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Surah 3 Āl-ʿImrān (The Family of Imran)
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إِذْ  قَالَ  ٱللَّـهُ  يَٰعِيسَىٰٓ  إِنِّى  مُتَوَفِّيكَ  وَرَافِعُكَ  إِلَىَّ  وَمُطَهِّرُكَ  مِنَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوا۟  وَجَاعِلُ  ٱلَّذِينَ  ٱتَّبَعُوكَ  فَوْقَ  ٱلَّذِينَ  كَفَرُوٓا۟  إِلَىٰ  يَوْمِ  ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ  ثُمَّ  إِلَىَّ  مَرْجِعُكُمْ  فَأَحْكُمُ  بَيْنَكُمْ  فِيمَا  كُنتُمْ  فِيهِ  تَخْتَلِفُونَ idh qalā allāhu yā‑ʿīsā innī mutawaffīka wa‑rāfiʿuka ilayya wa‑muṭahhiruka mina lladhīna kafarū wa‑jāʿilu lladhīna ttabaʿūka fawqa lladhīna kafarū ilā yawmi l‑qiyāmati thumma ilayya marjiʿukum fa‑aḥkumu baynakum fī‑mā kuntum fīhi takhtalifūna
Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.

Surah 6 al-Anʿām (The Cattle)

وَتِلْكَ  حُجَّتُنَآ  ءَاتَيْنَٰهَآ  إِبْرَٰهِيمَ  عَلَىٰ  قَوْمِهِۦ  نَرْفَعُ  دَرَجَٰتٍ  مَّن  نَّشَآءُ  إِنَّ  رَبَّكَ  حَكِيمٌ  عَلِيمٌ wa‑tilka ḥujjatunā ātaynāhā ibrāhīma ʿalā qawmihi narfaʿu darajātin man nashāʾu inna rabbaka ḥakīmun ʿalīmun
That was the reasoning about Us, which We gave to Abraham (to use) against his people: We raise whom We will, degree after degree: for thy Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge.

Surah 12 Yūsuf (Joseph)

فَبَدَأَ  بِأَوْعِيَتِهِمْ  قَبْلَ  وِعَآءِ  أَخِيهِ  ثُمَّ  ٱسْتَخْرَجَهَا  مِن  وِعَآءِ  أَخِيهِ  كَذَٰلِكَ  كِدْنَا  لِيُوسُفَ  مَا  كَانَ  لِيَأْخُذَ  أَخَاهُ  فِى  دِينِ  ٱلْمَلِكِ  إِلَّآ  أَن  يَشَآءَ  ٱللَّـهُ  نَرْفَعُ  دَرَجَٰتٍ  مَّن  نَّشَآءُ  وَفَوْقَ  كُلِّ  ذِى  عِلْمٍ  عَلِيمٌ fa‑badaʾa bi‑awʿiyatihim qabla wiʿāʾi akhīhi thumma istakhrajahā min wiʿāʾi akhīhi ka‑dhālika kidnā li‑yūsufa kāna līakhudha akhāhu dīni l‑maliki illā an yashāʾa allāhu narfaʿu darajātin man nashāʾu wa‑fawqa kulli dhī ʿilmin ʿalīmun
So he began (the search) with their baggage, before (he came to) the baggage of his brother: at length he brought it out of his brother's baggage. Thus did We plan for Joseph. He could not take his brother by the law of the king except that Allah willed it (so). We raise to degrees (of wisdom) whom We please: but over all endued with knowledge is one, the All-Knowing.

Surah 49 al-Ḥujurāt (The Chambers)

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا  ٱلَّذِينَ  ءَامَنُوا۟  لَا  تَرْفَعُوٓا۟  أَصْوَٰتَكُمْ  فَوْقَ  صَوْتِ  ٱلنَّبِىِّ  وَلَا  تَجْهَرُوا۟  لَهُۥ  بِٱلْقَوْلِ  كَجَهْرِ  بَعْضِكُمْ  لِبَعْضٍ  أَن  تَحْبَطَ  أَعْمَٰلُكُمْ  وَأَنتُمْ  لَا  تَشْعُرُونَ yā‑ayyuhā lladhīna āmanū tarfaʿū aṣwātakum fawqa ṣawti l‑nabiyyi wa‑lā tajharū lahu bil‑qawli kajahri baʿḍikum li‑baʿḍin an taḥbaṭa aʿmālukum wa‑antum tashʿurūna
O ye who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk, as ye may speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become vain and ye perceive not.

Surah 58 al-Mujādilah (She Who Pleaded)

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا  ٱلَّذِينَ  ءَامَنُوٓا۟  إِذَا  قِيلَ  لَكُمْ  تَفَسَّحُوا۟  فِى  ٱلْمَجَٰلِسِ  فَٱفْسَحُوا۟  يَفْسَحِ  ٱللَّـهُ  لَكُمْ  وَإِذَا  قِيلَ  ٱنشُزُوا۟  فَٱنشُزُوا۟  يَرْفَعِ  ٱللَّـهُ  ٱلَّذِينَ  ءَامَنُوا۟  مِنكُمْ  وَٱلَّذِينَ  أُوتُوا۟  ٱلْعِلْمَ  دَرَجَٰتٍ  وَٱللَّـهُ  بِمَا  تَعْمَلُونَ  خَبِيرٌ yā‑ayyuhā lladhīna āmanū idhā qīla la‑kum tafassaḥū l‑majālisi fafsaḥū yafsaḥi allāhu la‑kum wa‑idhā qīla anshuzū fanshuzū yarfaʿi allāhu lladhīna āmanū minkum wa‑lladhīna ūtū l‑ʿilma darajātin wallāhu bi‑mā taʿmalūna khabīrun
O ye who believe! When ye are told to make room in the assemblies, (spread out and) make room: (ample) room will Allah provide for you. And when ye are told to rise up, rise up Allah will rise up, to (suitable) ranks (and degrees), those of you who believe and who have been granted (mystic) Knowledge. And Allah is well-acquainted with all ye do.