُ  عَنْهُمْ  وَٱصْفَحْ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  يُحِبُّ  ٱلْمُحْسِنِينَ fa‑bimā naqḍihim mīthāqahum laʿannāhum wa‑jaʿalnā qulūbahum qāsiyatan yuḥarrifūna l‑kalima ʿan mawāḍiʿihi wanasū ḥaẓẓan mimmā dhukkirū bihi wa‑lā tazālu taṭṭaliʿu ʿalā khāʾinatin minhum illā qalīlan minhum faʿfu ʿanhum wa‑iṣfaḥ inna allāha yuḥibbu l‑muḥsinīna
But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind.

وَمِنَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  قَالُوٓا۟  إِنَّا  نَصَٰرَىٰٓ  أَخَذْنَا  مِيثَٰقَهُمْ  فَنَسُوا۟  حَظًّا  مِّمَّا  ذُكِّرُوا۟  بِهِۦ  فَأَغْرَيْنَا  بَيْنَهُمُ  ٱلْعَدَاوَةَ  وَٱلْبَغْضَآءَ  إِلَىٰ  يَوْمِ  ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ  وَسَوْفَ  يُنَبِّئُهُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  بِمَا  كَانُوا۟  يَصْنَعُونَ wa‑mina lladhīna qālū innā naṣāra akhadhnā mīthāqahum fa‑nasū ḥaẓẓan mimmā dhukkirū bihi fa‑aghraynā baynahumu l‑ʿadāwata wa‑l‑baghḍāʾa ilā yawmi l‑qiyāmati wa‑sawfa yunabbiʾuhumu allāhu bi‑mā kānū yaṣnaʿūna
From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.

Surah 6 al-Anʿām (The Cattle)

بَلْ  إِيَّاهُ  تَدْعُونَ  فَيَكْشِفُ  مَا  تَدْعُونَ  إِلَيْهِ  إِن  شَآءَ  وَتَنسَوْنَ  مَا  تُشْرِكُونَ bal iyyāhu tadʿūna fa‑yakshifu tadʿūna ilayhi in shāʾa wa‑tansawna tushrikūna
"Nay,- On Him would ye call, and if it be His will, He would remove (the distress) which occasioned your call upon Him, and ye would forget (the false gods) which ye join with Him!"

فَلَمَّا  نَسُوا۟  مَا  ذُكِّرُوا۟  بِهِۦ  فَتَحْنَا  عَلَيْهِمْ  أَبْوَٰبَ  كُلِّ  شَىْءٍ  حَتَّىٰٓ  إِذَا  فَرِحُوا۟  بِمَآ  أُوتُوٓا۟  أَخَذْنَٰهُم  بَغْتَةً  فَإِذَا  هُم  مُّبْلِسُونَ fa‑lammā nasū dhukkirū bihi fataḥnā ʿalayhim abwāba kulli shayʾin ḥatta idhā fariḥū bimā ūtū akhadhnāhum baghtatan fa‑idhā hum mublisūna
But when they forgot the warning they had received, We opened to them the gates of all (good) things, until, in the midst of their enjoyment of Our gifts, on a sudden, We called them to account, when lo! they were plunged in despair!

Surah 7 al-Aʿrāf (The Heights)

ٱلَّذِينَ  ٱتَّخَذُوا۟  دِينَهُمْ  لَهْوًا  وَلَعِبًا  وَغَرَّتْهُمُ  ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ  ٱلدُّنْيَا  فَٱلْيَوْمَ  نَنسَىٰهُمْ  كَمَا  نَسُوا۟  لِقَآءَ  يَوْمِهِمْ  هَٰذَا  وَمَا  كَانُوا۟  بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا  يَجْحَدُونَ lladhīna ittakhadhū dīnahum lahwan wa‑laʿiban wa‑gharrathumu l‑ḥayātu l‑dunyā fa‑l‑yawma nansahum ka‑mā nasū liqāʾa yawmihim hādhā wa‑mā kānū bi‑āyātinā yajḥadūna
"Such as took their religion to be mere amusement and play, and were deceived by the life of the world." That day shall We forget them as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and as they were wont to reject Our signs.

هَلْ  يَنظُرُونَ  إِلَّا  تَأْوِيلَهُۥ  يَوْمَ  يَأْتِى  تَأْوِيلُهُۥ  يَقُولُ  ٱلَّذِينَ  نَسُوهُ  مِن  قَبْلُ  قَدْ  جَآءَتْ  رُسُلُ  رَبِّنَا  بِٱلْحَقِّ  فَهَل  لَّنَا  مِن  شُفَعَآءَ  فَيَشْفَعُوا۟  لَنَآ  أَوْ  نُرَدُّ  فَنَعْمَلَ  غَيْرَ  ٱلَّذِى  كُنَّا  نَعْمَلُ  قَدْ  خَسِرُوٓا۟  أَنفُسَهُمْ  وَضَلَّ  عَنْهُم  مَّا  كَانُوا۟  يَفْتَرُونَ hal yanẓurūna illā taʾwīlahu yawma yaʾtī taʾwīluhu yaqūlu lladhīna nasūhu min qablu qad jāʾat rusulu rabbinā bil‑ḥaqqi fahal lanā min shufaʿāʾa fayashfaʿū lanā aw nuraddu fanaʿmala ghayra alladhī kunnā naʿmalu qad khasirū anfusahum wa‑ḍalla ʿanhum kānū yaftarūna
Do they just wait for the final fulfilment of the event? On the day the event is finally fulfilled, those who disregarded it before will say: "The messengers of our Lord did indeed bring true (tidings). Have we no intercessors now to intercede on our behalf? Or could we be sent back? then should we behave differently from our behaviour in the past." In fact they will have lost their souls, and the things they invented will leave them in the lurch.

فَلَمَّا  نَسُوا۟  مَا  ذُكِّرُوا۟  بِهِۦٓ  أَنجَيْنَا  ٱلَّذِينَ  يَنْهَوْنَ  عَنِ  ٱلسُّوٓءِ  وَأَخَذْنَا  ٱلَّذِينَ  ظَلَمُوا۟  بِعَذَابٍۭ  بَـِٔيسٍۭ  بِمَا  كَانُوا۟  يَفْسُقُونَ fa‑lammā nasū dhukkirū bihi anjaynā lladhīna yanhawna ʿani l‑sūʾi wa‑akhadhnā lladhīna ẓalamū biʿadhābin baʾīsin bi‑mā kānū yafsuqūna
When they disregarded the warnings that had been given them, We rescued those who forbade Evil; but We visited the wrong-doers with a grievous punishment because they were given to transgression.

Surah 9 al-Tawbah (Repentance)

ٱلْمُنَٰفِقُونَ  وَٱلْمُنَٰفِقَٰتُ  بَعْضُهُم  مِّنۢ  بَعْضٍ  يَأْمُرُونَ  بِٱلْمُنكَرِ  وَيَنْهَوْنَ  عَنِ  ٱلْمَعْرُوفِ  وَيَقْبِضُونَ  أَيْدِيَهُمْ  نَسُوا۟  ٱللَّـهَ  فَنَسِيَهُمْ  إِنَّ  ٱلْمُنَٰفِقِينَ  هُمُ  ٱلْفَٰسِقُونَ l‑munāfiqūna wa‑l‑munāfiqātu baʿḍuhum min baʿḍin yaʾmurūna bil‑munkari wa‑yanhawna ʿani l‑maʿrūfi wa‑yaqbiḍūna aydiyahum nasū allāha fa‑nasiyahum inna l‑munāfiqīna humu l‑fāsiqūna
The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten Allah; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse.

Surah 18 al-Kahf (The Cave)

إِلَّآ  أَن  يَشَآءَ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَٱذْكُر  رَّبَّكَ  إِذَا  نَسِيتَ  وَقُلْ  عَسَىٰٓ  أَن  يَهْدِيَنِ  رَبِّى  لِأَقْرَبَ  مِنْ  هَٰذَا  رَشَدًا illā an yashāʾa allāhu wa‑idhkur rabbaka idhā nasīta wa‑qul ʿasā an yahdiyani rabbī li‑aqraba min hādhā rashadan
Without adding, "So please Allah!" and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road."

وَمَنْ  أَظْلَمُ  مِمَّن  ذُكِّرَ  بِـَٔايَٰتِ  رَبِّهِۦ  فَأَعْرَضَ  عَنْهَا  وَنَسِىَ  مَا  قَدَّمَتْ  يَدَاهُ  إِنَّا  جَعَلْنَا  عَلَىٰ  قُلُوبِهِمْ  أَكِنَّةً  أَن  يَفْقَهُوهُ  وَفِىٓ  ءَاذَانِهِمْ  وَقْرًا  وَإِن  تَدْعُهُمْ  إِلَى  ٱلْهُدَىٰ  فَلَن  يَهْتَدُوٓا۟  إِذًا  أَبَدًا wa‑man aẓlamu mimman dhukkira bi‑āyāti rabbihi fa‑aʿraḍa ʿanhā wa‑nasiya qaddamat yadāhu innā jaʿalnā ʿalā qulūbihim akinnatan an yafqahūhu wa‑fī ādhānihim waqran wa‑in tadʿuhum ilā l‑hudā fa‑lan yahtadū idhan abadan
And who doth more wrong than one who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord, but turns away from them, forgetting the (deeds) which his hands have sent forth? Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this, and over their ears, deafness, if thou callest them to guidance, even then will they never accept guidance.

فَلَمَّا  بَلَغَا  مَجْمَعَ  بَيْنِهِمَا  نَسِيَا  حُوتَهُمَا  فَٱتَّخَذَ  سَبِيلَهُۥ  فِى  ٱلْبَحْرِ  سَرَبًا fa‑lammā balaghā majmaʿa baynihimā nasiya ḥūtahumā fa‑attakhadha sabīlahu l‑baḥri saraban
But when they reached the Junction, they forgot (about) their Fish, which took its course through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel.

قَالَ  أَرَءَيْتَ  إِذْ  أَوَيْنَآ  إِلَى  ٱلصَّخْرَةِ  فَإِنِّى  نَسِيتُ  ٱلْحُوتَ  وَمَآ  أَنسَىٰنِيهُ  إِلَّا  ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ  أَنْ  أَذْكُرَهُۥ  وَٱتَّخَذَ  سَبِيلَهُۥ  فِى  ٱلْبَحْرِ  عَجَبًا qalā a‑raʾayta idh awaynā ilā l‑ṣakhrati fa‑innī nasītu l‑ḥūta wa‑mā ansanīhu illā l‑shayṭānu an adhkurahu wa‑attakhadha sabīlahu l‑baḥri ʿajaban
He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish: none but Satan made me forget to tell (you) about it: it took its course through the sea in a marvellous way!"

قَالَ  لَا  تُؤَاخِذْنِى  بِمَا  نَسِيتُ  وَلَا  تُرْهِقْنِى  مِنْ  أَمْرِى  عُسْرًا qalā tuʾākhidhnī bi‑mā nasītu wa‑lā turhiqnī min amrī ʿusran
Moses said: "Rebuke me not for forgetting, nor grieve me by raising difficulties in my case."

Surah 20 Ṭā Hā (Ta-Ha)

قَالَ  عِلْمُهَا  عِندَ  رَبِّى  فِى  كِتَٰبٍ  لَّا  يَضِلُّ  رَبِّى  وَلَا  يَنسَى qalā ʿilmuhā ʿinda rabbī kitābin yaḍillu rabbī wa‑lā yansa
He replied: "The knowledge of that is with my Lord, duly recorded: my Lord never errs, nor forgets,-

فَأَخْرَجَ  لَهُمْ  عِجْلًا  جَسَدًا  لَّهُۥ  خُوَارٌ  فَقَالُوا۟  هَٰذَآ  إِلَٰهُكُمْ  وَإِلَٰهُ  مُوسَىٰ  فَنَسِىَ fa‑akhraja lahum ʿijlan jasadan lahu khuwārun fa‑qālū hādhā ilāhukum wa‑ilāhu mūsā fanasiya
"Then he brought out (of the fire) before the (people) the image of a calf: It seemed to low: so they said: This is your god, and the god of Moses, but (Moses) has forgotten!"

وَلَقَدْ  عَهِدْنَآ  إِلَىٰٓ  ءَادَمَ  مِن  قَبْلُ  فَنَسِىَ  وَلَمْ  نَجِدْ  لَهُۥ  عَزْمًا wa‑la‑qad ʿahidnā ila ādama min qablu fanasiya wa‑lam najid lahu ʿazman
We had already, beforehand, taken the covenant of Adam, but he forgot: and We found on his part no firm resolve.

قَالَ  كَذَٰلِكَ  أَتَتْكَ  ءَايَٰتُنَا  فَنَسِيتَهَا  وَكَذَٰلِكَ  ٱلْيَوْمَ  تُنسَىٰ qalā ka‑dhālika atatka āyātunā fa‑nasītahā wa‑ka‑dhālika l‑yawma tunsa
(Allah) will say: "Thus didst Thou, when Our Signs came unto thee, disregard them: so wilt thou, this day, be disregarded."

Surah 25 al-Furqān (The Criterion)

قَالُوا۟  سُبْحَٰنَكَ  مَا  كَانَ  يَنۢبَغِى  لَنَآ  أَن  نَّتَّخِذَ  مِن  دُونِكَ  مِنْ  أَوْلِيَآءَ  وَلَٰكِن  مَّتَّعْتَهُمْ  وَءَابَآءَهُمْ  حَتَّىٰ  نَسُوا۟  ٱلذِّكْرَ  وَكَانُوا۟  قَوْمًۢا  بُورًا qālū subḥānaka kāna yanbaghī lanā an nnattakhidha min dūnika min awliyāʾa wa‑lākin mattaʿtahum wa‑ābāahum ḥattā nasū l‑dhikrā wa‑kānū qawman būran
They will say: "Glory to Thee! not meet was it for us that we should take for protectors others besides Thee: But Thou didst bestow, on them and their fathers, good things (in life), until they forgot the Message: for they were a people (worthless and) lost."

Surah 28 al-Qaṣaṣ (The Narrative)

وَٱبْتَغِ  فِيمَآ  ءَاتَىٰكَ  ٱللَّـهُ  ٱلدَّارَ  ٱلْأَخِرَةَ  وَلَا  تَنسَ  نَصِيبَكَ  مِنَ  ٱلدُّنْيَا  وَأَحْسِن  كَمَآ  أَحْسَنَ  ٱللَّـهُ  إِلَيْكَ  وَلَا  تَبْغِ  ٱلْفَسَادَ  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  إِنَّ  ٱللَّـهَ  لَا  يُحِبُّ  ٱلْمُفْسِدِينَ wa‑ibtaghi fīmā atāka allāhu l‑dāra l‑akhirata wa‑lā tansā naṣībaka mina l‑dunyā wa‑aḥsin ka‑mā aḥsana allāhu ilayka wa‑lā tabghi l‑fasāda l‑arḍi inna allāha yuḥibbu l‑mufsidīna
"But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief."

Surah 32 al-Sajdah (The Adoration)

فَذُوقُوا۟  بِمَا  نَسِيتُمْ  لِقَآءَ  يَوْمِكُمْ  هَٰذَآ  إِنَّا  نَسِينَٰكُمْ  وَذُوقُوا۟  عَذَابَ  ٱلْخُلْدِ  بِمَا  كُنتُمْ  تَعْمَلُونَ fa‑dhūqū bi‑mā nasītum liqāʾa yawmikum hādhā innā nasīnākum wa‑dhūqū ʿadhāba l‑khuldi bi‑mā kuntum taʿmalūna
"Taste ye then - for ye forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours, and We too will forget you - taste ye the Penalty of Eternity for your (evil) deeds!"

Surah 36 Yā Sin (Ya Sin)

وَضَرَبَ  لَنَا  مَثَلًا  وَنَسِىَ  خَلْقَهُۥ  قَالَ  مَن  يُحْىِ  ٱلْعِظَٰمَ  وَهِىَ  رَمِيمٌ wa‑ḍaraba la‑nā mathalan wa‑nasiya khalqahu qalā man yuḥyi l‑ʿiẓāma wahiya ramīmun
And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?"

Surah 38 Ṣād (Sad)

يَٰدَاوُۥدُ  إِنَّا  جَعَلْنَٰكَ  خَلِيفَةً  فِى  ٱلْأَرْضِ  فَٱحْكُم  بَيْنَ  ٱلنَّاسِ  بِٱلْحَقِّ  وَلَا  تَتَّبِعِ  ٱلْهَوَىٰ  فَيُضِلَّكَ  عَن  سَبِيلِ  ٱللَّـهِ  إِنَّ  ٱلَّذِينَ  يَضِلُّونَ  عَن  سَبِيلِ  ٱللَّـهِ  لَهُمْ  عَذَابٌ  شَدِيدٌۢ  بِمَا  نَسُوا۟  يَوْمَ  ٱلْحِسَابِ yā‑dāwudu innā jaʿalnāka khalīfatan l‑arḍi fa‑iḥkum bayna l‑nāsi bil‑ḥaqqi wa‑lā tattabiʿi al‑hawa fayuḍillaka ʿan sabīli allāhi inna lladhīna yaḍillūna ʿan sabīli allāhi lahum ʿadhābun shadīdun bi‑mā nasū yawma l‑ḥisābi
O David! We did indeed make thee a vicegerent on earth: so judge thou between men in truth (and justice): Nor follow thou the lusts (of thy heart), for they will mislead thee from the Path of Allah: for those who wander astray from the Path of Allah, is a Penalty Grievous, for that they forget the Day of Account.

Surah 39 al-Zumar (The Companies)

وَإِذَا  مَسَّ  ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ  ضُرٌّ  دَعَا  رَبَّهُۥ  مُنِيبًا  إِلَيْهِ  ثُمَّ  إِذَا  خَوَّلَهُۥ  نِعْمَةً  مِّنْهُ  نَسِىَ  مَا  كَانَ  يَدْعُوٓا۟  إِلَيْهِ  مِن  قَبْلُ  وَجَعَلَ  لِلَّـهِ  أَندَادًا  لِّيُضِلَّ  عَن  سَبِيلِهِۦ  قُلْ  تَمَتَّعْ  بِكُفْرِكَ  قَلِيلًا  إِنَّكَ  مِنْ  أَصْحَٰبِ  ٱلنَّارِ wa‑idhā massa l‑insāna ḍurrun daʿā rabbahu munīban ilayhi thumma idhā khawwalahu niʿmatan minhu nasiya kāna yadʿū ilayhi min qablu wa‑jaʿala lillāhi andādan li‑yuḍilla ʿan sabīlihi qul tamattaʿ bi‑kufrika qalīlan innaka min aṣḥābi l‑nāri
When some trouble toucheth man, he crieth unto his Lord, turning to Him in repentance: but when He bestoweth a favour upon him as from Himself, (man) doth forget what he cried and prayed for before, and he doth set up rivals unto Allah, thus misleading others from Allah's Path. Say, "Enjoy thy blasphemy for a little while: verily thou art (one) of the Companions of the Fire!"

Surah 45 al-Jāthiyah (The Kneeling)

وَقِيلَ  ٱلْيَوْمَ  نَنسَىٰكُمْ  كَمَا  نَسِيتُمْ  لِقَآءَ  يَوْمِكُمْ  هَٰذَا  وَمَأْوَىٰكُمُ  ٱلنَّارُ  وَمَا  لَكُم  مِّن  نَّٰصِرِينَ wa‑qīla l‑yawma nansākum ka‑mā nasītum liqāʾa yawmikum hādhā wa‑maʾwākumu l‑nāru wa‑mā la‑kum min nāṣirīna
It will also be said: "This Day We will forget you as ye forgot the meeting of this Day of yours! and your abode is the Fire, and no helpers have ye!

Surah 58 al-Mujādilah (She Who Pleaded)

يَوْمَ  يَبْعَثُهُمُ  ٱللَّـهُ  جَمِيعًا  فَيُنَبِّئُهُم  بِمَا  عَمِلُوٓا۟  أَحْصَىٰهُ  ٱللَّـهُ  وَنَسُوهُ  وَٱللَّـهُ  عَلَىٰ  كُلِّ  شَىْءٍ  شَهِيدٌ yawma yabʿathuhumu allāhu jamīʿan fa‑yunabbiuhum bi‑mā ʿamilū aḥṣahu allāhu wanasūhu wallāhu ʿalā kulli shayʾin shahīdun
On the Day that Allah will raise them all up (again) and show them the Truth (and meaning) of their conduct. Allah has reckoned its (value), though they may have forgotten it, for Allah is Witness to all things.

Surah 59 al-Ḥashr (The Exile)

وَلَا  تَكُونُوا۟  كَٱلَّذِينَ  نَسُوا۟  ٱللَّـهَ  فَأَنسَىٰهُمْ  أَنفُسَهُمْ  أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ  هُمُ  ٱلْفَٰسِقُونَ wa‑lā takūnū kalladhīna nasū allāha faansahum anfusahum ulāʾika humu l‑fāsiqūna
And be ye not like those who forgot Allah; and He made them forget their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors!

Surah 87 al-Aʿlā (The Most High)

سَنُقْرِئُكَ  فَلَا  تَنسَىٰٓ sa‑nuqriʾuka fa‑lā tansā
By degrees shall We teach thee to declare (the Message), so thou shalt not forget,